What's next for Mitten?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Will he continue his career as a failed presidential candidate and go forward to being a three time loser?

Yeah, I'm gloating.
He'll just relax on a beach living off his millions while you continue to toil.

And you think you can gloat?
And I was SO looking forward to a president with magic underpants and 8 wives . . .
He should have stuck with it and pulled a Gore. Then he might win a Nobel Peace Prize, too.


gore only lost one home state.

mitt lost four.

life is good.
Nah, I'm talking about when it looked like he wasn't going to concede. When some were thinking about recounts.


Then he could make a fake documentary in win a peace prize. More of the awesome.
What's next for Romney?

Heat death.

No Fox News show. No home version election board game. No blender.

He did his best, presented America with an alternative, but most importantly retains his dignity. Now we get to experience chapter two of the grand progressive experiment.
I don't think they'll be giving him a show on Fox.
Don't think he'd take one even if they did offer it.

I voted for Obama, but I have a more favorable opinion of Romney now than I did when he started eight years ago.
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Maybe he will become the pope of the Mormon church.

He did his best, presented America with an alternative, but most importantly retains his dignity. Now we get to experience chapter two of the grand progressive experiment.

You must be referring to the grand progressive experiment that will involve cutting spending and increasing revenue to the federal government. If Republicans choose to play ball this time, we might actually see some progress that would be a positive for all Americans.
Joins Dole, Gore, Kerry and McCain in the Never-Weres Club. Could you pass the sour grapes, Bob? Sure 'nuff, Mitt. :D
I'm sure he'll continue to stack millions and take trips and quite possibly have another baby. The campaign was stressful for the Mormon. some good pussy is in order at this point.
He should have stuck with it and pulled a Gore. Then he might win a Nobel Peace Prize, too.


gore only lost one home state.

mitt lost four.

life is good.
Nah, I'm talking about when it looked like he wasn't going to concede. When some were thinking about recounts.


Then he could make a fake documentary in win a peace prize. More of the awesome.

i knew he's concede; he just needed time to write the speech.

he should have planned better
He did his best, presented America with an alternative, but most importantly retains his dignity. Now we get to experience chapter two of the grand progressive experiment.

You must be referring to the grand progressive experiment that will involve cutting spending and increasing revenue to the federal government. If Republicans choose to play ball this time, we might actually see some progress that would be a positive for all Americans.

Let me know when those Clowns in Congress start to cut spending.

I think I'll be in for a long wait.

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