Where are the jobs bills?


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Same with their constant declarations that they have a better alternative to ObamaCare. Paul Ryan told that whopper again last week. Still nothing.

They said they would do nothing except trash the US and they have kept their word.
Obviously you have missed multiple dem declarations we are saved......see look how unemployment is down.....why do you need a jobs bill
I suspect its been longer since Obama promised a jobs bill, an infrastructure bill, closing gitmo and a post-racial America. But who's counting?
lets see now. We have had SIX summer recovery's, just waiting for them announce for this summer . According to Obama our economy has been saved from the worst recession since the Great depression. he stole almost a TRILLON DOLLARS from us for all them SHOVEL ready jobs he told us. WHAT HAPPEND to them? Unemployment is almost 0%. isn't it?

so why are you who votes Democrats griping now about a jobs bill?

and look who the BS poster is from. THE dnc PAID protesters THE OWS. the occupiers of OUR PARKS who then TRASHED them AND YOU all got to pick up the bill for it

man oh man unbelievable how slimy and dirty Democrats are
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Crick, why are USA’s infrastructures lagging behind that of many other nations?

USA’s insufficiently maintained or updated infrastructures are of great and uncalculated economic, mortality and living standards cost to our nation.
A major contributor to the deterioration of our infrastructures is our legislators and government executives that fear appearing as socialists.

Respectfully, Supposn

Crick, why are USA’s infrastructures lagging behind that of many other nations?

USA’s insufficiently maintained or updated infrastructures are of great and uncalculated economic, mortality and living standards cost to our nation.
A major contributor to the deterioration of our infrastructures is our legislators and government executives that fear appearing as socialists.

Respectfully, Supposn

actually Republican inventors create jobs, not politicians shuffling papers in Washington.
USA’s insufficiently maintained or updated infrastructures are of great and uncalculated economic, mortality and living standards cost to our nation.

of course a stupid and typical liberal lie which explains why he forgot to present his best example for the whole world to see.
actually Republican inventors create jobs, not politicians shuffling papers in Washington. ...
of course a stupid and typical liberal lie which explains why he forgot to present his best example for the whole world to see.

Edward Baiamonte, I continue not doubting your intelligence and believing that you are not ignorant.
I do not attribute your pretense of ignorance to your political beliefs. Your post’s deliberately disingenuous.

Almost every, (if not all) states within the USA have numerous examples of bridges, tunnels, water and sewer lines requiring extreme costly repairs entirely due to our failure to spend the comparatively much lesser maintenance costs.

You are aware of this and there’s no point to my citing example of train wrecks, fires, explosions, floods that are primarily due to our failure to properly maintain and update our infrastructure.

I doubt that you truly believe that only the inventions of Republicans create jobs.

Respectfully, Supposn
Almost every, (if not all) states within the USA have numerous examples of bridges, tunnels, water and sewer lines requiring extreme costly repairs entirely due to our failure to spend the comparatively much lesser maintenance costs.

100% stupid of course!!! if they required it and didn't receive it they would fail. You are more likely to get hit by lightning than harmed in a bridge collapse.

Liberals love infrastructure repairs only because they are far too stupid to know they create fewer jobs, not more jobs.
To pass a jobs bill now would be to give O'Bumbles something to claim. Best let him stew in his own juices. Like a missionary simmering in a big old black African village's communal pot!
There is no such thing as a legitimate "jobs bill" considering the Federal Government has no legitimate power over jobs.

Crick, why are USA’s infrastructures lagging behind that of many other nations?

USA’s insufficiently maintained or updated infrastructures are of great and uncalculated economic, mortality and living standards cost to our nation.
A major contributor to the deterioration of our infrastructures is our legislators and government executives that fear appearing as socialists.

Respectfully, Supposn

actually Republican inventors create jobs, not politicians shuffling papers in Washington.

Conservatives create jobs, Statists create jobs bills
A very real measure that would create an appreciable number of jobs almost immediately would be to lift the ban on U.S. crude oil exports.

very very tiny. We could ship 20 million illegals home tomorrow and create 20 million jobs tomorrow

We could eliminate the liberal corporate tax and create 25 million jobs tomorrow

Do you understand?
A very real measure that would create an appreciable number of jobs almost immediately would be to lift the ban on U.S. crude oil exports.

very very tiny. We could ship 20 million illegals home tomorrow and create 20 million jobs tomorrow

We could eliminate the liberal corporate tax and create 25 million jobs tomorrow

Do you understand?
Yes, dear. :slap:
In 2008 candidate Barack Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs. He laid out a plan to invest $150 billion over 10 years that would advance a clean-energy economy built around biofuels, hybrid cars, low-emission coal plants, and renewable sources such as solar and wind. How many has he actually created?

In 2008 candidate Barack Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs. He laid out a plan to invest $150 billion over 10 years that would advance a clean-energy economy built around biofuels, hybrid cars, low-emission coal plants, and renewable sources such as solar and wind. How many has he actually created?

What did the socialist soviet central planner Obama get:Republican fracking horizontal drilling jobs that saved his bacon by creating millions of real new jobs!!.

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