What would Jesus do?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
<center><h1><font color=maroon>What would Jesus do?</font></h1></center>

As debate over the bankruptcy bill becomes more heated, I would ask our lawmakers to ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?"

Would he kill a homestead exemption for senior citizens? I think not.

Would he make it more difficult for those facing a medical crisis to get back on their feet? No, that doesn't sound like something he'd do.

Would he force women cast off by their spouses to pay debts which they haven't the means to repay? That doesn't sound like him either.

Would he deny the families of our soldiers, who are making huge sacrifices overseas, the ability to clear debts accrued because of that call to arms? No, I don't think that would be him either.

But these are all things that Republicans, those paragons of Christian morals and values, have done. And by golly Dubbyuh, who claims Jesus as his personal savior and role-model, has backed the Republicans to the hilt on this too. But the problem is Jesus is his personal savior and role model only when it's politically expedient. The rest of the time he's out selling his soul, and his ass, for a few shekels.

Face it folks, Jesus would not be a Republican, or a Democrat for that matter. He would be working for social justice for all, which is what his teachings in the new testament were all about. I ask our law makers to read the book of Matthew 25, 34-40. These few paragraphs are about social justice, and there is no justice in this bill. It is about political payback, not justice, and no protestations to the contrary can make it otherwise.

So, why don't you take a little time and call your congressional reps and ask them, "What would Jesus do?"
Whatever happened to the phrase you all used to live by, which was "God helps those who help themselves"?

I don't ever remember it being anything along the lines of "When times are a little tough, things will be handed to you on a silver platter by those working their butts off to get ahead in life, so you just stay on that couch and relax - there's no need for *everyone* to work."

...or...did I miss when it changed?

You, who neither understand nor respect Christianity, have the temerity to invoke Jesus' name as a means of bashing George Bush. It rings hollow, man.

Jesus sat with the little children in his lap and spoke, saying, "What you do to the LEAST of these, you do unto me".

Now, defend your "pro-choice" position. If you honestly gave the Gospel any weight at all, Jesus' words would have you pissing your pants. So, stop using words you believe to be meaningless because they happen to be momentarily convenient to your hateful cause. It's hypocritical.
Bullypulpit said:
As debate over the bankruptcy bill becomes more heated, I would ask our lawmakers to ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?"

Would he kill a homestead exemption for senior citizens? I think not.

Would he make it more difficult for those facing a medical crisis to get back on their feet? No, that doesn't sound like something he'd do.

Would he force women cast off by their spouses to pay debts which they haven't the means to repay? That doesn't sound like him either.

Would he deny the families of our soldiers, who are making huge sacrifices overseas, the ability to clear debts accrued because of that call to arms? No, I don't think that would be him either.

But these are all things that Republicans, those paragons of Christian morals and values, have done. And by golly Dubbyuh, who claims Jesus as his personal savior and role-model, has backed the Republicans to the hilt on this too. But the problem is Jesus is his personal savior and role model only when it's politically expedient. The rest of the time he's out selling his soul, and his ass, for a few shekels.

Face it folks, Jesus would not be a Republican, or a Democrat for that matter. He would be working for social justice for all, which is what his teachings in the new testament were all about. I ask our law makers to read the book of Matthew 25, 34-40. These few paragraphs are about social justice, and there is no justice in this bill. It is about political payback, not justice, and no protestations to the contrary can make it otherwise.

So, why don't you take a little time and call your congressional reps and ask them, "What would Jesus do?"

I would agree that Jesus is neither GOP or Dem. However, the call to "social justice," as you call it, was a call to individuals, not the state. God will not judge governments for their handouts to the poor; God will judge individuals for their generosity.
musicman said:

You, who neither understand nor respect Christianity, have the temerity to invoke Jesus' name as a means of bashing George Bush. It rings hollow, man.

Jesus sat with the little children in his lap and spoke, saying, "What you do to the LEAST of these, you do unto me".

Now, defend your "pro-choice" position. If you honestly gave the Gospel any weight at all, Jesus' words would have you pissing your pants. So, stop using words you believe to be meaningless because they happen to be momentarily convenient to your hateful cause. It's hypocritical.

Well said.
Bullypulpit said:
<center><h1><font color=maroon>What would Jesus do?</font></h1></center>

As debate over the bankruptcy bill becomes more heated, I would ask our lawmakers to ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?"

I'll tell you the truth and admit that I have no idea what Jesus would do. I don't think that you do either.

I DO know that Jesus wasn't a banker or a lawyer. And he certainly wasn't a politician. So I rather doubt that Jesus would become involved in matter such as these.
musicman said:

You, who neither understand nor respect Christianity, have the temerity to invoke Jesus' name as a means of bashing George Bush. It rings hollow, man.

Jesus sat with the little children in his lap and spoke, saying, "What you do to the LEAST of these, you do unto me".

Now, defend your "pro-choice" position. If you honestly gave the Gospel any weight at all, Jesus' words would have you pissing your pants. So, stop using words you believe to be meaningless because they happen to be momentarily convenient to your hateful cause. It's hypocritical.

The only thing which rings hollow is your head, and a blastocyst is NOT a human being. So why don't you stop using words you don't understand and stop equationg the potential with the actual.
Bullypulpit said:
The only thing which rings hollow is your head, and a blastocyst is NOT a human being. So why don't you stop using words you don't understand and stop equationg the potential with the actual.

Your opinion of the Bible would mean little to those who actually are Christians as opposed to somebody attempting to teach what he does not believe.

You simply are not qualified as their pastors are to teach this religion. I know every pastor my mother made me listen to as a child were PhDs in Religion and we can see that you are nothing of the sort. Just somebody who thinks he understands better than those who have spent their lives in the religion and the belief system. Your arrogance is astounding, especially when it is clear that you do not have the capacity to understand nor the willingness to believe that they may have a better understanding of their own religion than you do.

I have also explained to you in earlier threads why somebody who is a Buddhist would not attempt to teach somebody on another path which way their path would turn. Pay attention to your own path and leave others to their path as the religion that you profess to believe in teaches.

Oh, and a blastocyst isn't always a human as it applies to all mammalian embryos, but human embryos in that stage are most definitely blastocysts. I guess you should have paid attention in science class. Unless you want to attempt to argue that Humans are not Mammals.... Or are you confusing what a definition of human life is?

blas·to·cyst (blst-sst)

The modified blastula stage of mammalian embryos, consisting of the inner cell mass and a thin trophoblast layer enclosing the blastocoel. Also called blastodermic vesicle.
Bullypulpit said:
The only thing which rings hollow is your head, and a blastocyst is NOT a human being. So why don't you stop using words you don't understand and stop equationg the potential with the actual.

If the implications of Jesus' words make you uncomfortable, perhaps you should cease using Jesus' words.
Bullypulpit said:
The only thing which rings hollow is your head, and a blastocyst is NOT a human being. So why don't you stop using words you don't understand and stop equationg the potential with the actual.

Saying this makes Bully feel better about condoning infanticide.
no1tovote4 said:
Your opinion of the Bible would mean little to those who actually are Christians as opposed to somebody attempting to teach what he does not believe.

You simply are not qualified as their pastors are to teach this religion. I know every pastor my mother made me listen to as a child were PhDs in Religion and we can see that you are nothing of the sort. Just somebody who thinks he understands better than those who have spent their lives in the religion and the belief system. Your arrogance is astounding, especially when it is clear that you do not have the capacity to understand nor the willingness to believe that they may have a better understanding of their own religion than you do.

I have also explained to you in earlier threads why somebody who is a Buddhist would not attempt to teach somebody on another path which way their path would turn. Pay attention to your own path and leave others to their path as the religion that you profess to believe in teaches.

Oh, and a blastocyst isn't always a human as it applies to all mammalian embryos, but human embryos in that stage are most definitely blastocysts. I guess you should have paid attention in science class. Unless you want to attempt to argue that Humans are not Mammals.... Or are you confusing what a definition of human life is?

blas·to·cyst (blst-sst)

The modified blastula stage of mammalian embryos, consisting of the inner cell mass and a thin trophoblast layer enclosing the blastocoel. Also called blastodermic vesicle.

Never said I was a Christian, but someone needs to remind some Christians about the teachings of Christ. I have to keep wondering when Jesus became a protector of the wealthy, the comfortable, the priviledged.

And contrary to the belief of some, human life doesn't begin at conception. It begins when the fetus is viable outside of the womb.
Bullypulpit said:
Never said I was a Christian, but someone needs to remind some Christians about the teachings of Christ. I have to keep wondering when Jesus became a protector of the wealthy, the comfortable, the priviledged.

And contrary to the belief of some, human life doesn't begin at conception. It begins when the fetus is viable outside of the womb.


And please hurry with this, Dr. Bully. The world has been awaiting this declaration for a long time.

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