What would do to save America?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Interesting question, many answers if left noncontextual. But I want to narrow the question down a bit.

Would you dump your DC representatives to save America?
Call a constitutional convention! With the entrenchment of the 2 political parties it is evident that the way we govern and elect those who govern us needs to be changed. A constitutional convention is the only way to accomplish this and the delegates to the convention should not have held any federal office. Preferably regular working class people should be delegates.
Only Sarah Palin can save America. David Duke is also a good choice to send to Washington.
Eliminate all deal making in congress.
Vote for the issue at hand...not the amount of votes you will get out of the goodies you trade for in return for your vote.
Eliminate all legislation that does not directly relate to the issue at hand; i.e. tossing in college lonas with healthcare.
institute term limits.
All raises for congress are to be voted on by the electorate each November.

You will see a better breed of people in congress.
Call a constitutional convention! With the entrenchment of the 2 political parties it is evident that the way we govern and elect those who govern us needs to be changed. A constitutional convention is the only way to accomplish this and the delegates to the convention should not have held any federal office. Preferably regular working class people should be delegates.

I am on the same page. Yet in order to enforce changes you need to control the game by having enough representatives in both the states & DC to overthrow the two partys voting power.

My AVG Party idea works towards that goal, All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)
Eliminate all deal making in congress.
Vote for the issue at hand...not the amount of votes you will get out of the goodies you trade for in return for your vote.
Eliminate all legislation that does not directly relate to the issue at hand; i.e. tossing in college lonas with healthcare.
institute term limits.
All raises for congress are to be voted on by the electorate each November.

You will see a better breed of people in congress.

Still need the convention for that. As far as salary, we need representatives who love their country, not their pocket book. They should serve America as a privilege, without pay or compensation. Provide them room & board in a commons house, and a car & whatever digital toys they need to do the job. No more pages & aides, etc.
Call a constitutional convention! With the entrenchment of the 2 political parties it is evident that the way we govern and elect those who govern us needs to be changed. A constitutional convention is the only way to accomplish this and the delegates to the convention should not have held any federal office. Preferably regular working class people should be delegates.

I hate to say it, but at this point it is probably time for a Parlimenatry system. It seems that allows for more than just two parties. We also need to restructure or do away with entirely the Electoral college, as the winner takes all at the State level helps contribute to the chokehold the two parties have on the process.

I recall reading somewhere a long time back that many of the Founders expected us to have a convention every few decades or so to address any problems the Constitution turned out not to be able to handle. The fact we've yet to avail ourselves of an obvious legal check on Federal power depresses me.
I recall reading somewhere a long time back that many of the Founders expected us to have a convention every few decades or so to address any problems the Constitution turned out not to be able to handle. The fact we've yet to avail ourselves of an obvious legal check on Federal power depresses me.

There is a danger in opening up the Constitution if you do not have American interests in mind. We are seized by foreign corporate power in congress. So we need a third party of like minded individuals at the DC & state levels to only make changes necessary to end corruption.

For instance if the evil doers could control the mechanism you might find all infringements on the 2nd Amendment removed, or a clause added on abortion, or further limits on speech, etc. We cannot trust the Dems & Replugs to do it.
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I would try the power elite for war crimes and establish international law. I would jail all members of Congress for treason and seize their wealth. I would estalish a branch of government to ENFORCE the Constitution and jail those judges who refuse to abide by it. I would abolish the Federal Reserve and give everyone their home free and clear.

While I like your ideas, there is no one to carry them out. You mentioned war crimes. It was Dem Pelosi, Rep. Gonzalves who prevented the war crimes trials, further blocked by Dem Obama & Dem. Attorney General Eric Holder. The grand conspiracy of one party rule, apparently orchestrating the American fiasco. The very reason we cannot trust them to open the constitution with a convention run by them.
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I would try the power elite for war crimes and establish international law. I would jail all members of Congress for treason and seize their wealth. I would estalish a branch of government to ENFORCE the Constitution and jail those judges who refuse to abide by it. I would abolish the Federal Reserve and give everyone their home free and clear.

Let me know if you ever run for office. Id like to cast a vote for your opponent.
Call a constitutional convention! With the entrenchment of the 2 political parties it is evident that the way we govern and elect those who govern us needs to be changed. A constitutional convention is the only way to accomplish this and the delegates to the convention should not have held any federal office. Preferably regular working class people should be delegates.

I hate to say it, but at this point it is probably time for a Parlimenatry system. It seems that allows for more than just two parties. We also need to restructure or do away with entirely the Electoral college, as the winner takes all at the State level helps contribute to the chokehold the two parties have on the process.

I recall reading somewhere a long time back that many of the Founders expected us to have a convention every few decades or so to address any problems the Constitution turned out not to be able to handle. The fact we've yet to avail ourselves of an obvious legal check on Federal power depresses me.

Because of the state-by-state winner-take-all electoral votes law (i.e., awarding all of a state?s electoral votes to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in each state) in 48 states, a candidate can win the Presidency without winning the most popular votes nationwide. This has occurred in 4 of the nation's 56 (1 in 14) presidential elections. Near misses are now frequently common. A shift of 60,000 votes in Ohio in 2004 would have defeated President Bush despite his nationwide lead of 3,500,000 votes.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC).

Every vote, everywhere, would be politically relevant and equal in presidential elections. Elections wouldn't be about winning states. Every vote would be counted for and assist the candidate for whom it was cast - just as votes from every county are equal and important when a vote is cast in a Governor's race. Candidates would need to care about voters across the nation, not just undecided voters in a handful of swing states.

Now 2/3rds of the states and voters are ignored -- 19 of the 22 smallest and medium-small states and big states like California, Georgia, New York, and Texas. The current winner-take-all rule used by 48 of the 50 states, and not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution, ensures that the candidates do not reach out to all of the states and their voters. Candidates have no reason to poll, visit, advertise, organize, campaign, or care about the voter concerns in the dozens of states where they are safely ahead or hopelessly behind. Policies important to the citizens of ?flyover? states are not as highly prioritized as policies important to ?battleground? states when it comes to governing.

The bill would take effect only when enacted, in identical form, by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes--that is, enough electoral votes to elect a President (270 of 538). When the bill comes into effect, all the electoral votes from those states would be awarded to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC).

The bill uses the power given to each state by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution to change how they award their electoral votes for president. Historically, virtually all of the major changes in the method of electing the President, including ending the requirement that only men who owned substantial property could vote and 48 current state-by-state winner-take-all laws, have come about by state legislative action, without federal constitutional amendments.

The bill has been endorsed or voted for by 1,922 state legislators (in 50 states) who have sponsored and/or cast recorded votes in favor of the bill.

In Gallup polls since 1944, only about 20% of the public has supported the current system of awarding all of a state's electoral votes to the presidential candidate who receives the most votes in each separate state (with about 70% opposed and about 10% undecided). The recent Washington Post, Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University poll shows 72% support for direct nationwide election of the President. Support for a national popular vote is strong in virtually every state, partisan, and demographic group surveyed in recent polls in closely divided battleground states: Colorado-- 68%, Iowa --75%, Michigan-- 73%, Missouri-- 70%, New Hampshire-- 69%, Nevada-- 72%, New Mexico-- 76%, North Carolina-- 74%, Ohio-- 70%, Pennsylvania -- 78%, Virginia -- 74%, and Wisconsin -- 71%; in smaller states (3 to 5 electoral votes): Alaska -- 70%, DC -- 76%, Delaware --75%, Maine -- 77%, Nebraska -- 74%, New Hampshire --69%, Nevada -- 72%, New Mexico -- 76%, Rhode Island -- 74%, and Vermont -- 75%; in Southern and border states: Arkansas --80%, Kentucky -- 80%, Mississippi --77%, Missouri -- 70%, North Carolina -- 74%, and Virginia -- 74%; and in other states polled: California -- 70%, Connecticut -- 74% , Massachusetts -- 73%, Minnesota -- 75%, New York -- 79%, Washington -- 77%, and West Virginia- 81%.

Most voters don't care whether their presidential candidate wins or loses in their state . . . they care whether he/she wins the White House. Voters want to know, that even if they were on the losing side, their vote actually was counted and mattered to their candidate.

The National Popular Vote bill has passed 30 state legislative chambers, in 20 small, medium-small, medium, and large states, including one house in Arkansas (6), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), Maine (4), Michigan (17), Nevada (5), New Mexico (5), New York (31), North Carolina (15), and Oregon (7), and both houses in California (55), Colorado (9), Hawaii (4), Illinois (21), New Jersey (15), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (12), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), and Washington (11). The bill has been enacted by Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Washington. These six states possess 73 electoral votes -- 27% of the 270 necessary to bring the law into effect.

See National Popular Vote -- Electoral college reform by direct election of the President
Someone should shoot people who claim to be Republican or Democrat. These idiots just fight over government power so they can control people and hold power. We need Ron Paul who will reduce government power, reign in our militaristic police, protect liberty, abolish the Fed and give Americans honest money intead of printed paper that is worth less by the minute.
Interesting question, many answers if left noncontextual. But I want to narrow the question down a bit.

Would you dump your DC representatives to save America?

I'd have CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, and any other 24 hour "news" networks shut the fuck down.
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4 year congressional term limits. NO RETIREMENT. NO health care.
You need people that want to serve with zero benefits for themselves or their families.
People who want to better the country. NON corporate whores like you have now.

My president worked four years for free. His check went directly to an indigenous foundation.$85K per year.

The best thing you can do is vote for someone you never heard of this fall, and again in 2012.
But you wont. That's why I left.
That's why murka is finished.

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