When cops run out of ammunition


Looks like most of Southern Africa will be living in the dark ages soon.


When they run out of ammo, the cops can just go to JGalt's garage and stock up. Judging from the threads he starts, apparently he spends most of his free time loading rounds of ammo.

He's probably got so much ammo that he wouldn't even notice that a mere few zillion rounds were missing for many years until he takes inventory. And even then he might figure that any miniscule discrepancy of that nature is just a rounding error.

And by then the war would be over anyways.

Problem solved.
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“You don’t hear as much talk about it ...even around the country...about defunding the police...You hear people talking about accountability, dealing with certain officers. But the term ‘defund the police,’ I’m not hearing a lot of it anymore. Candidates have backed off of it.

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