Where is Murtha?

Interesting. In 1969, my Little League Coach and Cub Scout Den Mother's husband was an F-102 pilot in the USAF flying out of NAS Key West, as was his next door neighbor.

I know that for a fact because I was an airplane nut at the time, and our Cub Scout Den got to go out to NAS Key West and crawl all over the Capt's F-102 and sit in the cockpit.
maybe my geography's skewed...but last I knew, Key West was not in the pacific! ;)
So much for the F102 and Texas ANG serving in the VN war....

The point is...are you getting a grasp on the difference between a DRAFT DODGER and a National Guard Fighter Pilot ????:rofl:
So much for the F102 and Texas ANG serving in the VN war....

The point is...are you getting a grasp on the difference between a DRAFT DODGER and a National Guard Fighter Pilot ????:rofl:

so much for the F102 being out of the pacific theater before Bush ever got into the cockpit.

who is the draft dodger you are talking about?
maineman, please, "young" Lt. Kerry "marginalized" himself.

Be fair, and review, WITHOUT, party affiliation, what Lt. Kerry did on his return to the United States. Then, while reviewing, note HOW HE DID IT. To many, myself included, he did a disservice to BOTH himself, and his country.

If YOU don't feel that way, then so be it, but THAT, my good man is where the "difference" lies between the way the left see's his actions, and the way the vast majority of those who served during those terrible times view his actions, myself included.

I would hate to think that a Naval Captain would condone such action by a service man during a time of war.:eusa_hand:

I am not maligning his service. I am calling it what it really was.

I have several high school acquaintances who got drafted for Vietnam. I have a handful of them that did not come back. I have several other friends from that era who were LUCKY enough to get into the Illinois National Guard. They - and nearly every other member of the Illinois national guard in the late 1960's knew that, by being in the guard, their chances of going to Vietnam were significantly reduced and that was one of the prime motivations for getting into the organization: they were interested in self preservation. They didn't want to die in the jungle half way around the world before they ever had a chance to get married and have children and a life. I am sure that is why most Guard members nation wide were in the guard in the late 60's. That was reality. Now if you want to try and get on some high horse and claim that all those national guardsmen joined because they really couldn't wait to get to vietnam, go for it.

I must admit, that I am not sure I know what years you served in the marine corps or whether you were in Nam. As I said, I was never in country and I am quite glad that I avoided it. I do have many classmates and acquaintances who were in country and several of them - mostly army and marine officers I served with in the UN - that had done multiple tours in Vietnam. I have kept in touch with many of them over the years... one in particular- a green beret - that had done three full tours. The stories he told me about what went on are quite similar to those related to the congressional committee by young Lt Kerry. I think you do him and most vietnam vets a disservice when you judge him so harshly for what he saw and allowed... and yet you completely ignore and marginalize the heroism he showed on several occasions.... and you marginalize that heroism, it would seem, simply because he was a democrat?

Had President Bush attempted to run on his militar service, I could see putting it under the microscope. He did not. He never mentioned it that I ever saw.

Kerry, on the other hand, attempted to use his military service as a qualifier to hold the office of President. His service WAS put under the microscope and rightly so.

In no way do I do Kerry a disservice, considering the circumstances. He chose to use the Vietnam War and his service in it as a starting point to get his political career off the ground. As I pointed out, there are OBVIOUS discrepancies in his stories.

My judgement of Kerry has absolutely nothing to do with his political affiliations. I judge him solely on his performance as a Naval officer, and a member of the US armed forces.

The overall problem y'all have had since 2000 is you have no candidates, just as you have none now. Gore and Kerry stunk, just as Hillary and Obama stink. I'd vote for EITHER Bush or Bill Clinton to hold office a 3rd time before I would vote for ANY of the four.

But y'all are going to run down come elction day and vote for the "D", and I don't care if Darth Vader in on the ticket, you'll punch HIS name. Kind of sad, really.
Had President Bush attempted to run on his militar service, I could see putting it under the microscope. He did not. He never mentioned it that I ever saw.

Kerry, on the other hand, attempted to use his military service as a qualifier to hold the office of President. His service WAS put under the microscope and rightly so.

In no way do I do Kerry a disservice, considering the circumstances. He chose to use the Vietnam War and his service in it as a starting point to get his political career off the ground. As I pointed out, there are OBVIOUS discrepancies in his stories.

My judgement of Kerry has absolutely nothing to do with his political affiliations. I judge him solely on his performance as a Naval officer, and a member of the US armed forces.

The overall problem y'all have had since 2000 is you have no candidates, just as you have none now. Gore and Kerry stunk, just as Hillary and Obama stink. I'd vote for EITHER Bush or Bill Clinton to hold office a 3rd time before I would vote for ANY of the four.

But y'all are going to run down come elction day and vote for the "D", and I don't care if Darth Vader in on the ticket, you'll punch HIS name. Kind of sad, really.

Upon further review, ITS TOTALLY FUCKING TRUE.

Great post Gunny.............

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