When liberal Democrat efforts to mislabel backfire


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
The liberal Democrat Parody LOVES to "label" the GOP as "The Party of 'No'."

The GOP is supposed to buckle, cave-in, cry and collapse from this supposedly insulting bit of political rhetoric.

The GOP is making a mistake here, however.

Rather than being even mildly irked by the Democrat Parody effort, they SHOULD WHOLLY EMBRACE the LABEL!

WTF is wrong with saying NO to Obamacare? The American people don't want it. The liberal Democratics crammed that unread massive piece of shit legislation through. MAKE THEM EAT IT. The GOP should proudly trumpet the fact that they sure as hell did say "NO!" to Obamacare.

In fact, the GOP opposition to MOST of the legislative agenda of the Obama Administration should be loudly trumpeted, too.

When President Obama says, "Yes," reasonable people should say "No."

Saying NO to the Obama/Pelousy/Reid agenda is a good thing. It is right.

Obama/Pelousy/Reid are wrong, not their opposition. There's something very right in saying "NO!" to socialism.
Ageee. Unlike the Dimocrats, there's no down side for Republicans to run on their record of saying no. No is where the public was on virtually every issue. But the dipshit Dims didn't care what the public felt, so now in a month they're gonna pay the price.

They're the authors of their own misfortune.
The liberal Democrat Parody LOVES to "label" the GOP as "The Party of 'No'."

The GOP is supposed to buckle, cave-in, cry and collapse from this supposedly insulting bit of political rhetoric.

The GOP is making a mistake here, however.

Rather than being even mildly irked by the Democrat Parody effort, they SHOULD WHOLLY EMBRACE the LABEL!

WTF is wrong with saying NO to Obamacare? The American people don't want it. The liberal Democratics crammed that unread massive piece of shit legislation through. MAKE THEM EAT IT. The GOP should proudly trumpet the fact that they sure as hell did say "NO!" to Obamacare.

In fact, the GOP opposition to MOST of the legislative agenda of the Obama Administration should be loudly trumpeted, too.

When President Obama says, "Yes," reasonable people should say "No."

Saying NO to the Obama/Pelousy/Reid agenda is a good thing. It is right.

Obama/Pelousy/Reid are wrong, not their opposition. There's something very right in saying "NO!" to socialism.

The GOP is the the party of NO. Their plans are not about solving America's problems, unless you believe our country's only problem is that they (Republicans) were voted out of power. Their record speaks for itself. They are obstructionists that put party ahead of country.

Not only are they the party of NO, they are the party of NO NOTHING...the issues they are most focused on are not the most urgent and the solutions they propose will damage this country and MOST of all, hurt American citizens.

Ageee. Unlike the Dimocrats, there's no down side for Republicans to run on their record of saying no. No is where the public was on virtually every issue. But the dipshit Dims didn't care what the public felt, so now in a month they're gonna pay the price.

They're the authors of their own misfortune.

So true.

And here is a list of Democrat politicians running on the accomplisments that include:

1. Obamacare
2. Cap and Trade
3. Elimination of the Bush tax cuts
4. The $862 billion Stimulus
5. A promise of the euphemistically named “Employee Free Choice Act,” aka ‘card check.'

Is that the sound of crickets I hear?
What exactly have the Republicans managed to accomplish in the last ten years? Other than starting two unwinnable wars, what have they accomplished?

What have they proposed that will improve our current situation?
But they aren't FOR anything of substance. Just tax cuts for people that aren't on this message board. Now THERES something to fight for! /sarcasm
What exactly have the Republicans managed to accomplish in the last ten years? Other than starting two unwinnable wars, what have they accomplished?

What have they proposed that will improve our current situation?

They passed the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ in the form of a wholly and completely unfunded 1.2 Trillion dollar rx drug benefit for pharmaceutical com...er...I mean for seniors.
Even the addict Limbaugh says elections have consequences. If the Republicans do as Nancy Reagan asked and "Just say NO!", what do you suppose they'll champion as their cause in 2012? More Bush "trickle Down" nonsense?

That's what got them booted out in '06 and '08! Lessons never learned.
Even the addict Limbaugh says elections have consequences. If the Republicans do as Nancy Reagan asked and "Just say NO!", what do you suppose they'll champion as their cause in 2012? More Bush "trickle Down" nonsense?

That's what got them booted out in '06 and '08! Lessons never learned.

I hope it's investigations and "oversight" I hope dimocraps reaps what dey shitz.

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