When Feeling Passes For Knowing....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

HUMANS make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

HUMANS can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.
Last edited:
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

MEN make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

MEN can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.
Well said, except (ahem ahem) WOMEN also make laws and change them....
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

MEN make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

MEN can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

So your claim is that the law of supply and demand lacks universality?

Another post consistent with a serious cerebral injury.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

MEN make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

MEN can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.
Well said, except (ahem ahem) WOMEN also make laws and change them....

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

Well said????

So your claim is that the law of supply and demand lacks universality?

Another post consistent with a serious cerebral injury.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

MEN make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

MEN can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.
Well said, except (ahem ahem) WOMEN also make laws and change them....

Point taken.

As I wrote MEN I was thinking "HUMANS = men and women" but I consider your point correct and will endeavor in the future to say "humans"
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature,"

so does monogamy and marriage.

why do you oppose human nature?

why are you trying to stop people from behaving naturally?

" welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, "

I think you are wrong on this. MANY societies/cultures, in the past and still today, took the welfare of fellow tribemens or family as their duty.

" and the laws of economics."

The laws of economic are man made. They are NOT some super natural entity that can't be countered.

"Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics."

To a heartless uncivilized barbarian who is selfish, immoral and unethical I suppose this means something. But to decent, civlized caring humans it is all bullshit.

MEN make the laws and rules that govern us in all things.

MEN can change those laws and rules to fit a more rational and civilized society.

To say "gays are unnatural so it is ok to kill gays else we are making a mockery of human nature" does NOT make you a better person than me.

It doesn't even make you a person.
Well said, except (ahem ahem) WOMEN also make laws and change them....

I just fixed it!.....thank you.
When Feeling Passes For Knowing....
You end up with an idiot for president, like tRump.

See, you are the problem for Liberals/Democrats......your posts and claims are so clearly the reverse of the truth, that there must be some who would vote Democrat, who are dissuaded by your obvious falsehoods.

It is evident that Trump's economy is far superior to Obama's....

Don't ever change.
11. In my local newspaper, Courier Life, one letter to the editor described Liberalism in microcosm:


To the editor,

All across the region I am noticing that McDonaldā€™s is busy improving their hamburger joints, not for better aesthetics or customer service, but a direct response to the mandated $15 minimum wage.

The restaurant being rebuilt on Flatbush Avenue, near the Ryder Post Office is a prime example.

My grandsons and I have visited several of these stores to see newly installed electronic-ordering kiosks where one doesnā€™t order food with a human, but through a video screen.
We are told it is for better service, though it has been revealed that these new kiosks enable the company to substantially reduce staffing, thus improving their bottom line.

Well done (and not the burgers) to federal, state, and city legislators who through their concern to boost wages to aid minority workers have now hurt the very people in the community by eliminating their jobs."
Sho-bad! Blow horn only on holy days, sez reader

How many times must the same lesson be taught????
11. In my local newspaper, Courier Life, one letter to the editor described Liberalism in microcosm:


To the editor,

All across the region I am noticing that McDonaldā€™s is busy improving their hamburger joints, not for better aesthetics or customer service, but a direct response to the mandated $15 minimum wage.

The restaurant being rebuilt on Flatbush Avenue, near the Ryder Post Office is a prime example.

My grandsons and I have visited several of these stores to see newly installed electronic-ordering kiosks where one doesnā€™t order food with a human, but through a video screen.
We are told it is for better service, though it has been revealed that these new kiosks enable the company to substantially reduce staffing, thus improving their bottom line.

Well done (and not the burgers) to federal, state, and city legislators who through their concern to boost wages to aid minority workers have now hurt the very people in the community by eliminating their jobs."
Sho-bad! Blow horn only on holy days, sez reader

How many times must the same lesson be taught????
They never learn and are barely trainable............they can't see the forest for the trees................blinded by their lunacy
11. In my local newspaper, Courier Life, one letter to the editor described Liberalism in microcosm:


To the editor,

All across the region I am noticing that McDonaldā€™s is busy improving their hamburger joints, not for better aesthetics or customer service, but a direct response to the mandated $15 minimum wage.

The restaurant being rebuilt on Flatbush Avenue, near the Ryder Post Office is a prime example.

My grandsons and I have visited several of these stores to see newly installed electronic-ordering kiosks where one doesnā€™t order food with a human, but through a video screen.
We are told it is for better service, though it has been revealed that these new kiosks enable the company to substantially reduce staffing, thus improving their bottom line.

Well done (and not the burgers) to federal, state, and city legislators who through their concern to boost wages to aid minority workers have now hurt the very people in the community by eliminating their jobs."
Sho-bad! Blow horn only on holy days, sez reader

How many times must the same lesson be taught????
They never learn and are barely trainable............they can't see the forest for the trees................blinded by their lunacy

There must be syndrome named after the counterproductive doctrines espoused by that bunch.....
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage
On the other hand...
As of June 2016, the IMF warned the United States that its high poverty rate needs to be tackled urgently by raising the minimum wage and offering paid maternity leave to women to encourage them to enter the labor force.[21] In December 2017, the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, undertook a two-week investigation on the effects of systemic poverty in the United States, and sharply condemned "private wealth and public squalor", declaring the state of Alabama to have the "worst poverty in the developed world".[22] Alston's report was issued in May 2018 and highlights that 40 million people live in poverty and over five million live "in ā€˜Third Worldā€™ conditions."[23]
....you know you're dealing with a Liberal.

Minimum wages, living wage, welfare.....all run counter to both the laws of human nature, and the laws of economics.

1. Have you noticed that the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was half a century ago when Democrat LBJ declared 'war on poverty,' and mandated the $22 trillion lost on this black hole of government spending???

2. ā€œEarned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.ā€
Jonah Goldberg

3. "... a federal $15 minimum wage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has come out with a caustic report on the consequences of the policy.

4. Democrats are under the illusion that the government can force employers to artificially increase wages with no adverse consequences for American workers. But thatā€™s like saying the government could double familiesā€™ mortgage and rent payments without any consequence."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

5. Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

a. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the workerā€™s output worth the higher wage.

b. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

6. Democrats have the peachy keen plan to put economic policy in the hands of those with no experience therein.

Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™
Joe Biden: ā€˜Iā€™ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Lifeā€™ | Breitbart

And lots of other incompetents....(cough...erObama....)

7. "The Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would lead to 1.3 million lost jobs by the year 2025, with job losses rising over time due to compounding negative impacts.

8. ...a not-insignificant chance that losses could exceed 3.7 million.

9. A 2011 Heritage Foundation estimate was even bleaker. It estimated a $15 minimum wage would lead to 7 million lost jobs.

10. Some groups have tried to minimize this part of the picture, focusing instead on the 17 million workers who currently earn below $15 that would receive an income boost. But this simply means that for every 13 workers who would get a wage boost, one worker would lose their job entirely."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage
On the other hand...
As of June 2016, the IMF warned the United States that its high poverty rate needs to be tackled urgently by raising the minimum wage and offering paid maternity leave to women to encourage them to enter the labor force.[21] In December 2017, the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, undertook a two-week investigation on the effects of systemic poverty in the United States, and sharply condemned "private wealth and public squalor", declaring the state of Alabama to have the "worst poverty in the developed world".[22] Alston's report was issued in May 2018 and highlights that 40 million people live in poverty and over five million live "in ā€˜Third Worldā€™ conditions."[23]





it is a dog eat dog world and any dog that doesn't cut the mustard deserves to rot and die!

(I am so thankful that I am a much better person than conservatives)
12. "The report makes clear that a $15 minimum wage would disproportionately harm workers with the least education and experience and those with disabilities because these workers would be the first to be let goā€”or to never be hired in the first place.

Under a $15 minimum wage, only workers who can produce at least $35,000 of value per year would be employable. Thatā€™s a high hurdle for anyone who lacks experience, doesnā€™t have an advanced education, canā€™t speak English, or has a disability.

In multiple instances, the report noted that the consequences of a $15 minimum wage would rise over time. This confirms what economists David Neumark and Olena Nizalova concluded in their study of long-run minimum wage effects:

Evidence suggests that as individuals reach their late 20s, they earn less the longer they were exposed to a higher minimum wage at younger ages, and the adverse longer-run effects are stronger for blacks."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage
13. "With a $15 minimum wage in addition to an Obamacare penalty for failing to provide workers with insurance, plus federally mandated taxes and benefits, the minimum cost of employing a full-time worker would exceed $38,000.

When workers become more expensive to employ, companies have a greater incentive to invest in machinery to eventually replace employees.

The Congressional Budget Office points out that some employers will respond to that higher cost by replacing low-income workers with machines.

This is already happening in counties like my own that have adopted a $15 minimum wage. My local McDonaldā€™s recently installed four automated cashier machines to reduce the number of workers it needs."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

What a perfect example of the thread title....Liberals replacing evidence, logic, and experience, with hopes, dreams, ....and feeling.
14. "A 2017 Heritage Foundation report estimated that a $15 minimum wage would cause prices at fast food restaurants to rise between 24% and 38%.

.... a $15 minimum wage would reduce business incomes because employers would have to adjust and figure out how to respond to higher wage costs.

Inevitably, most employers affected by higher wages would raise their prices, which in turn would hurt all consumers."
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage

So, who would it help???

Big government.
But keep electing Democrats and that's what you get.

Here is one admitting it....

"George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating

In 1988, I invested most of the earnings from this lecture circuit acquiring the leasehold on Connecticutā€™s Stratford Inn.

In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, ...I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender." George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating
15. As is true of children and savages, seeing only a desired outcome....as when feeling passes for knowing......Democrats fail to recognize that there are ramifications and consequences to their polices.

So....mandating $15 minimum wage.....

"While many lower-wage workers would receive higher incomes from the $15 minimum wage, the job losses and reduced capital investment would lead to a smaller overall economy by 2025, with the size of the decline compounding over time.

A smaller economy would mean lower overall family incomes. As the report noted, a $15 minimum wage ā€œwould reduce total real (inflation-adjusted) family income in 2025 by $9 billion.ā€
Here Are 6 Ways a New Report Devastates the $15 Minimum Wage
16. Don't imagine that Democrat either give up on bad ideas, or that they recognize that they are bad ideas.

FDR, in a compendium of bad ideas.....the result of many increased the Depression by 7 or 8 years of misery.......also used minimum wage laws.

FDR was not much for black folks, but minimum wage really gave them the boot.....and this round of $15 minimum will do the same.

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nationā€™s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective.

The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed


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