When multiculturalism meets reality


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The leftist brain is like a brick, thick and dense...
Male Sexual Nature and the Left's Culture of Denial
When multiculturalism meets reality.
February 24, 2016
Dennis Prager



There is virtually no pornography or sexual ads -- and women display no flesh in public, sometimes not even their face -- in most Muslim countries. Yet sexual assaults are far more common there, and Muslim immigrants commit a disproportionately high percentage of rapes in Western Europe.

And speaking of Western Europe, sexual ads -- bordering on nudity -- are commonplace; pornography is freely and widely available; and women wear whatever they want (or don't want) in public, often showing a great deal of skin. Yet, despite all this, rape and other forms of sexual violence were relatively low among Western Europeans prior to the recent influx of Muslim immigrants.

Clearly it is not some new Playboy culture, or the depiction of women as sexual objects on TV, in films and on billboards, that causes rape. Indeed, with their relatively low levels of rape, Western Europe, the United States and Israel are historical aberrations. Throughout history, unless prevented by the society or by a strong moral system, men raped women when they could. Just look at how men have treated women when social and moral norms break down during wartime.


So the left blames outside influences -- Playboy, the "rape culture" that allegedly permeates college campuses, patriarchy -- for rape, sexual assault and the depiction of women as sex objects. Or they argue that women's sexual nature is just like men's: Women want as many sexual partners as men do; women view men as sex objects just as men view women; and women are just as happy to have emotionless sex as men are.

And how do they explain rape? As an act of violence that has little or even nothing to do with sex. Just about every man reading this (other than graduate students in gender studies or some other liberal arts departments) knows how false that statement is. Rape is overwhelmingly a sexual act; it is sex obtained through violence. Describing rape as primarily about violence rather than sex is like saying robbery is primarily about violence rather than money.

One of the most important differences between the right and left is the left's denial of unpleasant truths and the right's acknowledgement of them. Male sexual nature is just one such example.

Male Sexual Nature and the Left's Culture of Denial
Everyone should go back where they came from. Apart from white europeans in the US (for some unspecified reason)
Trudeau’s Values Are Not My Values
When multiculturalism embraces evil.
November 30, 2016
Howard Rotberg

This week, upon the death of longtime Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was mourning “a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century.” It seems to me that a dictator who jails dissidents and gays according to his own whim rather than abiding by a liberal democratic “rule of law’ based on justice, human rights and fairness that apply to everyone, leaves something to be desired when he “served his people.”

“While a controversial figure,” continued Trudeau, “both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for ‘el Comandante.’ ”

It seems to me that a brutal dictator who disallowed individual rights for his people is more than “controversial”; I would call him “evil.”

Digging himself deeper into his hole of moral relativism, Trudeau continued, “I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.”


Trudeau’s Values Are Not My Values
The Dire Cost of Europe’s Multiculturalism
Sacrificing a continent on the altar of utopian ideals.
February 20, 2017
Joseph Puder


Geert Wilders was “guilty” of asking at a 2014 Freedom Party rally whether the crowd wanted “fewer or more Moroccans in the Netherlands.” Wilders called the trial a “politically motivated travesty.” Wilders was neither fined nor given prison time by the judges. What the trial does however show, is the stifling of free speech in the EU countries, and in this case, the Netherlands, particularly, when it does not comply with the elites of the EU cherished ideals of multiculturalism and its advocacy of free immigration.

Soeren Kern, in a Gatestone Institute article, quoted a high-ranking official in Frankfurt, Germany as reported by German newspaper Bild, “There are strict instructions from the top not to report sexual offenses committed by (immigrant) refugees. It is extraordinary that certain offenses are deliberately not being reported and the information is being classified as confidential.”

Boris Johnson, former Mayor of London and a leading voice for Brexit, argued (Economist June18-24 issue) that “Napoleon, Hitler, and other various people tried this out (forcefully unifying Europe-JP), and it ended tragically. The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods.” One of those coercive methods has been to limit, if not forbid, anti-immigration speech.

The elitist of the EU have seen a rise in nativist protest movements throughout the European continent. The voiceless people of the states of the European Union have been forced to adopt multiculturalism and political correctness as their new civil religion, and their dissenting voices are now being squashed by a series of measures that amount to the curtailment of free speech.

The European Commission, a powerful and unelected EU’s executive branch, announced last year plans to combat “illegal online hate speech.” The same European Commission unveiled a code of conduct that will ensure that online platforms do not offer opportunities for “illegal online hate speech to spread virally.” Unsurprisingly, it is the European Commission that will determine what constitutes “illegal online hate speech” and not the people’s elected representatives in the individual European countries that make up the EU.


Needless to say that in the EU states, anti-immigrant voices are stifled by archaic laws that are undemocratic to say the least. Europe’s EU bureaucrats are moreover suppressing free speech in the interest of promoting disastrous immigration policies. Europe has traded Christianity and pride in its civilizational accomplishment for the falsehood and insanity of multiculturalism.

The Dire Cost of Europe’s Multiculturalism
March 29, 2017
Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

The fear and scrambling of citizens in London a few days ago was a humiliating scene, wherein a powerful city and its entire government came to a halt because of one man, an Islamist with an axe and a truck. We have seen similar things happen in other major Western cities. Humiliating the West is one of the primary goals of militant Islam. It is a victory for their deity, as demonstrated by the ubiquitous shouts of “Allahu Akhbar” prior to the terror act, a time-worn declaration of Islamic victory and humiliation of the infidel. The multiculturalists do not see it as a humiliation against us, for the us -- an us with an identity -- is no longer important or recognized by them. In contrast, those on the other side killing and reshaping us have a confidence and pride in their identity.


hen it comes to Islamic terror or shariah imposition, Obama and other globalists preach a type of defenselessness and impotence: something we have to abide. For many liberals, virtue signaling, the epitome of vanity, is more important than saving lives, even the lives of their countrymen.

Heroic people, however, know exactly who they are: They are those who defend their country and families from terrorism, death and injury. People with an identity know who they are and thus fight for it. Transnationalists don’t… and, with sophistry, try to stop others from doing so.

As uber-multiculturalists, these globalist leaders are making a nation’s accommodation to Islam, and the incorporation of Islamic ways and demands, the litmus test of multicultural compliance. Islam is their fast-track tool for transforming Western societies and is being catapulted by them into religious and cultural stardom. It is being romanticized as the new global commonality and outlook, a catchall for all that is right-minded and progressive. By being the new “victim” of Western intolerance and oppression, Islam is automatically elevated and ennobled as something enlightened and most tolerant, especially by those abandoning and running from their Christian ancestry and upbringing and seeking an exotic system in which to pour all their utopian and rebellious yearnings.

Many in the political class demonizing Americanism and nationalism are celebrating transnationalism, which is being pushed today by global multiculturalists. Until now, Western countries retained with pride their distinctive culture and norms, while recognizing and enjoying the varied qualities found in nations different than their own. Transnationalism is radically different. It wishes to denude each Western country of its uniqueness and severely marginalize that segment of the population wishing to preserve and live by the historic values and customs of their country. It is banal uniformity on a global scale, often a consequence of embarrassment and repudiation of anything overtly Christian or Old Testament.


Read more: Articles: Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen
April 13, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's another glorious first for our multicultural tapestry. It's right up there with the Muslim Ms Marvel. Except it's real life.

Jumana Fakhruddin Nagarwala has become the first person arrested in America for female genital mutilation. Unsurprisingly this has happened in an area with a high concentration of Muslims. And even more predictably, the media is carefully avoiding the "I" word.


The Khimar is a Muslim head-covering.

And so we have a long series of stories about the first FGM arrest in America that never mention the "I" word. Because this is how our fake news media operates.

Muslim Doctor Busted for Female Genital Mutilation in Detroit
Flight risk, no bail...

Judge Orders US Doctor Charged with Female Genital Mutilation to Remain in Jail
April 17, 2017 - A federal judge in Detroit has ordered a doctor to stay in jail pending trial for alleged female genital mutilation of two 7-year-old girls.
The judge ruled Monday that Dr. Jumana Nagarwala is a danger and a flight risk. Authorities arrested Nagarwala last week on charges of carrying out the illegal procedure on two young girls whose families brought them to Detroit after allegedly failing to find anyone in Minnesota to do it. Nagarwala denies cutting the girls. She says all she did was remove mucus membranes from their genitals in a religious ceremony for a ritualistic burial.

Nagarwala belongs to an exclusive Muslim sect called Dawoodi Bohra, which is primarily concentrated in India. Female genital mutilation involves cutting some of the most sensitive parts of a young girl's private parts to initiate them into adulthood, control their sexual desire, and the belief it will make them more desirable as marriage partners. The World Health Organization says the practice is primarily carried out in about 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It has no benefits and can cause severe short- and long-term health problems.

Contrary to what many people believe, female circumcision is not exclusive to Muslims, and many followers of Islam condemn it. “In general, this is simply something that is not done and is found to be extremely repugnant,” the Michigan head of the Council of American-Islamic Relations Dawud Walid said. "This is something that is overwhelmingly not acceptable amongst the mainstream Muslim community in America."

Judge Orders US Doctor Charged with Female Genital Mutilation to Remain in Jail
May 18, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Remember "moderate" Indonesia. And Obama's fondness for the moderate version of Islam there. Here's how moderate it is.


When progressives support Shariah law, this is what they support. When they buy into Islamist claims that opposing Sharia law is Islamophobic, they have to choose between Islamophobia and Homophobia.

And you only get to pick one.


We're still waiting for an Obama condemnation. Perhaps he can tell Indonesia's Muslim supremacists that this isn't who we are.

Islamophobia vs. Homophobia: Indonesia's Sharia Law to Cane Gay Men

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