What would the Republican reaction be if Obama had millions in offshore accounts?


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The furor over Mitt RomneyMitt Romney's millions and offshore accounts have died down somewhat as his supporters try valiantly to defuse the touch of dishonesty surrounding cries of tax evasion, Capital venture investments and his huge net worth. In fact, they claim overseas accounts is not tax evasion for it was perfectly within the limits of the law to send your money on a vacation.
The last time I checked we had sufficient big banks within America's shores that are capable of handling Romney's many millions. So there has to be a reason for hording all that money in the sunny Caribbean Cayman Islands and frosty Zürich, Switzerland.
The former Massachusetts Governor and Bain Capital Exec. says storing his money in foreign accounts, with nondescript P.O. Box numbers, is legal according to 'Uncle Sam.' That might be right, but why go to the trouble to send his money on such a long journey if it didn't benefit him in a big way? Moreover, if Romney wants to be leader of the U.S. shouldn't he practice what he preaches? How is he going to reform the tax codes if they have worked so well for his bottom line? How is he going to ask Americans to sacrifice, while he is using every loophole on the books to line his already padded pockets?

What would the GOP narrative be if Obama funneled money to offshore accounts as Romney?
GOP would probably say "good on him"!
What do you think the Dems would say?
GOP would probably say "good on him"!
What do you think the Dems would say?

Come on, are you really this naive?

They would be howling like a banshee.

I answered the question fairly.

If the GOP isn't screaming about Romney having money, why would they scream about Obama having money?

What do you think the Dems would say?

Sorry, I just can't argue with anyone who has such an adorable avatar.
Id be saying he is free to place his money wherever he wants.

And you'd ask me what the word "free" means.
So Chris, you know Obama DOESN'T have money in offshore accounts?

are you his money manager now?

dear gawd, stupid
One supposes they might attempt to use that to their political advantage, just as that reality about MITT is being used to bludgeon him politically.
If Barrys got money in offshore accounts than good for him.

It would make him look rather hypocrital though as he's after anything the "rich" have.

You know that "spread the wealth" bs he's been spouting for 3 years.
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Odd that democrats find a touch of dishonesty in even having an offshore account. I would imagine that obama has an offshore account himself now.
The furor over Mitt RomneyMitt Romney's millions and offshore accounts have died down somewhat as his supporters try valiantly to defuse the touch of dishonesty surrounding cries of tax evasion, Capital venture investments and his huge net worth. In fact, they claim overseas accounts is not tax evasion for it was perfectly within the limits of the law to send your money on a vacation.
The last time I checked we had sufficient big banks within America's shores that are capable of handling Romney's many millions. So there has to be a reason for hording all that money in the sunny Caribbean Cayman Islands and frosty Zürich, Switzerland.
The former Massachusetts Governor and Bain Capital Exec. says storing his money in foreign accounts, with nondescript P.O. Box numbers, is legal according to 'Uncle Sam.' That might be right, but why go to the trouble to send his money on such a long journey if it didn't benefit him in a big way? Moreover, if Romney wants to be leader of the U.S. shouldn't he practice what he preaches? How is he going to reform the tax codes if they have worked so well for his bottom line? How is he going to ask Americans to sacrifice, while he is using every loophole on the books to line his already padded pockets?

What would the GOP narrative be if Obama funneled money to offshore accounts as Romney?

Boy you and your HYPOCRITE President SURE leave yourselves OPEN!

YOU are NOT aware that for the LAST 3 years at least since having release tax returns OBAMA writes off..takes tax loophole.. of $300,000 that LOWERS HIS TAX bill!

HE hypocritically tells us piously "I'm my brother's keeper"HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

YET his tax returns show the SMALLEST amount tax write off of 14% of taxable income for DONATIONS! YES my brother's keeper made 3 times as much as BUSH 1.7 million YET gave less percentage (sound familiar?? complaining about Buffett's secretary??)
BUT BUSH gave 23% of his taxable income!

AND Obama couldn't even send a few dollars to his bro living in a $12 hut in Africa!

OH in case you don't believe here are the links:

According to his 2009 documents, the Obamas paid 1.79 million dollars in federal taxes and 163,303 dollars in state taxes to Illinois where the couple owns a home in Chicago.
The couple also donated 329,100 dollars to 40 different charities in 2009, with the largest reported gifts being 50,000 dollars to CARE and the United Negro College Fund.
Income gross $5,500,000
Taxes 1,790,000
donations 329,100 5.98% ONLY!!!
Obamas earned 5.5 million dollars in 2009

The Obamas' paid $855,323 in federal income tax 2008
And they donated $172,050 - or less then 6.5% of their adjusted gross income to 37 different charities.

President and Mrs. George W. Bush reported taxable income of $719, 274 for the tax year 2007 and paid $221,635 in federal income taxes, the White House said Friday.
The Bushes contributed a total of $165,660 [23%] to churches and charitable organizations.
Bush earned $719,000 in 2007 - CNN.com
The furor over Mitt RomneyMitt Romney's millions and offshore accounts have died down somewhat as his supporters try valiantly to defuse the touch of dishonesty surrounding cries of tax evasion, Capital venture investments and his huge net worth. In fact, they claim overseas accounts is not tax evasion for it was perfectly within the limits of the law to send your money on a vacation.
The last time I checked we had sufficient big banks within America's shores that are capable of handling Romney's many millions. So there has to be a reason for hording all that money in the sunny Caribbean Cayman Islands and frosty Zürich, Switzerland.
The former Massachusetts Governor and Bain Capital Exec. says storing his money in foreign accounts, with nondescript P.O. Box numbers, is legal according to 'Uncle Sam.' That might be right, but why go to the trouble to send his money on such a long journey if it didn't benefit him in a big way? Moreover, if Romney wants to be leader of the U.S. shouldn't he practice what he preaches? How is he going to reform the tax codes if they have worked so well for his bottom line? How is he going to ask Americans to sacrifice, while he is using every loophole on the books to line his already padded pockets?

What would the GOP narrative be if Obama funneled money to offshore accounts as Romney?

The exact same thing dems would say if the sitcom were reversed.

Thats the way the Stalin-grads roll.

The only exception, it wouldnt be as across the board as with the blues.

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