Where Are The Jobs


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%
Over 113,000 pages of new regs have been passed this year alone.

New companies can no longer afford to start up b/c they can't understand all the regs and can't afford the team of lawyers that can.

therefore big biz has no new competition to lose employees too. And since they can only expect more regs, thus increasing the cost of doing biz, they must wait it out or risk loosing enough capital to compete.
Over 113,000 pages of new regs have been passed this year alone.

New companies can no longer afford to start up b/c they can't understand all the regs and can't afford the team of lawyers that can.

therefore big biz has no new competition to lose employees too. And since they can only expect more regs, thus increasing the cost of doing biz, they must wait it out or risk loosing enough capital to compete.

As someone who has first hand experience of this exact thing, I can say nothing but that this is the ABSOLUTE truth.
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Wait. Wasn't Obama promising us jobs obs jobs? Didnt he promise to roll out one program after another? Weren't we supposed to have Recovery Summer, like oh last year or something? Doesn't Obama still occupy the White House? Don't Dems still control the Senate?
Why did Obama kill a pipeline measure that would have provided millions of jobs? Why did he shut down Gulf oil production, costing thousands of jobs? Why does he press for more and more regulation and taxation in the face of 9% unemployment?
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Wait. Wasn't Obama promising us jobs obs jobs? Didnt he promise to roll out one program after another? Weren't we supposed to have Recovery Summer, like oh last year or something? Doesn't Obama still occupy the White House? Don't Dems still control the Senate?
Why did Obama kill a pipeline measure that would have provided millions of jobs? Why did he shut down Gulf oil production, costing thousands of jobs? Why does he press for more and more regulation and taxation in the face of 9% unemployment?

To get re-elected, of course

Who would you vote for>

a. The meanies that want to take away your money just before Christmas
b. The loving fathers that want to keep giving you money so you don't have to work

It's the perfect plan. It worked to enslave blacks and hispanics to them, so now they can go after the formally working middle class.:badgrin::eusa_clap::badgrin:
Lowering taxes in 2001 did create jobs. We had near full employment until 2006 when Democrats took office.

At this point, increasing taxes would burden the economy. refusing to raise taxes isnt going to create jobs, it's just going to prevent us from losing more jobs.

If you want to see job creation explode in record numbers you will recommend:

1) Cutting taxes further
2) Serious spending cuts, and
3) Eliminating regulation.

Do these three things, and you will see unprecedented economic growth. Unfortunately, the last President to actually accomplish this was Calvin Coolidge. Amost 90 years ago. Since he left office, startng with Hoover onward there has been nothing but big government politicians in control.
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Ask Obama. Apparently, he's the President.
Lowering taxes in 2001 did create jobs. We had near full employment until 2006 when Democrats took office.

At this point, increasing taxes would burden the economy. refusing to raise taxes isnt going to create jobs, it's just going to prevent us from losing more jobs.

If you want to see job creation explode in record numbers you will recommend:

1) Cutting taxes further
2) Serious spending cuts, and
3) Eliminating regulation.

Do these three things, and you will see unprecedented economic growth. Unfortunately, the last President to actually accomplish this was Calvin Coolidge. Amost 90 years ago. Since he left office, startng with Hoover onward there has been nothing but big government politicians in control.

Yeah like the fantasitic Reagan years. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt and funneled trillions of dollars of the borrowed money into the pockets of the wealthiest Americans through tax cuts.

The only thing wrong about the Democrats taking the congress is that it was too late.

In the 2006 elections 31 congressional seats changed to the Democrats and after 14 years of being the majority the Republicans became the minority party. The first thing the Democrats did was vote to increase the minimum wage which had stagnated. I wonder if it had anything to do with this

Notice that all wage groups except the top 21% lost ground:

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Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Ask your President where the jobs are.
He's due back from vacation soon.
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Ask your President where the jobs are.
He's due back from vacation soon.

Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Ask your President where the jobs are.
He's due back from vacation soon.

Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.

Did your IQ test return a negative result?
It's more than ironic that one of the very few sectors of our economy that's hiring is also targeted for as much as $90 billion in tax penalties. Oil and gas is booming, yet Obama's proposed budget aims to shut it down. Couple that with the EPA's efforts to halt hydraulic fracturing and you have an administration hell-bent on cooking one big golden egg-laying goose.
Ask your President where the jobs are.
He's due back from vacation soon.

Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.

Did your IQ test return a negative result?

Tested three times. In high school, in OCS in the army and once by mensa in Knoxville, TN. Average of the three scores.......129.

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Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.

Did your IQ test return a negative result?

Tested three times. In high school, in OCS in the army and once by mensa in Knoxville, TN. Average of the three scores.......129.


You'd think the Army would test one's IQ BEFORE they get to OCS.

Fucking liar.
Republican politicians continue to repeat ad nauseum that the reason they defend low tax rates for the wealthy is to sustain an environment which creates new jobs. Tax rates at this time are the lowest they've been in nearly 50 years. Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 9%

Ask your President where the jobs are.
He's due back from vacation soon.

Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.

Ask John Boehnor and Mitch McConnell why they had signed a pledge to demand cuts in spending after their party borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued across 232 years and funneled it to the rich in the form of tax cuts.

Did your IQ test return a negative result?

Tested three times. In high school, in OCS in the army and once by mensa in Knoxville, TN. Average of the three scores.......129.


Yeah, mkay.

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