Where did the mammoth US budget deficits come from?

Today, would Jefferson be a Republican or a Democrat?

Too stupid by 1000%. Jefferson was 100% opposed to big government and that was before the big 20th Century liberals: Hitler Stalin and Mao.

He knew in the 18th Century from looking at Europe Greece and Rome, but you still don't know it. You are perfect testimony to the pure ignorance of liberalism

"My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government."-Jefferson

Welcome to your first lesson in American History

Absolutely, Jefferson was against big governments, particulary if the governments were monarchies and ruled by Divine right. Did history bear out Jefferson's views, of course, but as history changed and as our government changed Jefferson's fears began to recede, and when Jefferson became the government even more of his fear left. If Jefferson were alive today not only would he be a Democrat but probably he would be to the left of the present party. Read on Jefferson, government was not the defining cause of Jefferson's liberalism, it was what the government did and not its size that was his main concern.
Absolutely, Jefferson was against big governments, particulary if the governments were monarchies and ruled by Divine right.

too stupid by 1000% as if Jefferson were not an expert about Greece Rome and the rest of world history! Jefferson would have been against Hitler Stalin and Mao too even though they were not monarchies, just huge centralized governments

Did history bear out Jefferson's views, of course, but as history changed and as our government changed Jefferson's fears began to recede,

too stupid by 1000% you said history bore out Jeffersons views but Jefferson opposed his own views??? How old are you?????

and when Jefferson became the government even more of his fear left.

too stupid by 1000%. he never changed from the day he founded the Republican Party in 1793. Here's a quote 10 years after he left office, dunderhead.

"If ever this vast country is brought under a single government, it will be one of the most extensive corruption, indifferent and incapable of a wholesome care over so wide a spread of surface." --Thomas Jefferson to William T. Barry, 1822. ME 15:389

If Jefferson were alive today not only would he be a Democrat but probably he would be to the left of the present party. Read on Jefferson, government was not the defining cause of Jefferson's liberalism, it was what the government did and not its size that was his main concern.

too stupid by 10,000%. Why don't you move to Cuba. Jefferson created America on the principle that big liberal government was naturally the enemy and the more it did or the more size it had the more corrupt it would be. ???If you have a shred evidence to the contrary I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs

64)I see,... and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal branch of our government is advancing towards the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolidation in itself of all powers, foreign and domestic; and that, too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limits to their power... It is but too evident that the three ruling branches of [the Federal government] are in combination to strip their colleagues, the State authorities, of the powers reserved by them, and to exercise themselves all functions foreign and domestic."
-- 65)Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 1825. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson
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From the link:

Yes, the big kahuna here is Mr. Bush’s 2001 reduction in income-tax rates, which alone accounts for about $1.2 trillion in revenue foregone over the decade.

Complete and utter bullshit. No one, I mean NO ONE can say with certainty what happens to tax revenues following a change in tax rates. If we had had higher tax rates (no Bush tax cuts), we might of realized higher revenues but on the other hand, higher rates may have stiffed investments, resulting in less revenue. Point is, no one knows for sure.

You can question the Laffer curve, but you cannot state with certainty the opposite is true. Neither can Peter Grier of the Christian Science Monitor.

He does get it right here:

The general problem is obvious: Uncle Sam has been spending more money than he takes in.

The solution is also obvious. Live within our means.


Most importantly, they came from liberals who killed all 30 Balanced Budget Amendments that Republicans have introduced since Jefferson's first.

Newt's passed the House and fell one vote short in the Senate

Thank goodness – a BBA is idiocy.

yes idiocy for sure. If we had a BBA our debt would be $0 instead of $16 trillion!!

See why we are 100% positive liberalism is the very definition of ignorance
Absolutely, Jefferson was against big governments, particulary if the governments were monarchies and ruled by Divine right.

too stupid by 1000% as if Jefferson were not an expert about Greece Rome and the rest of world history! Jefferson would have been against Hitler Stalin and Mao too even though they were not monarchies, just huge centralized governments

Did history bear out Jefferson's views, of course, but as history changed and as our government changed Jefferson's fears began to recede,

too stupid by 1000% you said history bore out Jeffersons views but Jefferson opposed his own views??? How old are you?????

and when Jefferson became the government even more of his fear left.

too stupid by 1000%. he never changed from the day he founded the Republican Party in 1793. Here's a quote 10 years after he left office, dunderhead.

"If ever this vast country is brought under a single government, it will be one of the most extensive corruption, indifferent and incapable of a wholesome care over so wide a spread of surface." --Thomas Jefferson to William T. Barry, 1822. ME 15:389

If Jefferson were alive today not only would he be a Democrat but probably he would be to the left of the present party. Read on Jefferson, government was not the defining cause of Jefferson's liberalism, it was what the government did and not its size that was his main concern.

too stupid by 10,000%. Why don't you move to Cuba. Jefferson created America on the principle that big liberal government was naturally the enemy and the more it did or the more size it had the more corrupt it would be. ???If you have a shred evidence to the contrary I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs

64)I see,... and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal branch of our government is advancing towards the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolidation in itself of all powers, foreign and domestic; and that, too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limits to their power... It is but too evident that the three ruling branches of [the Federal government] are in combination to strip their colleagues, the State authorities, of the powers reserved by them, and to exercise themselves all functions foreign and domestic."
-- 65)Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 1825. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson didn't create this government, he was in Paris. If he was afraid of big government why did he go into debt to buy Louisiana. Did he believe that doubling the size of the nation would make government smaller? Jefferson was for state government and state government's having powers as were most liberals of his time. It was the conservatives and the conservative court that took that power away from the states in Marbury.
Jefferson didn't create this government, he was in Paris.

too perfectly stupid by 1000%. Jefferson wrote the Declaration, mentored Madison, and defined the Constitution in the Second American Revolution of 1800!!

5)"The revolution of 1800... was as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form; not effected indeed by the sword, as that, but by the rational and peaceable instrument of reform, the suffrage of the people." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819. ME 15:212

Now you know how freedom got to be the traditonal American value and why the anti-freedom liberals spied for the USSR and recently elected a Communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders.

If he was afraid of big government why did he go into debt to buy Louisiana. Did he believe that doubling the size of the nation would make government smaller?

too stupid!!! he believed doubling the size of the nation would give its people space from government!!

Jefferson was for state government and state government's having powers as were most liberals of his time. It was the conservatives and the conservative court that took that power away from the states in Marbury.

too stupid by 100000% !! Marbury gave huge power to the Federal government and so, using todays definition, was a very very liberal thing.

The easiest things are so far over a liberal's IQ. How can our nation survive with liberals being this slow??
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Jefferson didn't create this government, he was in Paris.

too perfectly stupid by 1000%. Jefferson wrote the Declaration, mentored Madison, and defined the Constitution in the Second American Revolution of 1800!!

5)"The revolution of 1800... was as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form; not effected indeed by the sword, as that, but by the rational and peaceable instrument of reform, the suffrage of the people." --Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819. ME 15:212

Now you know how freedom got to be the traditonal American value and why the anti-freedom liberals spied for the USSR and recently elected a Communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders.

If he was afraid of big government why did he go into debt to buy Louisiana. Did he believe that doubling the size of the nation would make government smaller?

too stupid!!! he believed doubling the size of the nation would give its people space from government!!

Jefferson was for state government and state government's having powers as were most liberals of his time. It was the conservatives and the conservative court that took that power away from the states in Marbury.

too stupid by 100000% !! Marbury gave huge power to the Federal government and so, using todays definition, was a very very liberal thing.

The easiest things are so far over a liberal's IQ. How can our nation survive with liberals being this slow??

You are using today's means-to-an-end as a definition for an ideology. Ideologies don't work that way, liberalism is liberalism as it was in 1800 and is today. The means to achieve that liberalism does change, however, and you are using those changeable means at a particular in history as a definition. Not good scholarship, in fact, not even high school stuff.
Where did the massive deficit come from? It's not all that difficult to understand, but one has to understand the difference between debt, deficit, GDP, and availability of money.

Democrats and Republicans are both guilty of incredible amounts of spending. However, one only has to look at the history of deficits to see where the biggest surges in deficit over GDP occur. They always come during times of war.

When looking at deficit, it is important to look at the percentage of the deficit over GDP rather than the actual dollar number. That is the more appropriate perspective. A $1.5 trillion deficit simply would not have been possible in the 1940s because that kind of money didn't even exist. Yet, if you look at the record of budget deficits of the U.S., in percentage over GDP, since the founding, the four biggest deficit spikes, oddly enough, do not include the Great Depression, but the Civil War, WWI, WWII, and the last few years. This is a corollary that is just a little difficult to ignore.

Debt comes from spending, whether it's a lot or a little, and runaway domestic spending and the military make up the bulk of today's federal spending. Deficit comes from an inability of the GDP to keep up with the debt. The solution comes in the form of increasing the GDP (the stated focus of the GOP) and decreasing spending. We now live in a political climate where neither of our two morally bankrupt parties are willing to give up their power bases, and those power bases come in the form of spending. I want taxes cut too, but you can't cut taxes without also cutting spending. It's elementary logic, and neither party wants to budge on what money is spent on.


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When Obama took office I do not recall anyone worrying about deficits. I do not recall anyone downgrading American credit.
Since Obama has been in office we've seen both. Perhaps a cocksucker like you can appreciate that IT'S ThE SPENDING, moron.

What a fucking idiot you are. When Obama took office our economy was on the verge of a full depression collapse. Where were you right wing shit eaters when Bush turned the surplus into a deficit? Were you too fucking stupid to realize that those notes in the Social Security Trust were coming due?
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When Obama took office I do not recall anyone worrying about deficits. I do not recall anyone downgrading American credit.
Since Obama has been in office we've seen both. Perhaps a cocksucker like you can appreciate that IT'S ThE SPENDING, moron.

actually , where do you think the Tea Party sprang up from? They were livid over spending.
Where were you right wing shit eaters when Bush turned the surplus into a deficit?

oh good an aggressive and stupid liberal!!! Dick does not realize that Bush was not right wing or that the Democrats encouraged him to spend even more, not less than he did. Bush's biggest, and unfunded, program was the Prescription Drug Bill and guess what, liberals wanted him to spend even more on it.

FYI real right wingers are folks (opposed to big liberal government) like Jefferson, Tea Party, Libertarians, Newt, Reagan, Friedman, not Bush for heavens sake!!!

See why we are positive a liberal willl be slow??
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