What would disprove global warming?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I've asked this before, and no one really answered. But I would still love to know what evidence it would take to disprove global warming.

Because apparently it's warming whether:

the tempature goes up or down
it snows alot or a little
there are lots of hurricanes or few
whether there is lots of ice or little.

the list goes on. What would disprove global warming?
Were the temperature to show a steady decline for at least a decade.

Were the glaciers and arctic ice to gain mass for at least a decade, instead of losing it at an accelerating rate.

But what we are seeing is a steady increase in temperatures. And a steady decrease in the ice. And, right now, the warmest winter on record.
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).
The planet is always in a state of either warming or cooling over long arcs of time. The recent hysteria is over the role of humans and the effects of CO2. It's up to those who think that AGW exists to prove it.

Those of us who think it's bunk should not have to prove a negative.
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).


In other words, you are denying the work of Tyndal, Arnnhenius, Callender, et al?

And what the hell would you know of scientific integrity? You will not even post peer reviewed science to back your denial of reality.
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).


In other words, you are denying the work of Tyndal, Arnnhenius, Callender, et al?
Nope. Moron.

.... And what the hell would you know of scientific integrity? You will not even post peer reviewed science to back your denial of reality.
Liar. I have done so repeatedly and you continue to lie about that.
The problem for these guys is irrelevant. If it were to get cold for a while, they would say we are going through a pollution winter. And they don't really want a solution. They want the problem, so they can peddle the same tired cure.

And they have the cure. It is the same cure for whatever ails the universe. Government control over people, and Grifters control over the government.
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).


In other words, you are denying the work of Tyndal, Arnnhenius, Callender, et al?

And what the hell would you know of scientific integrity? You will not even post peer reviewed science to back your denial of reality.

Not that you would know reality if it were pissing on your face. And no, Chris doesn't count.
The planet is always in a state of either warming or cooling over long arcs of time. The recent hysteria is over the role of humans and the effects of CO2. It's up to those who think that AGW exists to prove it.

Those of us who think it's bunk should not have to prove a negative.


The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect


USGS: Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change

Joint Royal Society - NERC - Met Office climate science statement - Policy Publications - The Royal Society
Academies of Science

[edit] Joint science academies' statements
Since 2001, 32 national science academies have come together to issue joint declarations confirming anthropogenic global warming, and urging the nations of the world to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The signatories of these statements have been the national science academies:
Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).


In other words, you are denying the work of Tyndal, Arnnhenius, Callender, et al?

And what the hell would you know of scientific integrity? You will not even post peer reviewed science to back your denial of reality.

Not that you would know reality if it were pissing on your face. And no, Chris doesn't count.

Elvis, you poor cretin, one cannot expect you to post anything but scatology.
The problem for these guys is irrelevant. If it were to get cold for a while, they would say we are going through a pollution winter. And they don't really want a solution. They want the problem, so they can peddle the same tired cure.

And they have the cure. It is the same cure for whatever ails the universe. Government control over people, and Grifters control over the government.

Baruch, you really should consider reading the science on the issue before you mindlessly flap your yap.
It doesn't need to be disproved. It hasn't met the requirements of being a valid theory. When or if that happens, then falsification would be required (even though falsification has happened several times over by scientists with some integrity left).


In other words, you are denying the work of Tyndal, Arnnhenius, Callender, et al?
Nope. Moron.

.... And what the hell would you know of scientific integrity? You will not even post peer reviewed science to back your denial of reality.
Liar. I have done so repeatedly and you continue to lie about that.

No, you have not.
I've asked this before, and no one really answered. But I would still love to know what evidence it would take to disprove global warming.

Because apparently it's warming whether:

the tempature goes up or down
it snows alot or a little
there are lots of hurricanes or few
whether there is lots of ice or little.

the list goes on. What would disprove global warming?
Nothing...Up to and including Phil Jones, Michael Mann and Rajendra Pachauri coming out and saying APRIL FOOOLLLLS!

We're dealing with people with a quasi-religious belief system here, not anyone for whom contrary scientific data is of any merit.
Old Crocks, overly defensive as usual, continues to spam the same discredited bullshit.

Like any good cult follower.
The problem for these guys is irrelevant. If it were to get cold for a while, they would say we are going through a pollution winter. And they don't really want a solution. They want the problem, so they can peddle the same tired cure.

And they have the cure. It is the same cure for whatever ails the universe. Government control over people, and Grifters control over the government.

Baruch, you really should consider reading the science on the issue before you mindlessly flap your yap.

We have been over the science together, you and i, several times.

It is the science of the three card monte artist, the science of the weavers who made the emperors new wardrobe, it is the science of fraud and deceit and half baked numbers and half baked religiosity that would embarrass a Tennessee dervish. It is the science of the medicine show selling salt water for a dollar a teaspoonful.

The numbers have a tendency not to fit, so they re jigger them so they will.

We have been through this together. And you believe the harder the more that Toto barks at the little guy behind the curtain, you believe more and more in the wizard who is little more than steam and a fancy speaker system.

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