When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Tea Party Express is not a grassroots group; it's a registered political PAC that funds right-wing candidates. And CNN is helping them.

When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

CNN, once known for its unflinching coverage of actual news events, last night decided to become a maker, not a chronicler, of news. When the cable news network decided to partner with the Tea Party Express for a debate among the Republican presidential candidates, it cast aside any ethical concerns a news organization might have about direct involvement in elections and active engagement in altering the dynamics of a political party.

The article goes on to state that CNN may be acting out of a sense of quiet desperation due to Fox News' ratings.

Frankly, I'm having trouble understanding where the line is. Obviously, I'm the opposite of a tea party supporter - but why is CNN wrong for carrying the debate? What am I missing here?
Okay, and since that's what I'm saying - can you explain why the writer of the article feels that CNN crossed some sort of a line?

Maybe you should consider the source? Just a thought...

I watched all of the debate and the after debate coverage. Although CNN didn't stoop to BSNBC's level by immediately calling the entire field names they did blast them plenty for their right of center stances.
Okay, and since that's what I'm saying - can you explain why the writer of the article feels that CNN crossed some sort of a line?
Well, first of all, look at the source, and do the math.

The left wing wants full control of the media and airways. After all, it's the left who constantly pushes the fairness doctrine. The writer obviously understands the Tea Party is established, and isn't going away. It's not the fad the lefty's desperately hoped it would be. They are here to stay They have serious influence as we saw this past November, and wil no doubt have influence next November......I get the feeling, by reading what you linked, that the writer is affraid that CNN will move more to the center at the very least, and not pimp as hard as they have in the past for the left wing. And if CNN wants to compete, they need to move away fom the left, and start offering more opposing views.....This is a center right society, always will be.

And, nobody can argue the fact that Obama is fully up against the wall. This economy has completely stagnated, due to his economic ineptness. The hardcore left are beginning to go into a sort of panic mode. And after seeing tonights debate, Obama's going to have one hell of a fight on his hands.
Of the millions raised by Tea Party Express in the last election cycle, much of the money was spent in "independent expenditures" (usually attack ads and mailings) designed to support the candidacies of primary challengers such as O'Donnell, Angle and Miller. So, what CNN is doing is deploying Wolf Blitzer, who moderated last night's debate, to alter the political dynamic of the Republican Party to move it even further to the right than it already is.
There was a time when news stations were just that, they reported the news. I would say a Presidential debate would fall in to the category of news. CNN did themselves a favor by hosting this, too bad the journalistic integrity of some of their "reporters" got back to the same ole, same ole.

I think Wolf Blitzer did a pretty good job moderating this debate. Maybe the writer of the article the OP quoted can learn a little something about journalism. Perhaps he's a little jealous he wasn't invited. :dunno:

It appears he's a little biased toward the TEA Party and wouldn't even consider giving one member air time if he had a choice. :confused:
Tea Party Express is not a grassroots group; it's a registered political PAC that funds right-wing candidates. And CNN is helping them.

When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

CNN, once known for its unflinching coverage of actual news events, last night decided to become a maker, not a chronicler, of news. When the cable news network decided to partner with the Tea Party Express for a debate among the Republican presidential candidates, it cast aside any ethical concerns a news organization might have about direct involvement in elections and active engagement in altering the dynamics of a political party.

The article goes on to state that CNN may be acting out of a sense of quiet desperation due to Fox News' ratings.

Frankly, I'm having trouble understanding where the line is. Obviously, I'm the opposite of a tea party supporter - but why is CNN wrong for carrying the debate? What am I missing here?

You're missing the fact that it's AlterNet.... not exactly known for rational thought and critical thinking.
Tea Party Express is not a grassroots group; it's a registered political PAC that funds right-wing candidates. And CNN is helping them.

When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

CNN, once known for its unflinching coverage of actual news events, last night decided to become a maker, not a chronicler, of news. When the cable news network decided to partner with the Tea Party Express for a debate among the Republican presidential candidates, it cast aside any ethical concerns a news organization might have about direct involvement in elections and active engagement in altering the dynamics of a political party.

The article goes on to state that CNN may be acting out of a sense of quiet desperation due to Fox News' ratings.

Frankly, I'm having trouble understanding where the line is. Obviously, I'm the opposite of a tea party supporter - but why is CNN wrong for carrying the debate? What am I missing here?

You're missing the fact that it's AlterNet.... not exactly known for rational thought and critical thinking.

I like to call them altered world.. what a joke of websites we have to wade through from some of these people.
being overseas I prefer CNN for my news on-line. I wont go near FOX or MSNBC, those are entertainment channels, not news channels.
Okay, and since that's what I'm saying - can you explain why the writer of the article feels that CNN crossed some sort of a line?

Given that it's AlterNet, I expect the writer feels CNN crossed a line because CNN didn't insist the TEA Party is a bunch of old white rednecks who hate the President because he's black.
Okay, and since that's what I'm saying - can you explain why the writer of the article feels that CNN crossed some sort of a line?

Given that it's AlterNet, I expect the writer feels CNN crossed a line because CNN didn't insist the TEA Party is a bunch of old white rednecks who hate the President because he's black.

don't worry, that will be tomorrow and I'm sure it will be posted here by some idiot..
Okay, and since that's what I'm saying - can you explain why the writer of the article feels that CNN crossed some sort of a line?

Given that it's AlterNet, I expect the writer feels CNN crossed a line because CNN didn't insist the TEA Party is a bunch of old white rednecks who hate the President because he's black.

don't worry, that will be tomorrow and I'm sure it will be posted here by some idiot..
Of course. And one of the drooling idiots will quote my post and say, "They ARE! Herp derp derp!!"
Joe, cause GOP voters only make up about 20% of the voting population bud. They owe it to the nation to have a debate in front of everyone, not just the dyed in wool types.
I wonder why GOP candidates need to keep going in front of these liberal journalists who try to ask them "Gotcha" questions that GOP voters don't care that much about.

The questions came from TEA Party Express members across the country.

See, that's why you need to consider the facts before you post.
Tea Party Express is not a grassroots group; it's a registered political PAC that funds right-wing candidates. And CNN is helping them.

When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

CNN, once known for its unflinching coverage of actual news events, last night decided to become a maker, not a chronicler, of news. When the cable news network decided to partner with the Tea Party Express for a debate among the Republican presidential candidates, it cast aside any ethical concerns a news organization might have about direct involvement in elections and active engagement in altering the dynamics of a political party.

The article goes on to state that CNN may be acting out of a sense of quiet desperation due to Fox News' ratings.

Frankly, I'm having trouble understanding where the line is. Obviously, I'm the opposite of a tea party supporter - but why is CNN wrong for carrying the debate? What am I missing here?

Of brother... another stupid BedPoop thread.... oh happy day.
News Flash: All hell breaks loose as CNN finally devotes 1% of it's attention to something other than "All Obama, all wonderful, all the time".

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