When is Big Too Big


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2010
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008
If a company earning $45.2B is too big, a government that spends more than $4T is certainly far too big.

Just sayin'.
Too big? Here's too big.... promises made to the American people... $100 Trillion. If you confiscate every dime of wealth from every man, woman, child and company in America.... $50 TRILLION.

Time for reality folks. What's been promised is too big to deliver. Time for some individual responsibility.
Oh, Exxon... yeah.. I think lipstick has a bigger margin that petroleum products. Dead serious.
Always with the big numbers.

Shock value (period)

Now show the profit margin, in percentages, then we'll talk.

I can't find anything for oil quickly, but here's a breakdown of gasoline:

Based upon a $3.00 gallon of gasoline, the average break-down is as follows.

Gasoline Retailer $.01 cents per gallon
Oil Company $.08 cents per gallon
Refining $.29 cents per gallon
Marketing/Distribution $.32 cents per gallon
Taxes $.59 cents per gallon
Cost of crude $1.71 per gallon (delivered)​

The government makes more on gasoline than the gas company does.
Always with the big numbers.

Shock value (period)

Now show the profit margin, in percentages, then we'll talk.

I can't find anything for oil quickly, but here's a breakdown of gasoline:

Based upon a $3.00 gallon of gasoline, the average break-down is as follows.

Gasoline Retailer $.01 cents per gallon
Oil Company $.08 cents per gallon
Refining $.29 cents per gallon
Marketing/Distribution $.32 cents per gallon
Taxes $.59 cents per gallon
Cost of crude $1.71 per gallon (delivered)​

The government makes more on gasoline than the gas company does.

How dare you!!!!
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008
How much did the U.S. federal gubmint expropriate from its citizens, returning no product to the general economy in the process, over the same time frame?
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008
How much did the U.S. federal gubmint expropriate from its citizens, returning no product to the general economy in the process, over the same time frame?

Oh shit... more heresy. I'm outta here; this will get ugly.
The problem is not that these corporations are large. The problem is that by virtue of their size they can circumvent the laws and regulations of any country.
Too big? Here's too big.... promises made to the American people... $100 Trillion. If you confiscate every dime of wealth from every man, woman, child and company in America.... $50 TRILLION.

Time for reality folks. What's been promised is too big to deliver. Time for some individual responsibility.

Individual responsibility!!! Have you lost your mind? You're kidding, right?
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008

So you would break it up and it would run more efficiently?
Unlike Ma Bell, Exxon cannot be called a monopoly. If it was broken up, it most likely would run less efficiently because it would lose its integrated assets and gasoline prices would rise. There's plenty of competition in the gasoline market place, and the companies have improved their production by efficiency. That is proven by the fact that with no new refineries, we are getting more product/capacity out of the same plants.

C'mon...Tell us how much the District of Columbia Corporation took in, Gomer.

I bet you don't give a hoot in hell over propping up that "too big to fail" mess, with every dollar that can be confiscated.

Can't stop shilling for big business against the government can you? Funny thing is, big business has bought many in the government I bet you voted for.

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