When The Arabs Themselves Denied "Palestine" Existed


Jun 29, 2011
Dr. Jerold Auerbach, PhD and Master's degrees in History, Columbia University, Chairman of the History Department, Wellesley College

When the Arabs Themselves Denied There Was a Palestine
Newt Gingrich has been challenged for calling the Palestinians an “invented” people. He was accused by a spokesman for the American Task Force on Palestine of “deep historical ignorance and an irrational hostility toward Palestinian identity.” To Sabri Saidam, adviser to Palestinian Authority’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, Mr. Gingrich had displayed “extreme racism.” But the former speaker seems to know more about Palestinian history than his critics. Indeed, Palestinians have said the same thing about themselves for decades.

Testifying before the British Peel Commission in 1937, Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi asserted: “There is no such country as Palestine. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us.” Prominent Arab historian Philip Hitti conceded: “There is no such thing as Palestine, absolutely not.” According to Columbia history professor Rashid Khalidi, a student of Palestinian identity, “Palestine” did not even exist until it emerged from the wreckage of World War I.

Zahir Muhsein, PLO military commander and member of its executive committee, acknowledged: “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation.” Identification of a Palestinian state, he conceded, was merely “a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.”

There is nothing new or wrong with being an “invented” people. The important question is whether a national identity is constructed from the distinctive experience of a people or, as the Palestinians have done, from plundering the history and heritage that belong to someone else.

Mr. Gingrich has been criticized near and far for his “invented” people observation. An Arab-Israeli Knesset member deplored his “lame and shameful comments.” Governor Romney blamed his rival for “incendiary words.” But Mr. Gingrich, as Palestinians have testified for 75 years, knows his history.
When the Arabs Themselves Denied There Was a Palestine - The New York Sun

Philip Hitti, Eminent Arab Historian, PhD, Columbia University, Professor of Semitic Literature and Chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages, Princeton University, Advisor to the Arab Delegation Which Established the United Nations, Representing the Institute of Arab American Affairs Testifying Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946...
The Sunday schools have done a great deal of harm to us, because by smearing the walls of the rooms with maps of Palestine, they are associating it in the mind of the average American--and I may say perhaps the Englishman too---with the Jews.

Sir, there is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not.
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Dr. Jerold Auerbach, PhD and Master's degrees in History, Columbia University, Chairman of the History Department, Wellesley College

When the Arabs Themselves Denied There Was a Palestine
Newt Gingrich has been challenged for calling the Palestinians an “invented” people. He was accused by a spokesman for the American Task Force on Palestine of “deep historical ignorance and an irrational hostility toward Palestinian identity.” To Sabri Saidam, adviser to Palestinian Authority’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, Mr. Gingrich had displayed “extreme racism.” But the former speaker seems to know more about Palestinian history than his critics. Indeed, Palestinians have said the same thing about themselves for decades.

Testifying before the British Peel Commission in 1937, Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi asserted: “There is no such country as Palestine. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us.” Prominent Arab historian Philip Hitti conceded: “There is no such thing as Palestine, absolutely not.” According to Columbia history professor Rashid Khalidi, a student of Palestinian identity, “Palestine” did not even exist until it emerged from the wreckage of World War I.

Zahir Muhsein, PLO military commander and member of its executive committee, acknowledged: “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation.” Identification of a Palestinian state, he conceded, was merely “a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.”

There is nothing new or wrong with being an “invented” people. The important question is whether a national identity is constructed from the distinctive experience of a people or, as the Palestinians have done, from plundering the history and heritage that belong to someone else.

Mr. Gingrich has been criticized near and far for his “invented” people observation. An Arab-Israeli Knesset member deplored his “lame and shameful comments.” Governor Romney blamed his rival for “incendiary words.” But Mr. Gingrich, as Palestinians have testified for 75 years, knows his history.
When the Arabs Themselves Denied There Was a Palestine - The New York Sun

Philip Hitti, Eminent Arab Historian, PhD, Columbia University, Professor of Semitic Literature and Chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages, Princeton University, Advisor to the Arab Delegation Which Established the United Nations, Representing the Institute of Arab American Affairs Testifying Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946...
The Sunday schools have done a great deal of harm to us, because by smearing the walls of the rooms with maps of Palestine, they are associating it in the mind of the average American--and I may say perhaps the Englishman too---with the Jews.

Sir, there is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not.
Ain't that truth. The myth of a Palestinian Arab people is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.
Since there is no letter P in the Arabic language, how do they even pronounce Palestine? do they say Filistine?
We belestinians are beastful beoble, blease do not shoot us with your abbache helicobters.
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Since there is no letter P in the Arabic language, how do they even pronounce Palestine? do they say Filistine?

Yes, the fakestinians substituted a letter f for p and arabized "palestine" into "filastin", however, they arabized an English word palestine created by the British! :badgrin:

Similarly, Pepsi is arabized into Bebsi.

Are we being racist for denying the existence of a bogus invented people? :badgrin:
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Since there is no letter P in the Arabic language, how do they even pronounce Palestine? do they say Filistine?

They say" أ. فلسطين"

Fucktard, can you find palestine in the Quran? No, I didn't think so, fucktard :badgrin:

But, Israel appears in the Quran...
10:93 We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them.

Allah is a Zionist! :bow3: :clap2:

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