When are Boston and Chicago Mayors going to ban Muslim Halal Restaurants


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.
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I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.
The difference is that Chick Fil A is a national franchise chain.

While halal grocery stores and halal ethnic restaurants are usually locally owned small mom & pop businesses.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

He talked about gay marriage not discriminatory serving food to others! It sets a bad precendent! You agree with disallowing a business in a city because you don't like their politics? You have all the right in the world not to eat there, but it's outright DISHONESTY and CORRUPTION to disallow a business based on religious reasons!

What if in the South they find it morally objectable to allow a business owner's business in a city because he speaks out for abortion rights or for total gun control, are you going to stand by same argument and say AOK? Or you are only about banning a business that supports a GOP position!
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I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

Islam hangs and stones to death gays in many parts of the world. I would think that political figures in America would take issue with that.

But they don't have the balls to. Which makes this bashing on a continual basis so obvious that it's Christian bashing.
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I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

you should chant your username three times before posting

then don't post :lol:

The difference is that Chick Fil A is a national franchise chain.

While halal grocery stores and halal ethnic restaurants are usually locally owned small mom & pop businesses.

And many fine restaurants I might add in Toronto and Vancouver.

But that is not the issue. This man is pro traditional marriage in his private life and his personal beliefs.

His chain serves food to gays. They are not turned away. They are not discriminated against whatsoever in the restaurants.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

He talked about gay marriage not discriminatory serving food to others! It sets a bad precendent! You can disallow a business in a city because you don't like their politics? You have all the right in the world not to eat there, but it's outright DISHONESTY and CORRUPTION to disallow a business based on religious reasons!


Show me where it says you can't.
Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

He talked about gay marriage not discriminatory serving food to others! It sets a bad precendent! You can disallow a business in a city because you don't like their politics? You have all the right in the world not to eat there, but it's outright DISHONESTY and CORRUPTION to disallow a business based on religious reasons!


Show me where it says you can't.

Constitution of the United States - Official

maybe up the chanting to six times :thup:

then don't post
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

So long as the restaurant does not discriminate against gays (or anyone else) he is free to open and operate a business.

If I dislike the owners personal views I am free to eat there or not, as I choose.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

Hey "lookimstoopid", you are aware that the OP compared a Christian owned restaurant to a Muslim owned restaruant and NOT a religion to a restaurant.......aren't you? Dumb shit.
Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

He talked about gay marriage not discriminatory serving food to others! It sets a bad precendent! You can disallow a business in a city because you don't like their politics? You have all the right in the world not to eat there, but it's outright DISHONESTY and CORRUPTION to disallow a business based on religious reasons!


Show me where it says you can't.

I was asking you a question you stupid fuck! The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment protects individuals from discriminatory ruling from the state and Fed. However, they will say it's a zoning issue and likely win! I am not talking about a legal issues, I am talking about from a slippery slope issue! What happens if a conservative state draws a line in the sand and says no planned parenthood in the state, are you going to support that? Of course no, ya little hypocrite!
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

So long as the restaurant does not discriminate against gays (or anyone else) he is free to open and operate a business.

If I dislike the owners personal views I am free to eat there or not, as I choose.

Should this Islamic place be shut down because of it's open antisemitism! Hey we don't like your politics so you go down!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_BhTxgWys]Curb Your Enthusiasm - Palestinian Chicken Place - Season 8 Ep. 3 - YouTube[/ame]
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

Islam hangs and stones to death gays in many parts of the world. I would think that political figures in America would take issue with that.

But they don't have the balls to. Which makes this bashing on a continual basis so obvious that it's Christian bashing.
its christian bashing so you fallback to muslim bashing. Like i said you are trash and this just proves it even more.

I really wish you all would shut the fuck up. This includes the mayors. They have the right to build just like the Muslims have the right to build mosques in New York and Tenn.

No you have no moral high ground Tiny, nor does the right on this. The left has no moral high ground on this either.

so shut the fuck up.

No fagz allowed!!!! BLULULULOOOLOOOOLOOOO!!! I blow you fagz up!!! BLULOOLOOLOOOO!!!! You fagz no buy chickenz from me!!! BLULOLOOLOOLOOO!!! BLULLOOLOOOOO!!!! No gay fagz eatz my chickenz!!!!! BLULOOLOOLOOOOLOOOO!!!
I get it by what it is that you are inferring here, I mean with all this cherry picking that has led to the destruction of this nations morals and traditional family values are well known & documented now, but where the problem is these days for America, is found in the actual destruction that has been wrought from it all against the traditional family unit (a husband/wife/chidren), and this for over fifty years now it all has been going down down down into a burning ring of fire.

How to put the genie back into the bottle is anyones guess, but it is doubtful that it will be put back into the bottle anytime soon.. I say that Chic-Fil-A should stand up, just as God would expect them to, and fear not the threats or boycotts mentioned by these devils minions who are living with this society now, and they should welcome all who believe in the ways that they believe to their establishment with open arms, and for those who don't believe in a Chic-Fil-A vision or belief system (closed on Sundays to honor the Sabath as being just one of them), then they are free to go eat at the thousands more resteraunts in which are in their cities or towns as well. Chc-Fil-A will not turn anyone away, because it wants to stand as an example in that which is good for all to see, then maybe people will be able to compare the others to their establishment that is built on certain operating standards and procedures, that was created from a belief system in which gave these owners the foundation to having it operate in these ways. They treat their employee's as a family, and they are strict on doing what is right always, so all I can say is that the others need to take lessons in what made America great, and quit siding with the few over the masses who want exactly what a Chc-Fil-A has to offer them.

Now take Mcdonalds for example, in my area I began noticing that the local Mcdonads were working a majority black, in which has nothing to do with geographics or location, it is that they undoubtedly have started a program that hires blacks preferentially over other applicants, in which I thought was against the law ? Today I saw the new CEO of Mcdonalds, and to my non-surprise in light of this situation, he is black. So what is it then, is Mcdonalds going to be hiring blacks preferentially now above whites or other races within their establishments (breaking EEOC Rules or Laws now), and all for a new agenda that hopes to hoist blacks upwards in society ?

At least Chic-Fil-A isn't breaking any laws in this respect, but you don't here anyone saying anything about Mcdonalds breaking the law as they are doing, and this in the area for which I live in. I know that there are at least 4 to 5 stores engaging in this practice in the area, and it is big time wrong.

Chic-Fil-A will realize that these people are far less in number that they lead people to believe by media and other methods they use so well now, and it will also realize that they will not be hurt by this at all. The demons have a way of bloating their numbers in hopes that people will fear them and their threats made, but in reality they are a mere small percentage of those who actually care, and that would join a foolish venture to go after a resteraunt business as some sort of political move for a broader agenda that is being played out again and again and again in this nation by these demons. Stand strong Chic-Fil-A, and don't be moved by these demons who want to eventually destroy everything that is still trying to be good in America.

I know one thing, and that is that Chic-Fil-A has a superb operating atmosphere in which to work in or eat in, and anyone who has ever been in one of these stores will know this. Quality is there, Service is there, Cleanliness is there, and all the ingriedients that are expected by consumers to be in a resteraunt is there, and that is refreshing upside of what has been going on in these other chain resteraunts, especially those that operate more and more loosely, and have also been getting burned by it all, so the choice is yours America, and it is hopeful that you will soon be making the right choices once again in America, including in this coming election.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

Islam hangs and stones to death gays in many parts of the world. I would think that political figures in America would take issue with that.

But they don't have the balls to. Which makes this bashing on a continual basis so obvious that it's Christian bashing.

Please tell me you see the difference between allowing a religious organization to practice their beliefs and a chicken restaurant that is vocally against equal rights for our fellow citizens.

Islam hangs and stones to death gays in many parts of the world. I would think that political figures in America would take issue with that.

But they don't have the balls to. Which makes this bashing on a continual basis so obvious that it's Christian bashing.
its christian bashing so you fallback to muslim bashing. Like i said you are trash and this just proves it even more.

I really wish you all would shut the fuck up. This includes the mayors. They have the right to build just like the Muslims have the right to build mosques in New York and Tenn.

No you have no moral high ground Tiny, nor does the right on this. The left has no moral high ground on this either.

so shut the fuck up.

Au contraire Plasmaball. I'm not bashing Muslims whatsoever.

I admire their devotion to their religion and their willingness to fight for their beliefs.

I guarantee you right now if the Mayor of Boston were to say that Halal Restaurants in Bostons were now not allowed to operate because Islam does not condone gay marriage or the LGBT lifestyle all freaking hell would be breaking loose.

AND CAIR would be suing the City of Boston.


I admire this devotion. They don't take shit off asswipes like the Mayor of Boston.
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Au contraire Plasmaball. I'm not bashing Muslims whatsoever.

I admire their devotion to their religion and their willingness to fight for their beliefs.

I guarantee you right now if the Mayor of Boston were to say that Halal Restaurants in Bostons were now not allowed to operate because Islam does not condone gay marriage or the LGBT lifestyle all freaking hell would be breaking loose.

AND CAIR would be suing the City of Boston.

I admire this devotion. They don't take shit off asswipes like the Mayor of Boston.

uh huh you deflected because your shit stinks.

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