When will Islam be condemned for the recent terrorist strike in Sri Lanka?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Ace of Spades HQ

Do NOT ignore the partnership between dimocrap SCUM and the goat-fucking, baby-raping FILTH of Islam. It is no accident. It is NOT a call to diversity and/ore acceptance. It is a real alliance, a real meeting of the minds, an honest partnership.

As of this writing, there are over 200 confirmed dead and at least 450 wounded. Americans, Canadians and other foreigners are also listed among the casualties. Those whose lives were savagely snuffed out for doing nothing more than being devoted servants of G-d died at the hands of others who in their mind were doing exactly the same thing. The so-called "religion of peace" is not a religion, let alone a peaceful one. It is a totalitarian death cult dressed up in the trappings of religion that for over a millennium and half has been waging a war against the ideas and ideals represented by what ultimately evolved into post-Enlightenment civilization, individual freedom and real human progress to subjugate the entire world or destroy it trying. Those goals happen to be identical to that of another malignant, pseudo-fundamentalist death cult: Leftist-Socialism. Despite certain incongruities the latter conveniently overlooks (the enemy of my enemy, etc.), the two have joined forces both here and abroad to bring us down, either by violence or by deception, infecting the vitals of society and using the very freedoms they despise, along with the naivete and willful blindness of our political and cultural leaders, as weapons against us.
If you'll notice, dimocrap SCUM and the baby-rapers of islam operate the same way -- Fear.

The baby-raping pedophiles of islam make you afraid to go to your Church, to practice your religion, to even associate with your own family at Weddings and during Holidays.

dimocrap SCUM operate the same exact way.

Wear a MAGA hat? You get beat up. Try to speak up for Conservatives on a College Campus, or anywhere else for that matter, dimocrap SCUM will beat you up.

They use the SAME, EXACT, TACTICS.


Totalitarian SCUM.

You people think I'm being hyper-partisan, boisterous, playing a role?

You better fucking wake up and look around.

There is NO difference between the baby-rapers of islam and dimocrap scum.

Look what they just did to an Innocent Man who just happens to be President.

This thread will be moved in short order.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?
They are starting to say it's Muslims at the bottom of it and the country is only 10% Sunni Muslim. Most are Buddhist the next largest group are Hindu while Muslim rates third place at only 10% yet they cause 90% of the trouble there. Apparently a pattern of misbehaving world wide.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

Not ALL smokers will be diagnosed with lung cancer...BUT the intelligent being within us says “stay the fuck away from cigarettes to reduce probability.”
I’ll never understand why you twisted fucks hate being proactive...fucking weird!
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

Not ALL smokers will be diagnosed with lung cancer...BUT the intelligent being within us says “stay the fuck away from cigarettes to reduce probability.”
I’ll never understand why you twisted fucks hate being proactive...fucking weird!

Lysistrata's argument has now been responded to so many times that I thought it was a sarcastic joke.
The death cult recognizes no "religion" but their own.

They couldn't care less about an infidel church.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

If Norman isn't, I am.

Yes, they are. Absolutely, positively yes. Without any doubt ALL mooslums bear the guilt. ALL mooslums bear the blame.


Now, take your 10th Grade Debate Team Tactics and move to Sri Lanka.

After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Don't worry we'll soon starting hearing about how Muslims are the true victims and questioning why Islam is not being mentioned is more islamophobia. Remember this was just something done by someone...
Don't worry we'll soon starting hearing about how Muslims are the true victims and questioning why Islam is not being mentioned is more islamophobia. Remember this was just something done by someone...

As soon as our resident dimocrap scum's Masters figure a way to blame Trump, that's all we're gonna hear about.....

Here is what Clinton had to say after each of the terrorist incidents.


Wow, amazing change of tune!
Sri Lanka has a very long history of sectarian violence but you people want to make this about the democrats? How off-topic...

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth



dimocraps are scum

And craven cowards

ALL of them
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

If Norman isn't, I am.

Yes, they are. Absolutely, positively yes. Without any doubt ALL mooslums bear the guilt. ALL mooslums bear the blame.


Now, take your 10th Grade Debate Team Tactics and move to Sri Lanka.


So every time a crime is carried out by a christian, all christians deserve the blame, right? You are a kook. I don't blame all Christians for the worthless horseshit of the "religious right," now do I? You go move to Iran or Guyana or somewhere that they will buy your garbage.

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