When rightwingers say the federal "government" this or that....

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Who are they referring to? The federal government isn't an entity unto itself that acts on its own impulses without the influence and actions of humans, so who the hell are you monkeys referring to? When you say the federal "government" takes away, invades, and intrudes, who exactly and specifically is taking away, invading and intruding, is it something tangible or it your rabid, rightwing imagination running wild?
Who are they referring to? The federal government isn't an entity unto itself that acts on its own impulses without the influence and actions of humans, so who the hell are you monkeys referring to? When you say the federal "government" takes away, invades, and intrudes, who exactly and specifically is taking away, invading and intruding, is it something tangible or it your rabid, rightwing imagination running wild?

We refer to you ass lickin leeches.
Three little rightwingers responded and the three little rightwingers gave no specific answers to the questions put forth in the OP, just as I've expected.
This is easily one of the stupidest fucking posts in human history. If some future archaeologist finds it they must conclude that we were a race of clueless fucking morons.
This is easily one of the stupidest fucking posts in human history. If some future archaeologist finds it they must conclude that we were a race of clueless fucking morons.

You're mad because you make accusations against a perpetrator you can't even specifically point out except in vague nonspecific terms, so who's the stupid one, the one who can't answer or the one who asked the question you can't answer? Can you answer the question or present more questionable answers that are nonspecific answers?
Oh fucking boy... another Bass thread complete with "monkey" references. Bass... the quintessential pissed off Neanderthal.

This is easily one of the stupidest fucking posts in human history. If some future archaeologist finds it they must conclude that we were a race of clueless fucking morons.

It's Bass... the guys need a few volts to the head to zap himself outta the delusional fog he lives in.

This a guy who still rants about "whitey".... 'nuff said.
If you Libs don't know what is meant by the Federal Government the entity that you Libs worship so....Well that says more about you then it does me.
I can't stay in this thread long enough for an honest responce. It fucking reeks of rotting pig carcass. Plus I really don't give a flying fuck what the racist cock sucking OP thinks. Sorry. :dunno:
If you Libs don't know what is meant by the Federal Government the entity that you Libs worship so....Well that says more about you then it does me.

I know who and what the federal govt is, I'm asking you rightwingers to identify specifically who your "oppressor" is.
I can't stay in this thread long enough for an honest responce. It fucking reeks of rotting pig carcass. Plus I really don't give a flying fuck what the racist cock sucking OP thinks. Sorry. :dunno:

He's mad and emotional because he can't answer a simple question.
This is easily one of the stupidest fucking posts in human history. If some future archaeologist finds it they must conclude that we were a race of clueless fucking morons.

You're mad because you make accusations against a perpetrator you can't even specifically point out except in vague nonspecific terms, so who's the stupid one, the one who can't answer or the one who asked the question you can't answer? Can you answer the question or present more questionable answers that are nonspecific answers?

I'm mad because there's a slight change that your stupid fucking thread will be found and they'll conclude that we were too fucking dumb to know what a government was. It will be an indictment of our educational system that can send people like you out into the world.
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Who are they referring to? The federal government isn't an entity unto itself that acts on its own impulses without the influence and actions of humans, so who the hell are you monkeys referring to? When you say the federal "government" takes away, invades, and intrudes, who exactly and specifically is taking away, invading and intruding, is it something tangible or it your rabid, rightwing imagination running wild?


Controversy over pat-downs, body scans lands at DIA - The Denver Post

Yawn. :razz:
Legislative Branch,Executive Branch,Judicial Branch.....

Oh and tell your government buddies at the airport when I go to fly I don't want any of them

"touchin my junk"........
Federal Government
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the national government of a federated state including, but not limited to, the individuals, legislation, and property therein.

Pretty fucking simpel defination if you ask me. But if you need me to dumb it down to your 2nd grade education level than I would just have to say .... "It's DA MAN bitch"

...fuck off.
Who are they referring to? The federal government isn't an entity unto itself that acts on its own impulses without the influence and actions of humans, so who the hell are you monkeys referring to? When you say the federal "government" takes away, invades, and intrudes, who exactly and specifically is taking away, invading and intruding, is it something tangible or it your rabid, rightwing imagination running wild?


The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: Returning Elian Gonzalez to Cuba Is a Crime
At issue in the Elian Gonzalez case has been the conflicting wishes of Elian's mother, who died en route from Cuba to Florida when the boat carrying her, Elian and several others sank, and his father, who lives in Cuba and wants the boy returned.

"What Elian's father wants is irrelevant, and should be ignored by the INS," said Locke. "If the father had any sense of decency, he would be ecstatic that his son has the opportunity to grow up in a free country. If he wants his son to grow up in a dictatorship, that alone makes him unfit to be the boy's father. Can there be any more flagrant form of child abuse than condemning your own son to a life of slavery? Children are sovereign beings with the same fundamental rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as adults. Anyone who would deprive a child of these rights is committing a crime."

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