Where Is God?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Does God just not pick sides? He expects us to pick the right side or there really isn't a right side?

Consider the three western "main" religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. I realize there are lots of other religion some even bigger then these three but these most logically are the better known. Are these three religions compatible in their view of God? Certainly by a review of their religious practices one would have to assume NOT. So where is God to help us sort it out? If you were born in a Muslim house I am pretty sure you would turn out Muslim and the same holds for the other religions.

So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

So I am thinking we are pretty much on our own. Believe as you wish and pray as hard as you can to achieve inner peace. Do no harm. Love you neighbor, it all makes sense. Perhaps that even makes sense of why our brains are so big, they need to store all the info required for judgment day, if there is such a day to come. But for now, can't we all just get along?
Does God just not pick sides? He expects us to pick the right side or there really isn't a right side?

Consider the three western "main" religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. I realize there are lots of other religion some even bigger then these three but these most logically are the better known. Are these three religions compatible in their view of God? Certainly by a review of their religious practices one would have to assume NOT. So where is God to help us sort it out? If you were born in a Muslim house I am pretty sure you would turn out Muslim and the same holds for the other religions.

So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

So I am thinking we are pretty much on our own. Believe as you wish and pray as hard as you can to achieve inner peace. Do no harm. Love you neighbor, it all makes sense. Perhaps that even makes sense of why our brains are so big, they need to store all the info required for judgment day, if there is such a day to come. But for now, can't we all just get along?

In terms of numbers, there's no religion bigger than Christianity and Islam. By that metric, Judaism is little more thana cult with just 14 million compared with over 2 billion Christians, and about 1.5 billion Muslims. Hinduism has think 600 million or so.

Don't watch Ancient Aliens, will devastate your brain more than sniffing glue.
So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

They are also known as this:

Watcher angel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And their offspring as this:

Nephilim - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

They are also known as this:

Watcher angel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And their offspring as this:

Nephilim - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where are they now?
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Does God just not pick sides? He expects us to pick the right side or there really isn't a right side?

Consider the three western "main" religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. I realize there are lots of other religion some even bigger then these three but these most logically are the better known. Are these three religions compatible in their view of God? Certainly by a review of their religious practices one would have to assume NOT. So where is God to help us sort it out? If you were born in a Muslim house I am pretty sure you would turn out Muslim and the same holds for the other religions.

So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

So I am thinking we are pretty much on our own. Believe as you wish and pray as hard as you can to achieve inner peace. Do no harm. Love you neighbor, it all makes sense. Perhaps that even makes sense of why our brains are so big, they need to store all the info required for judgment day, if there is such a day to come. But for now, can't we all just get along?

In terms of numbers, there's no religion bigger than Christianity and Islam. By that metric, Judaism is little more thana cult with just 14 million compared with over 2 billion Christians, and about 1.5 billion Muslims. Hinduism has think 600 million or so.

Don't watch Ancient Aliens, will devastate your brain more than sniffing glue.

Speaking from experience???? :D :D

The actual size of the various religious denominations was not the point but thanks for the info.
So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

They are also known as this:

Watcher angel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And their offspring as this:

Nephilim - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Shart, I'd thank you twice if I could. Good answer.

To answer your question Freewill, when there were only 8 people on this earth whose DNA had not been corrupted by the demons responsible for nephilim, God kept those 8 safe and purged the earth of the nasty hybrids. Demons are spirit, so they didn't die, they just walked right out of the dead mutants.
And then came back to do it again:

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward.”

God chained the ones responsible, and they are in chains to this day:

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;…......., then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment...
Where are they now?


Angels, demons, devils, serpents, prophets, beasts of the field, saints, donkeys, wolves, vultures, dogs, sheep, goats, cattle, vermin, swine, nephillim, watchers, sons of God, children of the devil, oxen, lions, eagles, bottom feeders, scorpions, maggots, and every creepy thing described in scripture is a metaphor for a type of human being that reflects their defining attributes and their place according to the heights and depths of human potential..

try to see this first before you try to see God.
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Hob, honey, you're a metaphor for Planters Peanuts. :)

Yeah, I've heard something like that before. Mostly from people who worship and eat a matzogod one day and then crap it down the toilet the next, seeking spiritual life from something made by human hands that can neither see, hear, walk, or talk and has no life.,

Poor sods don't even realize that they are penned in like sheep by satan on their way to the slaughterhouse, waiting to be devoured by demons and devils and goblins and ghouls, their flesh ripped off and their bones picked clean by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird...
Hob, honey, you're a metaphor for Planters Peanuts. :)

Yeah, I've heard something like that before. Mostly from people who worship and eat a matzogod one day and then crap it down the toilet the next.

Poor sods don't even realized they are penned in like sheep by satan on their way to the slaughterhouse, waiting to be devoured by demons and devils and goblins and ghouls, their flesh ripped off and their bones picked clean by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird...

... while shouting "Ozzy!!!", typically. :badgrin:
So I am thinking that the show Ancient Aliens may have it completely correct. Think about it, the aliens came from somewhere, not sure where, Started the human race, after some experimentation, and factored in on early civilization, then left for some reason promising to return some day. It fits with all three of the major religions. Apparently there would be hybrids at first that processed knowledge of the aliens thus it makes sense of the god worship of certain people and their decedents.

The Aliens, God or god, left us with the natural law written into our very DNA.

They are also known as this:

Watcher angel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And their offspring as this:

Nephilim - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Shart, I'd thank you twice if I could. Good answer.

To answer your question Freewill, when there were only 8 people on this earth whose DNA had not been corrupted by the demons responsible for nephilim, God kept those 8 safe and purged the earth of the nasty hybrids. Demons are spirit, so they didn't die, they just walked right out of the dead mutants.
And then came back to do it again:

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward.”

God chained the ones responsible, and they are in chains to this day:

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;…......., then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment...

So what you are saying is that God played little part in creation? Or that God allowed his creation to be "polluted" by demons?

OR could it be that God created a hybrid man and when it was seen that this hybrid wasn't the creation God wanted he purified the world and started over with 8 souls who were genetically superior. Or as I think you are saying, God created Adam and Eve with freewill and they used this free will poorly. In other words God played no role except for the purification.

So which is it from an omnipotent all powerful God? Did God create the sinless perfect man in Adam and Eve only to have them be corrupted and their offspring after them? Was the Tree of knowledge of good and evil a test? Why would God create Eden with such a test within? Why not just place a circle of fire around the tree? Was this the ultimate in genetic testing? And if it were what was gained by throwing out His two creations and letting them spawn more genetically inferior beings? Reproduce to the point that almost immediately the whole of man is wiped out except for the 8.

So now again I ask, where is God? Certainly it does not take a lot to see the great evil in the world. Is God just looking on letting us figure out things for ourselves meanwhile waiting to see how big of mess we make of things so He can once again purify the Earth? Is that the purification that will come on judgment day?

And How come God makes it hard for most people to believe? He appeared to Moses and had to actually persuade Moses to follow HIm and do his bidding. How easy would it be to believe when you see a talking burning bush?
And How come God makes it hard for most people to believe? He appeared to Moses and had to actually persuade Moses to follow HIm and do his bidding. How easy would it be to believe when you see a talking burning bush?

Not so easy if no one else saw the burning bush or heard the voice of God. Most people would question their sanity for a very long time, well, at least for 40 days and 40 nights.
And How come God makes it hard for most people to believe? He appeared to Moses and had to actually persuade Moses to follow HIm and do his bidding. How easy would it be to believe when you see a talking burning bush?

Not so easy if no one else saw the burning bush or heard the voice of God. Most people would question their sanity for a very long time, well, at least for 40 days and 40 nights.

But God did reveal Himself to the people in many different ways. First of all there were the plagues. Then we have the parting of the sea. Then the Moses delivering the 10 commandments. Then the manta from heaven itself. Then the Ark of the Covenant. Delivery to the promised land. There were all sorts of miracles, what happened? God revealed Himself in so many different ways a person would be a fool to not believe.
And How come God makes it hard for most people to believe? He appeared to Moses and had to actually persuade Moses to follow HIm and do his bidding. How easy would it be to believe when you see a talking burning bush?

Not so easy if no one else saw the burning bush or heard the voice of God. Most people would question their sanity for a very long time, well, at least for 40 days and 40 nights.

But God did reveal Himself to the people in many different ways. First of all there were the plagues. Then we have the parting of the sea. Then the Moses delivering the 10 commandments. Then the manta from heaven itself. Then the Ark of the Covenant. Delivery to the promised land. There were all sorts of miracles, what happened? God revealed Himself in so many different ways a person would be a fool to not believe.

Manna from heaven, the food of angels, is a figurative expression meaning words, teaching, from God.

Think of the stories of Jesus where Lazarus was raised from the dead and came out of the tomb in broad daylight and in full view of everyone there yet many if not most people there did not believe in Jesus.

How could that be unless, like the expression manna from heaven, being raised from the dead is a figurative expression that has literally nothing whatever to do with a corpse coming back to life and coming out of a tomb because Jesus told him to.

Knowing that Jesus compared the pharisees and their beliefs and practices to whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves is it really that hard to make a connection and understand what rising from the dead is really all about?

That would explain why many eye witnesses failed to believe.

all the pieces fit perfectly.
Freewill I would never have expected this type of thread from you. This will change much of how I interpret your posts from now on.

In my opinion whether or not God exists in any form is irrelevant to our lives. He had nothing to do with curing grandma's cancer and he didn't help Ray Lewis win a super bowl.

I have a lot of doubt when it comes to faith... but I believe that Jesus was a real person and what he preached and its effect on history is a beautiful gift to have left us. I was raised a Catholic and haven't been to church in years but I keep a bible and try my best to abide by it. And I still have my cross given to me at birth hung up on my wall.

Is there anything waiting for us in the afterlife? I have no idea. But if you do your best to be a good person and do right by the world then I have to think that's worth something.
Freewill I would never have expected this type of thread from you. This will change much of how I interpret your posts from now on.

In my opinion whether or not God exists in any form is irrelevant to our lives. He had nothing to do with curing grandma's cancer and he didn't help Ray Lewis win a super bowl.

I have a lot of doubt when it comes to faith... but I believe that Jesus was a real person and what he preached and its effect on history is a beautiful gift to have left us. I was raised a Catholic and haven't been to church in years but I keep a bible and try my best to abide by it. And I still have my cross given to me at birth hung up on my wall.

Is there anything waiting for us in the afterlife? I have no idea. But if you do your best to be a good person and do right by the world then I have to think that's worth something.
Jesus was a rod stroker who liked to wear a dress and hang around with guys. And his father kicked adam and eve out of eden for having hetero sex.
Ancient Aliens program is totally right. We were a bunch of simians until the aliens came along and made us intelligent.
Ancient Aliens is a fascinating show.

Why do so many people condemn the idea that God is an "extraterrestrial"? If you believe that God created the Earth, than that means God and the "Angels" came from someplace else in the universe/ multiverse...

Therefore making them extraterrestrials that have existed since ancient times... aka "Ancient Aliens"
Assuming God exists or existed, He/She/It had nothing to do with modern day humankind OR modern day "extra terrestrials" OTHER THAN that the building blocks of physical matter were born when pure infinite spirit transformed and condensed into the physical state.

The most basic and plentiful elements such as hydrogen, helium, and oxygen are the result of this "condensation".

What brought us to our present day is... physics and chemistry.Elemental Interaction and evolution over time.

This question of "Where is God" is trite and boorish.

We struggle enough with identity and place TODAY (which struggle is destroying us from within), that we should not trouble ourselves with such questions as "Where is God".

I think I can tell you where "God" is NOT...

He/She/It sure as hell ain't on THIS planet.

Liberals, extremists, and atheists have seen fit to remove any notion of a modern-day humanistic connection with our true origin... due process.

The due process of physics and chemistry.
Assuming God exists or existed, He/She/It had nothing to do with modern day humankind OR modern day "extra terrestrials" OTHER THAN that the building blocks of physical matter were born when pure infinite spirit transformed and condensed into the physical state.

The most basic and plentiful elements such as hydrogen, helium, and oxygen are the result of this "condensation".

What brought us to our present day is... physics and chemistry.Elemental Interaction and evolution over time.

This question of "Where is God" is trite and boorish.

We struggle enough with identity and place TODAY (which struggle is destroying us from within), that we should not trouble ourselves with such questions as "Where is God".

I think I can tell you where "God" is NOT...

He/She/It sure as hell ain't on THIS planet.

Liberals, extremists, and atheists have seen fit to remove any notion of a modern-day humanistic connection with our true origin... due process.

The due process of physics and chemistry.

So although religion has from the beginning been the cement that holds together civilization you think we should just ignore religion and aspects of religion? Yes in the beginning there was a event and with all events there is a cause and that cause was???? And if that cause was God then God precedes what we would call time. Thus time and God has no relation. thus it is perfectly honest and upfront to ask, "Where is God." I realize that it is a bit simplistic as if I were asking for the actual location of God. But what I was asking is where is the God that clearly interacted with the universe and man? Is He now standing back and seeing what happens? Since "dying" doesn't seem probable then God IS and the question now is WHAT or where is He now that it seems we are destroying ourselves as we draw further away from HIM.
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