When it comes to recovery, have we lost.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Governments have already made theie best attempts to spur their economies. China has started producing for their own people. but their own people are now starting to refuse to buy. As we know, shipping from China is down by half. They may very well collapse in the coming weeks.

Even without fresh spending, public debt would explode within two years to 105 percent of GDP in the UK, 125 percent in the US and the Eurozone, and 270Percent in Japan. Other than the results of stimulus in most of the countries, there in little new economic improvement. There is one exception and that is Germany under the guidance of Angela Merkel

Worldwide state debt is soaring. It will reach $45 trillion, soon. That is up two-and-a-half times in a decade.

So the question is, "What do we do next?"

Inflating debt away might be seen by some governments as a lesser of evils. It is obvious that Obama's weird economic theories have not worked. Will he go the inflation route?
Well sovereign debt defaults are already outpacing the 20s and 30s. China, Japan, Russia and Brazil are likely to all default over the next five years with the US another strong probability.
Yep you ain't seen nuthin yet.

I keep on hoping to see something positive, but so far all I have seen are phony numbers that are imaginary (like unemployment claims and actual underemployment) or government bought numbers that are fleeting.

Obama has seen to it that no end of positive spin news stories come out of Washington claiming that we are well on the road to recovery, but the stories do not hold water, and nobody with a thinking brain believes them.

Real GDP is negative. Obama GDP is three to the positive. Real unemployment and underemployment is near 33 million. Obama unemployment is an unbelievably low number by comparison.

We are either stagnant or still falling, and that ain't good.
The only thing doing any good is our Casino Investment System. But we know what a house of cards it is.
and they didn't listen to you ? again ? those bastards ! :lol:

They will be sorry Bastiges over it too! ;)

It is a lost cause. We are still collapsing. It is all going to hell in this service sector economy and nothing that Obama is doing will put people back to work.

Yes, very little that Obama has done will put people back to work. No one has the balls to do what is needed to reverse 30+ years of "progress" that caused this mess.
I don't understand the 30+ years of progress comment, that's been going on for more than 100 years since TR became president in 1901 or maybe even earluer.
if by doing their best to spur the economy, you mean to just print and print trillions of dollars and expanding government into the automotive and healthcare industry while watch unemployment pass 10%...then yes

THe government has surely spur the economy

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