When will you stop voting FOR more debt?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
We all know that, since the '50s, every Republican and Democratic President and Congress has taken us deeper in debt. So, how much is too much for you? At what point will you stop voting for more debt? 25 trillion? 30?

Give me a number.
Or when the government decides they don't want us voting anymore, and takes away that right under theguise of "protecting us from terrorism". Just like they did with our rigt to a fair trial.

Long story short, the only way the idiot masses will stop voting for more debt is if they can't vote.
Yeah, I didn't think many people would give an answer. I think many voters have convinced themselves that they're not voting for more debt. It's easier on one's conscience to pretend we're not part of the problem.

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