What's the temperature Kenneth ?


Jul 14, 2009
I mean really is this necessary ?

Moviegoer Tells Woman to Stop Talking On Cell Phone, Gets Stabbed in the Neck
The stabbing occurred last Saturday at the Cinemark 22

A woman talking on a cell phone during a movie didn't take to kindly to being 'shushed' by another moviegoer. Or at least her boyfriend didn't.
In a drama that turned more lively than the one on screen, the boyfriend allegedly attacked and stabbed the 'shusher' in the neck. With a meat thermometer.

The stabbing victim is expected to survive and is recovering at a local hospital. Two others who tried to help the victim were also injured, according to KTLA.
According to Sheriff's officials, the suspects were described as black males. One man was wearing an orange hat with an orange jersey and the other man was dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt.
There was no word on why the man had a meat thermometer in a movie theater.

Moviegoer Tells Woman to Stop Talking On Cell Phone, Gets Stabbed in the Neck | NBC Los Angeles
It just goes to prove that without guns or knives, people intent on violence will still find a way to commit it.
No. People who are rude are going to be rude regardless.
I hope they can keep these animal off the street for a while.
Whats the max for attempted murder in California 3 days ?
Attempting to judge if the movie had a lukewarm response from the public?

Probably a movie rated R for violence. Should have been a warning.
Cell phones do promote rudeness.

Cellphone are not The Ring. They don't make people do things that are out of their character.

Neither does Alcohol.
Both are enablers.

You are pinning the bogometer.

People do not ingest a cellphone which chemically alters their brain. To blame inanimate objects for a person's behavior is nonsense. All a cellphone does is provide an additional method for assholes to practice and celebrate their assholiness. But without the cellphone, the asshole would still be an asshole and just express it in another way.
You are excusing unacceptable behavior by blaming it on a Frelling Inanimate Object.
Most people seem to feel that they must answer a ringing phone.
I answer one when I want to , that is why I pay for voicemail.
Actually, most people put their phones on silent during a movie.

Just sayin'.

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