What's wrong with the word 'negro'? How is 'black' politically more correct than 'negro'?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?
Fell out of favor after the Civil Rights movement

Too many bad memories
So do you agree that it is enough for getting rid of actual word with proper meaning?
Every country has bad memories.
How about Nazi Germany and it's polizei? They are still using that "bad" word.
i would call it another way....
Fell out of favor after the Civil Rights movement

Too many bad memories
So do you agree that it is enough for getting rid of actual word with proper meaning?
Every country has bad memories.
How about Nazi Germany and it's polizei? They are still using that "bad" word.
i would call it another way....
No, no blacks are being called Nazi or polizei.....
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?

How ignorant and selectively blind must one be not to notice how the word "negro" has been used all too often in an offensive and derogatory manner?

My point of view? Respect goes a long way. It is as simple as that. Just don't use that word. Even if it isn't as offensive as n*gg*r, even if it is within "your rights". Just don't. How hard can it be? Respect attracts positive karma and detracts negative karma. Just show some respect and who knows what doors will open for you. If you choose not to show respect... see doors close and bridges destroyed.

The victimizers continue to victimize the victims, then cry when they are beaten down for being assholes.
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?

Why any concern over "offending" anyone?
Every variation of every "n" word out there is
used daily here by most of the nuts who frequent this forum.

You will be right at home here.
The terms negro and colored were reminders of the Jim Crow south and represented a class of second class citizens.

Colored water fountain
We don't serve negroes

In the late 60s, the Black is Beautiful movement took hold. Be proud of being black. Be proud of your culture

Negro and Colored was reserved for second class citizens
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?

This board provides the perfect solution to the problem:


Means whatever the viewer wants it to mean.
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?
Negro is just another european fuckup of an african word. If people knew history this question would not need to be asked.
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?I would rather be called Negro,instead of Black as I'm not Black,I'm a light skinned Negro,I could pass,so how am I Black.

I would rather use Negro rather then Black as I am not dark skin.I am very light skinned so the use of Negro is fine with me.
No intent to offend somebody.
but a risky question indeed.
From wikipedia: The word “Negro” is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not.
I have heard that in Eastern Europe 'Negro' is still a well accepted term for blacks, so I am curious what happened elsewhere?
What is your point of view?
Negro is just another european fuckup of an african word. If people knew history this question would not need to be asked.

then black people invented that word, thanks for playing
"Negro" is Spanish for "black." It was also a race, like Caucasian, Oriental, and Austrailoid. Of course now we don't believe in race, so...

American descendants of African slaves (of whom Our Beloved President is NOT one), have always proprietary about what one may call them without giving offense. When I was growing up, such people preferred to be called "Negroes," but "colored" was also acceptable. Calling one of them "black" was a serious insult - especially within that community.

In the late 60's we heard that "Black is beautiful," so Black was no longer an insult, and colored became identified with old "Uncle Tom's."

African American is nonsense, on steroids, but it is what they prefer, so WGAF?

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