When All Else Fails, Silence Them


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Does anyone seriously think the Palis tech skills outstrip Israel's? I mean, they have the BOMB, right?

Arab hackers shut down Israeli sites

Thu Jun 29, 6:44 PM ET

Pro-Palestinian hackers shut down hundreds of Israeli Web sites as Israeli troops invaded southern Gaza after the abduction of an Israeli soldier, an Israeli newspaper reported Thursday.

The Jerusalem Post said about 700 Web sites were shut down early Wednesday morning in the campaign. Their home pages were replaced by the message, "Hacked by Team-Evil Arab hackers u KILL palestin people we KILL Israeli servers."

By early Friday, all the Web sites mentioned in the report were back in service. The report could not be independently confirmed.

Among the sites mentioned were Israel's largest bank, Bank Hapoalim, as well as a hospital in Haifa, BMW Israel, Subaru Israel and Citroen Israel.

The paper reported that the hacker team, with at least six members, is apparently based in Morocco and began attacking U.S. government Web sites in 2004.
Hobbit said:
Any hacker worth his salt can take down a few web sites for a little while. I'm not impressed or scared.
That was my point. :laugh:

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