What's The CON$' Facsincation With George Soros?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
You CON$ keep throwing around that name and use it like "The Devil" or something, anytime something bad or ominous is happening, or about to happen, or you're trying to attach an extremely negative connotation to something you say things like "What about George Soros," "Remember George Soros," "George Soros."

I mean WHAT is so bad/negative about the man?

Please post some hard facts that has this American stuck deep up your collective anus'.
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He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?
What is the fascination with Rupert Murdoch?

Same thing, just on the flip side.

Rupert owns like...ALL the media, internationally. He's paid to be an American and spew his ultra RW BS and ideology the nation and the world over.

He owns FOXNews, NY Post, amongst a litany of other national and international media outlets. He's EXTREMELY right-wing...and dangerous. And he throws his money and clout around generously....while lying about it all the way.

What does Soros have on him?
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?
Yes since it has already been exposed as a Saul Alinsky type lie you have been BRAINWASHED to mindlessly parrot.

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
What is the fascination with Rupert Murdoch?

Same thing, just on the flip side.

Did Murdoch get any one gassed to death?

Herein lies the difference.

Soros has gotten people killed.

And what the hey. While we are at this shit, can you explain to me why Obama has spent millions attempting to pass abortion legislation in Kenya?

24 million.

And he even appeared in an advertisement.

24 million US tax payers dollars promoting abortion in Kenya.


soros spends money

obama spends money

babies die
What is the fascination with Rupert Murdoch?

Same thing, just on the flip side.

Did Murdoch get any one gassed to death?

Herein lies the difference.

Soros has gotten people killed.

And what the hey. While we are at this shit, can you explain to me why Obama has spent millions attempting to pass abortion legislation in Kenya?

24 million.

And he even appeared in an advertisement.

24 million US tax payers dollars promoting abortion in Kenya.


soros spends money

obama spends money

babies die
All these..."beliefs" not a single thread of FACT or PROOF proving them TRUE.


He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?

he was all of 13 at the time
you act like he was an adult Nazi sympathizer

i dont't like him or what i see him doing, but lets at least keep things honest in our opposition to his crap
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?
Yes since it has already been exposed as a Saul Alinsky type lie you have been BRAINWASHED to mindlessly parrot.

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.


from the get go saul dedicated his book to Satan.


Bill and Bernie were most interesting children silver spoon bitch and bastard from really rich families who really had a hard on for other rich families.

Bernie truly loved the fact that Sharon was stabbed in her pregnant belly multiple times.

Bernie really loved Tate getting it in her pregnant belly. Bernie is a pig. Such a Chicago pig.

So the President of America believes in a man who dedicated his book to Satan and lived and had a freindship and a relationship with a man called Ayers who dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan the assassin of Robert Kennedy.

Oh swell.:lol:
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?
Yes since it has already been exposed as a Saul Alinsky type lie you have been BRAINWASHED to mindlessly parrot.

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.


from the get go saul dedicated his book to Satan.


Bill and Bernie were most interesting children silver spoon bitch and bastard from really rich families who really had a hard on for other rich families.

Bernie truly loved the fact that Sharon was stabbed in her pregnant belly multiple times.

Bernie really loved Tate getting it in her pregnant belly. Bernie is a pig. Such a Chicago pig.

So the President of America believes in a man who dedicated his book to Satan and lived and had a freindship and a relationship with a man called Ayers who dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan the assassin of Robert Kennedy.

Oh swell.:lol:
Which is why CON$ worship Alinsky and follow his Rules to the letter.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

November 11, 2009
RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007
RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.

June 23, 2008
RUSH: Ronald Reagan said, "Just laugh at 'em, just laugh at 'em and just ridicule it,"
This guy is a currency manipulator. He advocates for a one world government and he is buying journalists and media outlets like NPR news and laundering donations through tides foundation to the Huffington Post. YOu asked for "hard facts" so here you go. I could keep going but I'm getting sick to my stomach

Billionaire George Soros has quietly invested $62 million in the purchase of more than 2 million shares of Halliburton
Soros makes Halliburton stealth buy

The man who broke the bank of England
BBC News | THE ECONOMY | The man who broke the Bank of England

The rouble's trouble had started last week after the influential investor George Soros had called for its devaluation.
BBC News | The Economy | Russian rouble devalued

Denouncing "rogue speculators," Mahathir singled out American billionaire trader George Soros as the chief villain behind the wave of selling in Southeast Asian markets.
Washingtonpost.com: Asian Economies Report

Insider trading conviction of Soros is upheld
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?

he was all of 13 at the time
you act like he was an adult Nazi sympathizer

i dont't like him or what i see him doing, but lets at least keep things honest in our opposition to his crap

Have you ever seen him repent?


True question. I hold him cold. I have never ever seen him apologize for his actions. Have you?

Piss on him. Because he carried on his actions to bring Britain to her knees.

And now he carries his vicious venom to our shores.

Look at the havoc he has wreaked already.
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?

he was all of 13 at the time
you act like he was an adult Nazi sympathizer

i dont't like him or what i see him doing, but lets at least keep things honest in our opposition to his crap

Have you ever seen him repent?


True question. I hold him cold. I have never ever seen him apologize for his actions. Have you?

Piss on him. Because he carried on his actions to bring Britain to her knees.

And now he carries his vicious venom to our shores.

Look at the havoc he has wreaked already.
then talk about those, not about something he may or may not have done as a 13 year old
You CON$ keep throwing around that name and use it like "The Devil" or something, anytime something bad or ominous is happening, or about to happen, or you're trying to attach an extremely negative connotation to something you say things like "What about George Soros," "Remember George Soros," "George Soros."

I mean WHAT is so bad/negative about the man?

Please post some hard facts that has this American stuck deep up your collective anus'.

He's like Rupert Murdoch without the felony conviction.

Enjoy Media Matters and NPR at your informed choice. But remember that Soros cannot ever view the Eiffel Tower with his own eyes.

Think about that one for a second - Soros can't even fly through France!
This guy is a currency manipulator. He advocates for a one world government and he is buying journalists and media outlets like NPR news and laundering donations through tides foundation to the Huffington Post. YOu asked for "hard facts" so here you go. I could keep going but I'm getting sick to my stomach

Billionaire George Soros has quietly invested $62 million in the purchase of more than 2 million shares of Halliburton
Soros makes Halliburton stealth buy

The man who broke the bank of England
BBC News | THE ECONOMY | The man who broke the Bank of England

BBC News | The Economy | Russian rouble devalued

Denouncing "rogue speculators," Mahathir singled out American billionaire trader George Soros as the chief villain behind the wave of selling in Southeast Asian markets.
Washingtonpost.com: Asian Economies Report

Insider trading conviction of Soros is upheld

Thank you.

I've got to figure out how to give you the rep thing . Thanks for just putting up the truth.
What is the fascination with Rupert Murdoch?

Same thing, just on the flip side.

Rupert owns like...ALL the media, internationally. He's paid to be an American and spew his ultra RW BS and ideology the nation and the world over.

He owns FOXNews, NY Post, amongst a litany of other national and international media outlets. He's EXTREMELY right-wing...and dangerous. And he throws his money and clout around generously....while lying about it all the way.

What does Soros have on him?

Murdoch owns NPR?
He trashed Britains economy by betting against the pound.

Oh and the little horrid man was a nazi sympathizer turning jews in ......

do you really need more than these two issues?
Yes since it has already been exposed as a Saul Alinsky type lie you have been BRAINWASHED to mindlessly parrot.

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.


What is the fascination with Rupert Murdoch?

Same thing, just on the flip side.

Rupert owns like...ALL the media, internationally. He's paid to be an American and spew his ultra RW BS and ideology the nation and the world over.

He owns FOXNews, NY Post, amongst a litany of other national and international media outlets. He's EXTREMELY right-wing...and dangerous. And he throws his money and clout around generously....while lying about it all the way.

What does Soros have on him?

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