What's Going On Here???

rtwngAvngr said:
Steve, simply, we're transitioning into the New World Order. Unless you work for government or at a fairly high level in a multinational corporation, you're screwed. The republicans are creating the corporate superstructure which will control all monetary transactions in the future. The governments which used to protect the interests of the nations separately and the liberals, will now just become instruments of oppression, protecting the new world order from those freedom loving individuals who would seek freedom. Oh, and it's all satan based. Can you stomache it?

Uh yeah. Some links please.
Steve757 said:
It's pretty hard to argue with someone who would believe that.
I don't 'know' you, but would have to agree with you.
Steve757 said:
It's pretty hard to argue with someone who would believe that.

Check it out brother. google one or several of the following terms

New World Order
Council On Foreign Relations
The Bilderbergers
New Age
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Steve757 said:
I can only speak for myself, but your assertion is way off base. Being an Independent allows me to formulate MY OWN OPINIONS and then vote for those who I believe will work in ways that will accomplish the things I believe in. What's wrong with that? I believe in fiscal responsibility and small government--keeping government out of our lives...Sound familiar? That USED to be the Republican way. Unfortunately, the Republicans seemed to lose their way since Reagan.

I was listening to Hannity the other day, and he brought up the thought, "What would Reagan do?" Well, Reagan certainly wouldn't be allowing our country to be invaded by Mexico. Reagan wouldn't think of turning over port operations to the Dubai government. And as I recall, government never reached its current size during the Reagan years. BUT WAIT...

What have the Democrats done to fix these same issues? Nothing. One could say that that is because they have no say as long as Republicans control both houses, but where are the freakin' ideas? I kept waiting for Kerry to come through with something...anything, but alas, they had nothing. What's even more disappointing is the fact that they don't seem to have anyone on the horizon who can step up.

My point: THIS is how one can be an Independent. I'm waiting for someone to tell me how we plan to control our borders. How do we plan to deal with the growing threat of Iran? I'm looking for someone to step up and offer ideas minus the bs politics.

Well I applaud you for understanding and practicing the true form of Independancy. However, not all independents are like you, and most label themselves as that for the purposes I mentioned above. Welcome aboard.
Kathianne said:
Not going there. I don't believe in that particular conspiracy. Now if ya wanna speak about aliens from mars...

Area51 "Dreamland Express" I'm a little rusty there...been quite awhile...but the 50gallon drums are interesting...as is the Trilateral! :terror:
Said1 said:
I've read serious stuff about the origins of coporate culture that fall in line, a little with the New World Order stuff.

Yep. Increasing pointless stratificiation and increasing buttkissing of those above and dehumanification of those below, just like satan likes it.
that augustreview.com site is pretty good. It doesn't have all the scary devil graphics that some have.
archangel said:
:scratch: :dunno: maybe this will help... www.unitedelite.net/realnwo.html

I do believe there could be a good NWO, but most of the 5 bases of the "good nwo" show no sign of being adhered to imho.
2) Create a new United Nations charter that emphasizes a union of independent sovereign countries composed of Republics that guarantee the natural inherent rights of an individual's sovereignty.
3) Impose restrictions on countries that oppress their people through any form of collectivism, including totalitarian democracy, theocracy, socialism, fascism, communism, and nazism.
4) Focus the research and development of all industries on coherent technologies instead of those based on fragmented energies and become aware that we possess the ability to end world suffering (one.org).
5) Evolve the banking system from a fractional reserve system of fiat currency to a global currency that is a gold or silver backed asset and has a stable exchange rate but still has an independent economic value.
dilloduck said:
You enjoy watching America going down the tubes, huh?

Watchinng the federal government grind to a halt isn't exactly what I would call "america going down the tubes".

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