When The Oligarchs Finally Ban all Cash, What Will be the Black Market Currency?

Which of these commodities would you be willing to trade for in a post cash world?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The EU is quickly moving to eliminate the use of cash transactions in LEGAL markets. But the black market will substitute some commodity for legal cash so that it can continue to store wealth and trade objects for a standard currency. But what might that commodity be?

Gold is a traditional currency as well as silver and a few other metals, and this traditional use gives governments cover to seize these metals from the public on the pretext of preventing hoarding as FDR did decades ago.

Bit Coin is gaining popularity again, but it will only have so many made and when it completes 'mining' the public will have to deal with minor fragments of coins and the inflation for it would seem to go astronomical. Such mental barriers are very real and have impact on trade of said commodity, even if digital.

There are common commodities that never spoil, are always in demand are durable.
Among them are:
Laundry soap
Alcohol such as Rum, Whiskey, vodka
Toilet paper
Food that is canned or vacuum sealed

If we were in a post cash apocolyptic world, with technology still available as it is today, which ones would you be willing to trade for?
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Fuel will most likely be number one. Either that or one would need horses or pack animals.
I may have blurred the scenario I was referring to, so thanks for that comment and I will correct it.

I am not talking about a post technology scenario, but one in which all physical cash is banned.

That is slightly different from a post-apocolyptic scenario like a post nuclear war situation.

I apologize.
Fuel will most likely be number one. Either that or one would need horses or pack animals.
I may have blurred the scenario I was referring to, so thanks for that comment and I will correct it.

I am not talking about a post technology scenario, but one in which all physical cash is banned.

That is slightly different from a post-apocolyptic scenario like a post nuclear war situation.

I apologize.
Being we live in the country and have very little in the way of cash now anyhow fuel is what that takes a lot of that cash. In a cashless society though cards can be used at the filling stations but people could be stuck with very few options on what kind of fuel they must buy. My older vehicles totally die when they are fed gas with alcohol additives. We have to drive across the state line for decent gas here that won't kill the car. I often think a horse would be nice for short trips into town (we have lots of hay).

My next guess would be guns and ammo, then alcohol and tobacco will be on its way out. Control freaks always seem to wanna tell people what they can and cannot have or do.



One problem with old currency is that the government has the right to seize it.

I guess what I am looking for is what the criminals will use as currency in the black markets to store their wealth after cash is banned so that the governments 1) wont likely recognize it as such, and 2) cant easily confiscate it.

Stores of alcohol might not be so easy to seize as currency coins, dont you think?
On that list canned food and fuel (presuming that includes all fossil fuels,) everything else on there can generally be faked or made at home.
Of course what's even funnier is the placement of this thread..........

Forums > US Discussion > Current Events

Did the EU join the US while I was in bed asleep last night? :dunno:

No, but the EU is a leading indicator for future US financial policies in most ways.

Many believe that the USA is doing this already under the cover of fighting money laundering and drug activities today.
Metals such as gold, silver, copper, marijuana, alcohol, car parts, guns and ammo, various food stocks, diamonds and precious gems. high end watches. mechanic's tools. computer parts and software, etc. ....... :cool:
Even if one is not a Believer....one has to be amazed that whomever wrote the Bible those thousands of years ago, would predict in Prophesy a cashless society, where we needed a 'number' in order to buy and sell?



One problem with old currency is that the government has the right to seize it.

I guess what I am looking for is what the criminals will use as currency in the black markets to store their wealth after cash is banned so that the governments 1) wont likely recognize it as such, and 2) cant easily confiscate it.

Stores of alcohol might not be so easy to seize as currency coins, dont you think?

If you get to the truth of it all the government can seize whatever they want whenever they want. They have already been doing this. They are not supposed to but they can and do. I can assure you that as a little guy you cannot stop them and no one will stand in their way to help you stop them.
One of the biggest things people can't seem to realize is when the cash is gone and the Government controls it all, " EVERYTHING" will be heavily taxed. They can also shut down all method of your survival if you go faulty in lets say paying a bill.



One problem with old currency is that the government has the right to seize it.

I guess what I am looking for is what the criminals will use as currency in the black markets to store their wealth after cash is banned so that the governments 1) wont likely recognize it as such, and 2) cant easily confiscate it.

Stores of alcohol might not be so easy to seize as currency coins, dont you think?

The government pretty well at that during prohabition



One problem with old currency is that the government has the right to seize it.

I guess what I am looking for is what the criminals will use as currency in the black markets to store their wealth after cash is banned so that the governments 1) wont likely recognize it as such, and 2) cant easily confiscate it.

Stores of alcohol might not be so easy to seize as currency coins, dont you think?

The government will seize whatever they feel is worth seizing. Easier to hide, and transport, some commodities than others if the wealth is significant. Silver and gold will always be valuable and easier to transport than a semi loaded with booze.


One of the biggest things people can't seem to realize is when the cash is gone and the Government controls it all, " EVERYTHING" will be heavily taxed. They can also shut down all method of your survival if you go faulty in lets say paying a bill.
Or if they even make a claim that you had not paid the bill.
Of course what's even funnier is the placement of this thread..........

Forums > US Discussion > Current Events

Did the EU join the US while I was in bed asleep last night? :dunno:

No, but the EU is a leading indicator for future US financial policies in most ways.

Many believe that the USA is doing this already under the cover of fighting money laundering and drug activities today.
Just wondering it we needed to add 28 more stars to the flag....... :dunno:

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