What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

You are fine when "the guy with the biggest club" is the government, however. Conservatism in anathema to tyranny. Conservatives want a smaller government so more people have a say in their future and opportunities. This is not to say conservatives want no government. Government has its place. However, conservatives don't believe the government has a place in our private lives, bedrooms, churches and thought process. Tyranny, in the last hundred years, has always derived from a liberal agenda that requires a large government to carry "the biggest club".
I find it humorous that you compare conservatives to an urban gangland. Urban ganglands are derived from liberal policies implemented in inner cities, inner city schools, and a corrupt and inefficient welfare state.

But what you all don't seem to grasp is that the Republican party has not delivered a "smaller government". The Republican party is just the party of lower taxes, fewer social programs and a lot more military spending - which creates a bigger deficit.

Republican Presidents have always had large federal deficits. As for not having a place in our private lives, your party is the one that wants unnecessary vaginal ultra sounds, and the Republican attorney General in Virginia even wants to keep the "anti-sodomy" law on the books. How more into private lives can you get?
You are fine when "the guy with the biggest club" is the government, however. Conservatism in anathema to tyranny. Conservatives want a smaller government so more people have a say in their future and opportunities. This is not to say conservatives want no government. Government has its place. However, conservatives don't believe the government has a place in our private lives, bedrooms, churches and thought process. Tyranny, in the last hundred years, has always derived from a liberal agenda that requires a large government to carry "the biggest club".
I find it humorous that you compare conservatives to an urban gangland. Urban ganglands are derived from liberal policies implemented in inner cities, inner city schools, and a corrupt and inefficient welfare state.

But what you all don't seem to grasp is that the Republican party has not delivered a "smaller government". The Republican party is just the party of lower taxes, fewer social programs and a lot more military spending - which creates a bigger deficit.

Republican Presidents have always had large federal deficits. As for not having a place in our private lives, your party is the one that wants unnecessary vaginal ultra sounds, and the Republican attorney General in Virginia even wants to keep the "anti-sodomy" law on the books. How more into private lives can you get?

The US is at an extreme wealth distribution now but enough is never enough. There have been numerous studies done on the social instability of extreme wealth disparity but the concept of poorer poor and richer rich is compelling, especially to the upper middle class who long for aristocracy. They are perfectly willing to bet that we aren't quite at the limit yet
The Great Recession began in Dec of 2007, 5 1/2 years ago.
I would put the beginning back in 2001, but would agree that it wasn't fully and widely realized until 12/2007

Certainly 2001 was when the country began building the foundation for the Great Recession.

I have been seeing more people dating the beginning at about 2000. *

A recession is a technical term defined by and dated bu the NBER. *Never the less, I agree.

I've been able to find the following indicators in the 1998 to 2001 time frame;

1. China exports began rising considerably.
2. Real Gasoline and oil prices began rising for the first time.
3. The fiber optic communications to China were completed
4. US employment rate peaked and began declining
5. Want a job now reached bottom and began to increase.
6. US govt real dollar outlays per capita began increasing
7. US govt real dollar surplus per capita began falling
8. Real $ Consumer Credit per capita began rising in '95. It doubled the 1960 to 1995 increase by 2007.
9. Real imcome at all levels stopped rising. The bottom three began to fall.
10. The housing bubble began
11. US trade deficit began a large increasing trend.
12. Labor force to pop ratio peaked in 1990
13. Debt held by the public began climbing in '02

That's what i have specifically.
I would put the beginning back in 2001, but would agree that it wasn't fully and widely realized until 12/2007

Certainly 2001 was when the country began building the foundation for the Great Recession.

I have been seeing more people dating the beginning at about 2000. *

A recession is a technical term defined by and dated bu the NBER. *Never the less, I agree.

I've been able to find the following indicators in the 1998 to 2001 time frame;

1. China exports began rising considerably.
2. Real Gasoline and oil prices began rising for the first time.
3. The fiber optic communications to China were completed
4. US employment rate peaked and began declining
5. Want a job now reached bottom and began to increase.
6. US govt real dollar outlays per capita began increasing
7. US govt real dollar surplus per capita began falling
8. Real $ Consumer Credit per capita began rising in '95. It doubled the 1960 to 1995 increase by 2007.
9. Real imcome at all levels stopped rising. The bottom three began to fall.
10. The housing bubble began
11. US trade deficit began a large increasing trend.
12. Labor force to pop ratio peaked in 1990
13. Debt held by the public began climbing in '02

That's what i have specifically.

I wouldn't strenuously disagree, its just that by the time you get there, the disruptions that triggered Black Monday are still an even bigger influencing economic fabric kink (along with all the "VooDoo who-do"). We've been stop-gapping economic solutions since deep in the cold-war (from both sides of the aisle - no hands are clean).

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