What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?


Follow through with his reduction of the corporate tax
Bring back jobs from over sea's
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I wish he would spend more on science and technology that isn't green.
I wish he'd remove stupid regs(red tape) that shuts down businesses or stand in the way of science. Like fusion, nuclear, cancer research, etc.
If he's reelected I WISH he would try to be more honest.
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What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?


Follow through with his reduction of the corporate tax
Bring back jobs from over sea's
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I wish he would spend more on science and technology that isn't green.
I wish he'd remove stupid regs(red tape) that shuts down businesses or stand in the way of science. Like fusion, nuclear, cancer research, etc.
If he's reelected I WISH he would try to be more honest.

If he wins I would Hope and Pray that he finally starts leading like the Guy who ran for Office in 2008, and not the one who ran the country for the last 4 years.

However, I seriously doubt he will. with no Re-election to worry about it seems pretty clear to me he will continue to push for his Leftest Agenda.
I'd like him to finally accept that the GOP is NOT going to work with him on anything and just go ahead and run over them.

So you support his current level of tyranny but wish he would go full tyrant.

Gee, and where do conservatives get the idea you liberals are becoming communist?

What level of tyranny? I hear that charge leveled at him all the time, but I'd like to see some specifics.

By the way, if you think America today is an example of tyranny, you haven't been around many tyrants.
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I am all for Green Energy, But I would rather see us spend the money on Research instead of just handing out Billions of Various Companies, Some that are not even American, And hoping they do something.

Research is where it is at, The Private Sector would have already had this stuff ready to go, if it were Economically Viable to do. It's not, we need to Make it more Efficient, more Cost Effective. We do that and Private Industry will do the heavy lifting on bringing it to market.
I'd like him to finally accept that the GOP is NOT going to work with him on anything and just go ahead and run over them.

So you support his current level of tyranny but wish he would go full tyrant.

Gee, and where do conservatives get the idea you liberals are becoming communist?

What level of tyranny?

What else do you mean by "run over them" other than he should abuse his Executive Powers to go around them? That is Tyranny.

I can't wait till next time we do have a GOP president and he starts acting like Obama, and Going around Congress. All of the sudden you Idiots will remember that we have a Separation of Powers for a god damn good reason. To Avoid Tyranny.
I'd like him to finally accept that the GOP is NOT going to work with him on anything and just go ahead and run over them.

Oh, if only life were so simple. :D

EPA should have regulations against republican scum. Must be why the republicans want to do away with the EPA.
Keep spending money on renewable technologies. It isn't the advancement that I'm against, but the poor choices of where he's spending it on.

I am all for Green Energy, But I would rather see us spend the money on Research instead of just handing out Billions of Various Companies, Some that are not even American, And hoping they do something.

Research is where it is at, The Private Sector would have already had this stuff ready to go, if it were Economically Viable to do. It's not, we need to Make it more Efficient, more Cost Effective. We do that and Private Industry will do the heavy lifting on bringing it to market.


Research is a must if we wish to remain at the cutting edge of technology. It's really up to the private sector to take that technology developed from research to market.

We only remain the technological advanced super power if we put money into it.
Education, education, education.

When your county's population, meaning my country, prefers attack politics to substance you are a society in moral and ethical decline.

Just look at the senate race in Massachusetts. Scott Brown is just fucking pathetic and his followers are eating it up.
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Education, education, education.

When your county's population, meaning my country, prefers attack politics to substance you are a society in moral and ethical decline.

Just look at the senate race in Massachusetts. Scott Brown is just fucking pathetic and his followers are eating it up.

Reform is what we need. A teacher that improves his/her class scores should=more money. This would make them work harder and this would benefit the students.
I want him to pick a supreme or two. I want Obamacare to remain in tact.

Other than that, jobs jobs jobs and I hope constituents force the House to make jobs their priority as well.

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