When the going gets tough ....Obama gets


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
We have record flooding in the midwest and northeast, Japan's reactors are in meltdown and we have a brand new military conflict in Libya so where is the president? He is in South America visiting Rio on spring break. Is he hiding out like the other democrat politician cowards in Wisconsin?
I like it. There is not a working person out there who would not love to take the number of vacations, gold outing, hiding out, that BHO takes. He waited the it was over in Liba and now he has a plan. He is the biggest joke that has ever been in the White House and it is not funny. For all of you who bought the BS or sold your vote, you should be scared to death.
We have record flooding in the midwest and northeast, Japan's reactors are in meltdown and we have a brand new military conflict in Libya so where is the president? He is in South America visiting Rio on spring break. Is he hiding out like the other democrat politician cowards in Wisconsin?

Are you deaf and dumb?:confused:

In Brazil, Obama will ask what S. American economy can do for U.S.
Network NewsX Profile
By Zachary A. Goldfarb
Tuesday, March 15, 2011; 8:56 PM

When top American officials have visited Brazil in the past, they often have asked what the United States can do to help Brazil's economy, which has been buffetted by periodic financial crises.

But when President Obama visits this weekend, he'll be asking what Brazil can do for the U.S. economy.


Just because he took his family with him do not mean he is not working. All that can be done for Japan and Libya and Wisconsin is being done. He in not neglecing no one. His family, this country, Japan or Libya.


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
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Well I am tired of fighting stupidity for today. At least our president knows how to open a door :)
Not only that...with the price of gas so high ...what does it cost to fly to Brazil?

Could't he just video conference and never leave the white house?

Times are tough.....The President should be restricted from traveling until a Republican is president
Our president:

Your president:

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Obama is busy!

I'm guessing his handlers begged him to leave before he made some idiotic faux pas.

I know the rightwingnuts like saying that.

But don't you think the obama derangement syndrome is boring? (not to mention hypocrital given the imbeciles most of them voted for last three times out).

Give a rightwingnut a typwriter, and eventually he might write Shakespeare: However, I truely believe Obama has left Washington so he won't have to explain the incongrencies between his opinion of previous international US policy and his opinions NOW.
We have record flooding in the midwest and northeast, Japan's reactors are in meltdown and we have a brand new military conflict in Libya so where is the president? He is in South America visiting Rio on spring break. Is he hiding out like the other democrat politician cowards in Wisconsin?

Are you deaf and dumb?:confused:

In Brazil, Obama will ask what S. American economy can do for U.S.
Network NewsX Profile
By Zachary A. Goldfarb
Tuesday, March 15, 2011; 8:56 PM

When top American officials have visited Brazil in the past, they often have asked what the United States can do to help Brazil's economy, which has been buffetted by periodic financial crises.

But when President Obama visits this weekend, he'll be asking what Brazil can do for the U.S. economy.

In Brazil, Obama will ask what S. American economy can do for U.S.

Just because he took his family with him do not mean he is not working. All that can be done for Japan and Libya and Wisconsin is being done. He in not neglecing no one. His family, this country, Japan or Libya.


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

He could start by returning our $2.8 billion along with our oil platforms.
Obama is always on vacation ~~
You really need to Wake the Fuck Up!!!

Obama gives $2 Billion to Brazil for offshore drilling. - Narcissistic views on News/Politics
Obama gives Brazil $2 Billion Dollars To Drill Off There Coast! WHY? | Facebook
President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com

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