"When I see homeowners and car owners with a Blue Lives Matter flag, it sends chills up my spine"


VIP Member
Aug 19, 2014
"Why can't these privileged white people understand that blue lives already matter? All we are asking is that the police stop killing unarmed black and brown bodies and understand that black lives matter too. That's all!

"When I see homeowners and car owners with a Blue Lives Matter flag, it sends chills up my spine". "Being "blue" is a choice. You can quit being a police officer. I can't quit being black. It's reality. It's permanent".

What do you think of far left progressives who say these things to themselves and out loud in public on shows and internet sites?

How do you kill an unarmed black and brown body? I mean if they're a "body", they're already dead, right?
Expressing ones opinion is a freedom enjoyed by everyone in the US. Something attributed to Voltaire says well what that freedom means. "I may hate everything you say but I would die for your right to say it." Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from hearing something you disagree with.

Deal With It
How do you kill an unarmed black and brown body? I mean if they're a "body", they're already dead, right?

Black body is a term used by far left social justice warriors.
I am an older white guy, somewhat privileged, far left social justice warrior and I completely agree with you- except that I never used the term "Black Bodies " and in fact have not heard it until now.. The fact that blue lives matter is indeed self evident. But while some cops and others act like black lives don't matter- necessitating that assertion- few if any are acting like blue lives don't matter . Peace!
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Expressing ones opinion is a freedom enjoyed by everyone in the US. Something attributed to Voltaire says well what that freedom means. "I may hate everything you say but I would die for your right to say it." Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from hearing something you disagree with.
No one is trying to deny anyone the freedom of speech. Shout it from the roof tops, but other have freedom of speech also - the freedom to express our views and what you say and to point out the foolishness of it when necessary
How do you kill an unarmed black and brown body? I mean if they're a "body", they're already dead, right?

Black body is a term used by far left social justice warriors.
... few if any are acting like blue lives don't matter . Peace!

That’s offensively ignorant.
Really, please explain

Officer Deaths by Year
I've been over this a million times with the evidence/links/etc
...there is NOT a major chronic problem of police shooting anyone, much less blacks
black criminal lives don't matter
I'm glad when any criminal is dead
How do you kill an unarmed black and brown body? I mean if they're a "body", they're already dead, right?

Black body is a term used by far left social justice warriors.
I am an older white guy, somewhat privileged, far left social justice warrior and I completely agree with you- except that I never used the term "Black Bodies " and in fact have not heard it until now.. The fact that blue lives matter is indeed self evident. But while some cops and others act like black lives don't matter- necessitating that assertion- few if any are acting like blue lives don't matter . Peace!
Quoted for truth.

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