Where does the tea party come from? Activist Republicans, study shows.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think
Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.”
Article dismissed as leftist agenda-driven horseshit.
Glad to see people are starting to sus this information out in a provable way.

They are nothing but the same far right wing base of the republican party and always have been.
Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.”
Article dismissed as leftist agenda-driven horseshit.

That's right, thaaaaat's right. Easy does it, no thought necessary. Your ideology will be your guide and comfort.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

well it is one opinion constantly rehashed and repackaged to give it credibility. In the end it remains the far left opinion. Just like SS is safe.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Marc, do you really believe this??

Here's my take on the TEA Party.............some of these folks have been around a long time, they saw the writing on the wall long ago. The government has been spending out of control for many years. When every person that applied for a mortgage (black, white, yellow, brown, pink and purple) qualified, it was the beginning of the end.

I don't like debt at all, however as a reasonable person I realize it's sometimes necessary. Unfortunately most people don't realize what a $200-$300,000.00 mortgage will do their bottom line if someone loses their job.

Our government in DC today doesn't understand that concept either. The TEA Party is a group of people that is tired of the pork, special deals, the sweet congressional and government pay packages and the out of control spending.

What this report tells me is that some folks are beginning to take these people a little more seriously and they are getting scared......their free ride is being threatened and they don't like it. It only sends me the message that someone is ruffling the right feathers. :cool:
Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think
Yeah, real "big thinking" liberoidals at it again! :rolleyes:

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I am still waiting to see an Tea Party candidate on a ballot in my area. It seems to be repubs versus democrats like always. I think this proves they are just a wing of the republican party.
Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.”
Article dismissed as leftist agenda-driven horseshit.

That's right, thaaaaat's right. Easy does it, no thought necessary. Your ideology will be your guide and comfort.
...says the guy mindlessly parroting an article that reinforces his bigotry-driven stereotypes.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Political scientists David Campbell and Robert Putnam published an op-ed in The New York Times this week arguing that the common idea about where the Tea Party comes from and who they are is wrong.

an opionon piece is proof?

In my opinoin you are a left wing radical hack job.

All I need is one person to concur and it's an undeniable fact.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Marc, do you really believe this??

Here's my take on the TEA Party.............some of these folks have been around a long time, they saw the writing on the wall long ago. The government has been spending out of control for many years. When every person that applied for a mortgage (black, white, yellow, brown, pink and purple) qualified, it was the beginning of the end.

I don't like debt at all, however as a reasonable person I realize it's sometimes necessary. Unfortunately most people don't realize what a $200-$300,000.00 mortgage will do their bottom line if someone loses their job.

Our government in DC today doesn't understand that concept either. The TEA Party is a group of people that is tired of the pork, special deals, the sweet congressional and government pay packages and the out of control spending.

What this report tells me is that some folks are beginning to take these people a little more seriously and they are getting scared......their free ride is being threatened and they don't like it. It only sends me the message that someone is ruffling the right feathers. :cool:
Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about social issues at all?

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about social issues now?

Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars at all?

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars today?

Do you recognize and/or acknowledge any change in the TPers before Obama vs. after Obama?

Expound on all of the above if you will.

Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Political scientists David Campbell and Robert Putnam published an op-ed in The New York Times this week arguing that the common idea about where the Tea Party comes from and who they are is wrong.

an opionon piece is proof?

In my opinoin you are a left wing radical hack job.

All I need is one person to concur and it's an undeniable fact.
What part(s) of their argument do you have a problem with?

Which part(s) of their argument is unfactual?
Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.”

Was "Did you have a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barak Obama was President?" one of the questions on the survey or was this an assumption on the part of Campbell and Putnam? If it was not one of the questions, to what authority and reference do they make this make this claim?
This is nothing we didn't already know.

The Tea Party aren't political newbies, they are almost always white conservative males, mostly with moderate to good education, are cool to blacks and don't much care for minorities.

In a word. Republicans.
This is nothing we didn't already know.

The Tea Party aren't political newbies, they are almost always white conservative males, mostly with moderate to good education, are cool to blacks and don't much care for minorities.

In a word. Republicans.

Really does depend on your definition of the word 'know'.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Marc, do you really believe this??

Here's my take on the TEA Party.............some of these folks have been around a long time, they saw the writing on the wall long ago. The government has been spending out of control for many years. When every person that applied for a mortgage (black, white, yellow, brown, pink and purple) qualified, it was the beginning of the end.

I don't like debt at all, however as a reasonable person I realize it's sometimes necessary. Unfortunately most people don't realize what a $200-$300,000.00 mortgage will do their bottom line if someone loses their job.

Our government in DC today doesn't understand that concept either. The TEA Party is a group of people that is tired of the pork, special deals, the sweet congressional and government pay packages and the out of control spending.

What this report tells me is that some folks are beginning to take these people a little more seriously and they are getting scared......their free ride is being threatened and they don't like it. It only sends me the message that someone is ruffling the right feathers. :cool:
Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about social issues at all? Yes

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about social issues now? Yes

Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars at all? Yes

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars today?Yes

Do you recognize and/or acknowledge any change in the TPers before Obama vs. after Obama? Yes

Expound on all of the above if you will.


The Bail out and TARP program was a huge mistake, you cannot spend your way out of debt. These two things began the birth of the TEA Party. After several years of just complaining, with no one listening, they'd had enough...........they decided it was time to come together, there is strength in numbers. It's a movement, not a political party.

You're welcome.
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Marc, do you really believe this??

Here's my take on the TEA Party.............some of these folks have been around a long time, they saw the writing on the wall long ago. The government has been spending out of control for many years. When every person that applied for a mortgage (black, white, yellow, brown, pink and purple) qualified, it was the beginning of the end.

I don't like debt at all, however as a reasonable person I realize it's sometimes necessary. Unfortunately most people don't realize what a $200-$300,000.00 mortgage will do their bottom line if someone loses their job.

Our government in DC today doesn't understand that concept either. The TEA Party is a group of people that is tired of the pork, special deals, the sweet congressional and government pay packages and the out of control spending.

What this report tells me is that some folks are beginning to take these people a little more seriously and they are getting scared......their free ride is being threatened and they don't like it. It only sends me the message that someone is ruffling the right feathers. :cool:
So they will eschew earmarks :eusa_eh: :lol:
Anti-earmark Tea Party Caucus takes $1 billion in earmarks
Anti-earmark Tea Party Caucus takes $1 billion in earmarks | Exclusives - Yahoo! News

Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about social issues at all?

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about social issues now?

Were the pre-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars at all?

Are the post-Obama TPers concerned about the MASSIVE spending on the wars today?

Do you recognize and/or acknowledge any change in the TPers before Obama vs. after Obama?

Expound on all of the above if you will.

Why weren't they concerned when Dubya was throwing trillions down a rat hole AND people were dying? I already know the answer too. ;) :eusa_shhh:
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