When ya got nothing - resign.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
James Bennet, New York Times’ editorial page editor resigned Sunday after the newspaper disowned an opinion piece by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton that advocated using federal troops to quell unrest, and it was later revealed he hadn't read the piece prior to publication.

When are they gonna start cleaning out the apartheid supporting zionists outta that shithole?

Where are my woke millenials?
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.
The NYT would make Pravda very jealous.....


lol the irony. I think they're a bunch of bigots

You think they're commies......?


Commies generally focus on economics. And they are not economic commies
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.
American people just minding their own business, or American people burning down businesses, police stations, breaking windows, cleaning out stores’ and businesses’ inventories, etc., etc., etc.?
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.

No, he wants to use them to support the police.

The rioters are not Americans....in any way shape form or fashion.
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.
It's what I would do. Call out the army and arrest or shoot every looter rioter and arsonist.
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.

Not "people" really.
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.

Not "people" really.

I didn't think Teabaggers were people either. I can imagine your reaction had Obama used teargas, rubber bullets and flash bangs to break up a Teabagger rally. :icon_rolleyes:
Tom Cotton is a freaking loon. James Bennet did the right thing after failing to read the story. What, he couldn't have at least READ the headline? Cotton wants to use our troops against the American people? What an idiot.

Not "people" really.

I didn't think Teabaggers were people either. I can imagine your reaction had Obama used teargas, rubber bullets and flash bangs to break up a Teabagger rally. :icon_rolleyes:

I wouldn't have been shocked.
The answer is found in the former Yugoslavia.
The Serbs and the Croats got along better in Yugoslavia than the forces at odds here do.
They solved their problem -
The USA usually leads the way, but this time we may need to follow someone else's lead.

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