What's more important to you? Muslim hating or Jesus following?

Jesus is no God. According to the God of Abraham, there is only one God, your father who art in heaven. And as the story goes, the God of the Hebrews is the same god of the Israelits, which is the same God of the Jews, Jesus was a Jew who spoke a semit language of ancient Arabic.
If Jesus is God, why would Jesus pray to himself?
The story of Jesus is a blend of Hellenistic/Judaeism literature.

Well said, but however there are just a couple of errors...........Abraham was the first one to notice God, and eventually started to talk to Him. Because of what Abraham did a long time ago, God decided to bless his line, and He promised Abraham that He would make the people of Abraham's line God's Chosen People.

Second, they didn't speak Arabic, they spoke Hebrew. And, when God gave the 10 commandments and the Torah to Moses, yes, they were written in Hebrew.

Me personally? Yes, I believe that Yeshua is who He said He is. And, in addition to that, He taught His disciples how to harness their energy and perform miracles as well. There are several stories in the OT about various prophets and the like have been able to heal, how to make water give you a path through a river (a rabbi did that one first), and in some cases, even fly.

I also believe that if we learn the lessons laid out by Yeshua, that we can become like Him. However.........that takes learning about more than just 1 theology. My personal favorites are Tao, Judaic theology (watch God's Learning Channel sometime and check out a show called "Hidden in the Hebrew" with Uri Harel). It also takes some study of science and how the earth really works.

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