where do you fit in?

Where do you fit in?

  • Make abortion illegal across the board no exceptions.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Keep abortion legal, but the public no longer pays for it.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Make abortion legal for adults only.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Make abortion legal and provide federal funds for it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Make abortion legal for adults and minors.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
I have a question this...

Are their two groups lumped into one in the "Pro-Life" camp. Are their those out there that are fine with abortion just as long as they don't have to pay for it. So now I wonder what the numbers actually are if you look at this all the way around. Where do you fit in the debate?
I have a question this...

Are their two groups lumped into one in the "Pro-Life" camp. Are their those out there that are fine with abortion just as long as they don't have to pay for it. So now I wonder what the numbers actually are if you look at this all the way around. Where do you fit in the debate?

No one's tax dollars should be used to pay for anyones abortion. Period
I have a question this...

Are their two groups lumped into one in the "Pro-Life" camp. Are their those out there that are fine with abortion just as long as they don't have to pay for it. So now I wonder what the numbers actually are if you look at this all the way around. Where do you fit in the debate?

No one's tax dollars should be used to pay for anyones abortion. Period

I agree with you, but I have to ask...Can they have all the abortions they want if they pay for them out of their own pocket?
I have a question this...

Are their two groups lumped into one in the "Pro-Life" camp. Are their those out there that are fine with abortion just as long as they don't have to pay for it. So now I wonder what the numbers actually are if you look at this all the way around. Where do you fit in the debate?

No one's tax dollars should be used to pay for anyones abortion. Period

I agree with you, but I have to ask...Can they have all the abortions they want if they pay for them out of their own pocket?

I'm pro-life with the exceptions to rape, incest or the life of the mother.

They can do whatever they wish. I'm not the one they'll have to answer to. And as I stated, I don't think tax payers should foot the bill regardless if they're pro-life or pro-abortion aka pro-choice.
Reelect Obama and he will sign the bill to bring back partial birth abortions which is partially birthing the infant and as soon as the neck is exposed they take a knife and slit the neck to sever the spinal chord. The better physicians will crush it's skull and suck it's brains out, then pull it out of the mother.

The problem is this is a bungling way to kill a child. One cough, one push, and that baby accidentally gets delivered before it dies. Luckily, the bill addresses that. Physicians are absolved from having to treat a live human infant in distress. They simply drop it in the trash can and when it finally dies, the abortion is a success.
The bill is an abortion on demand bill. If a child is being born and the head has the wrong hair color, you can request, no, demand that it be killed before the rest of it comes out.

We just had a Down's Syndrome child elected King of the Homecoming court. He was so happy.
We won't have to look at down syndrome kids much longer. They are being aborted at a rate of between 80/90%. I hope Hitler has room in his grave to stand up and cheer.

Can you imagine how loud we would scream if a vet started slitting the necks of our pets?
Actually, There are three positions concerning the abortion debate


2.Pro-Choicers(look at me creating words that don't exist!!:booze:)

3.The middle group that says, "Well, it depends....."
I didn't vote, because the choices aren't comprehensive enough. I despise abortion at a personal level. As a Christian, I can't wrap my head around a situation where I would be OK with my stepdaughter choosing an abortion. I would rather raise the child myself than to have her abort it.

HOWEVER.....My feelings on the matter means little in a free society. We have to remember that our beliefs may not be other people's....and like lonestar said....I'm not the one they have to answer to.

So with all that in mind, here's my position. Abortion within the first trimester should be legal. Second trimester abortions only in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother....why? Because rape and incest are traumatic events that can very well emotionally cripple a person..Third trimester? ONLY if the mother's life is in peril.

So, I guess that makes me pro-CHOICE on the legislative/legal side.

BTW.....I'm pretty sure that tax dollars aren't allowed to pay for abortions....Even the "vile" Planned Parenthood keeps meticulous records on this....Simply because the subject is so volatile.

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