When will all this madness end?

Revolutions can only occur when people are hungry. Americans are not hungry as long as a double cheeseburger is still a dollar.

Also, the internet killed the mass protest. We gripe here instead of taking to the streets.

And besides, we still have cell phones, microwave ovens, 2-dollar gas, HBO, etc.

We're a long way from revolution.
Who said anything about that, talking about sitting around and praying for a fix instead of doing something about it then trying to claim credit for it ... that just pisses me off when lazy asses do that, regardless of what religious views you have.

What an incredibly selfish, shallow way to look at it. Who cares who gets the "credit" for fixing the mess we are in? This is not some grade school game where you try to get a gold star. These are real problems that need to be fixed. They are not getting fixed because of the selfishness in trying to get the "credit". We all win if it is fixed and we all lose if everyone is trying to look good and get a pat on the back.

Insulting ones beliefs serves no purpose in adding to the debate and helping to fix things. When we quit worrying about other belief systems and whether they are right, wrong, lazy or crazy, we may start to mend this very broken society.

If you think praying and studying and following ones faith is " what lazy asses do", try doing it for a while. It takes much drive and determination to be strong in your faith.
All the glory goes to God anyway

If your god was real, I'd have been dead a long time ago ... but nope, in spite of me actually converting many to my religion, I still wonder the earth, so yeah ... no reality without proof.

It is lazy to whine and complain about wrongs, blaming other people, and doing nothing about it but sitting around praying for a better tomorrow, if your god actually responded to such things this would have never happened, and proof is in action. So yes, they are lazy and selfish in giving all the credit to some mythical being instead of those good people who actually did something to make lives better. Do not lecture me on your religion, I walked that path, saw it for the poison it was, and found light in another religion and calling. Take a clue from the smarter christians, it's not worth the headache I can give you on this topic.

Don't flatter yourself. Taking advice on religion from someone on a message board that only thinks from a worldy perspective, is not where I get my information. Not sure what "smarter Christians" you are referring to also and don't really care.

I can understand why some do not or can not follow Christianity as it requires you to give up things you may like because they are sinful. It requires a sacrifice, and as selfish beings, it can be very hard to do. Most people just don't have the desire or drive to make that commitment. It is sad that you went down a path that gave you the wrong impression of Christianity but it does happen. There are those out there that are definitely false converts and teach things from the bible in a very edited way. This has led many to leave the faith but the hard facts are that they were never really in the faith to begin with. This is why the seeker friendly churches (Rick Warren) seem to have many members because you don't really have to follow any moral compass or take a stand on any side of the issues. They are only looking to increase in number and not really teach anyone about Christ. This has truly watered down Christianity and caused many non Christians to say "Got Ya" when they see this type of teaching. This is not Christianity though many are fooled especially by what the see on TV or read about. Those type do make for good stories and the press is usually quick to air this garbage.

I am through on these message boards trying to talk to secular posters about Christianity because they will never understand my beliefs. They are coming at it from a world view not a Christian view. Beside the fact that I can't change it, that is only done by the Holy Spirit.

Make fun and insult all you want if it makes you feel good about yourself. Again ,it affects me and my beliefs in no way.

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