When I Read This I Think, "We Are Going To Lose This War..."


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Links at site, :blowup:


The Multi-Million Dollar 9/11 Insult

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing almost 3,000 people and horrifying the world. (Except those parts of the world where they danced and celebrated.)

Now radical leftists have hijacked the Ground Zero Memorial at the World Trade Center, to install a self-hating lecture on America’s sins and human rights failings.

In Debra Burlingame’s words, it’s a multi-million dollar insult. And it’s brought to you by the ACLU and George Soros.

Debra Burlingame is the sister of the pilot whose plane was turned into a gigantic suicide bomb on 9/11, and she was interviewed today on Bill Bennett’s show; you can listen over the web here: Bill Bennett: Interviews.

UPDATE at 6/7/05 3:55:08 pm:

GOP Bloggers has contact information for the 9/11 Memorial: Reclaim the September 11 Memorial.

The board of directors of the International Freedom Center are:

Tom A. Bernstein (Chairman) - President of Chelsea Piers, President of the Board of Human Rights First

Paula Grant Berry (Vice-Chair) - Member of the Board, World Trade Center Memorial Foundation

Stephen B. Heintz - President of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund

Daniel T. Tishman - President of Tishman Construction Corporation

Tom Bernstein is an avowed liberal; I suggest calls to Daniel Tishman (212-399-3600). The International Freedom Center was selected by the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. to be at the 9/11 memorial, and the chairman of the LMDC is John Whitehead (212-962-2300). The LMDC board was appointed by New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (311 in NYC or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC) and New York Governor George Pataki (518-474-8390). These people probably aren’t aware of what travesty is about to take place on hallowed ground, so let them know.

3:46 PM PDT
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as a society in general, finally going to see the left in this country as it really exists. The Democrat left is America hating, neo-communist/socialist globalists who despise this country, it's traditions, it's political and economic institutions, and it's people.
May George Soros burn in hell...

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