What would be the effect of Slave Reparations on the economy?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
I don't think it would be a neutral effect, and I'm surprised that the reporter in this interview didn't even think to ask.

Giving every black person in the country a massive check for Reparations could pose a problem fiscally for the government, as well as the labor market. After getting a big check, a lot of black folks will quit their jobs and head to the dog track or casino, see if they could turn into some real money.

Analyzing the actual economic effects of this proposed policy I think should be done in advance of the vote.

Reparations Are Not Just About Slavery But Centuries of Theft and Racial Terror
Not to mention an irreparable breach in race relations. They would be shunned.
Hood rats will unleash a murder and crime spree of huge proportions within hours of the checks hitting the Hoods. Many will not live to cash them, saving us around 20% off the top, and the bling wars will make many car dealers and jewelers rich overnight, if they survive the robbery attempts. Death tolls could run well into 75%+ in many hoods. It will take weeks for the ambulances to clean up the streets of bodies.
No effect at all, because there will be no "slave reparations". It's just an attempted scam.
First of all, the current talk about reparations is not about money, it's not going to happen and everybody knows it. The Senate would never pass it and Trump would veto it anyway if they did. As he should. Those democrats from red and purple states know damn well if they voted for that they'd be voted out of office in the next general election, cuz it's too unpopular except in deep red states. No, it's about votes, the Dems are playing to their base. All of the Dem candidates for president are for reparations but none of them will be specific about it. Same with the House Dems, they're talking about setting up some kind of commission, like they intend to do something about it. But it's all for show, they're never going to even vote on a Reparations Bill, cuz if they do they can kiss their House majority goodbye in 2020. And Nancy Pelosi knows it.

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