When is rape not rape?


Jul 14, 2009
When it is being done by a muslim to his ex wife in New jersey.

A New Jersey family court judge's decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually abused by her Moroccan husband and forced repeatedly to have sex with him is sounding the alarm for advocates of laws designed to ban Shariah in America.

Judge Joseph Charles, in denying the restraining order to the woman after her divorce, ruled that her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs -- and that he did not have "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife.

According to the court record, the man's wife -- a Moroccan woman who had recently immigrated to the U.S. at the time of the attacks -- alleged:

"Defendant forced plaintiff to have sex with him while she cried. Plaintiff testified that defendant always told her "this is according to our religion. You are my wife, I c[an] do anything to you. The woman, she should submit and do anything I ask her to do."

FOXNews.com - Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling

Another mosque is surely the answer to help open the dialog.:doubt:
no, they are gonna seek justice in an american court under the rules of american justice.....

this muslim thing needs to be addressed and settled....i dont live near a large muslim population.....but i do remember when i would talk to my army brat friends ....in the 70s.....girls hated to be in turkey and places like that....the men were nasty to them etc.

so mr fitnah....how do you think we should deal with muslims and conversion....most muslims in the us...are converts (i really got no clue but i am throwing that out there) what about this religion brings people to it?
Im not sure that most America muslims are converts.
Many women convert to marry an exotic man who impresses them.
They soon tire of the marriage

The solution.
education and facts.
Islam is a crime syndicate. a street gang .
Where did mohammad get his money? what was his job ?

o please mr fitnah......modern day islam is about as close to mohammed as modern day christianity is to jesus....

men manipulate religions .....

Islams calender begins with the program of piracy kidnapping and murder.

American citizens have a responsibility to defend our way of life and not be hoodwinked by slick talking wankers

The Words Of Samuel Adams:

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an ever lasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

"Is the call for jihad against a particular people a religious right by those calling for it, or is it a human rights violation against the people on which jihad is declared and waged?"

Sa'id Raja'i-Khorassani, the Permanent Delegate to the United Nations from the Islamic Republic of Iran, declared, according to Amir Taheri, that "the very concept of human rights was 'a Judeo-Christian invention' and inadmissible in Islam. . . . According to Ayatollah Khomeini, one of the Shah's 'most despicable sins' was the fact that Iran was one of the original group of nations that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
i will admit i know little about the religion

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Right-Islam-Vision-Muslims/dp/0060582723]Amazon.com: What's Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West (9780060582722): Feisal Abdul Rauf: Books[/ame]

Disturbing book. This jerkoff claims to want better relations with America, but what he really wants is for America to succumb to Islam.

As far as why do people convert? I would say the same reason people joing gangs, and no I'm not saying that fool Fitnah is right and Islam is a gang. I'm simply saying that many inner city blacks who don't wish to become gang members reach out to the Muslim churches and yes American Muslims are not near as fanatical as their Middle Eastern counterparts, for the most part I mean, Even the worst off, poorest American Muslim is better off than some of those poor son of a bitches in the ME.

But as to the OP, absolutely under Islamic law a woman is the property of her father and then her husband. There is no such thing as marital rape, over there a woman can't divorce. A man can have four wives, spousal abuse is not just tolerated, it's encouraged, in fact they have special police that will beat your wife for you if she does something 'wrong" in public. Do you know bones that under Sharia law a woman can not make a complaint of rape unless she has 4 male witnesses to coo-berate her claim?

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: What Must a Woman Do to Prove Rape?

What kind of fucked up shit is that?

How ANY woman could not be offended at that religion is beyond me.
When a 16yr old male hurts his shoulder after having sex with his 23 yr old teacher.
the injury is from excessive high fiving, that is not rape. PERIOD

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