What were your favorite childhood books?

One of the things I remember was we had most of these, Classics illustrated, comic book versions of great litterary works.

Favorite books as a kid?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Taught me a lot about being my own person.

The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and the Return of the King by Tolkien. Always liked fantasy.

Where the Wild Things Are. Same reason I love Jonathan.

Winnie the Pooh. Taught me a lot about life.

The Time Life series that my mother gave me for my 5th Christmas. Big, glossy books covering everything from the oceans to the land to the Universe, and all the plants, bugs and animals contained therein.

LOVED learning as a kid. Still do as an adult.
Where the wild thing are
Where the sidewalk ends
Peter Rabbit
Goodnight Moon
The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
Goosebumps was popular when I was a child.

Like Xeno, I have a shelf full of the Illustrated Classics at my moms house. I even added to it a few months ago when I saw "Last of the Mohicans" at a garage sale.

I also loved to pull down my dads classic stuff (Emerson and such) and thumb through them. At that age they were hard to understand, but I sure did try.

And Ren and Stimpy comics (they were pretty short lived)
Ulysses By James Joyce

The Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein

The Supreme Court Reporter
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Dr. Seuss
The Silent Meow (a book my dad got me when I was about 10. It got ruined when our basement flooded about 8 yrs ago)
Beatrix Potter
The Hardy Boys - loved them
Edgar Allen Poe
Champ, Gallant Collie
True Dog Stories
Lad, A Dog -- ok, get the idea I've always loved dogs?
But my all time favorite was Uncle Wiggily. I loved, loved, loved the uncle. Even had the Uncle Wiggily board game. Still have the book too. My kids never cared for it much. :(
There was a series in the library of biographies of Americans written for kids. I can't recall the publisher, but I read every one. I also like the Diary of Anne Frank, anything about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, all of the Nancy Drews (no Hardy Boys, as boys were gross), Charlotte's Web, The Wind in the Willows, A Day No Pigs Would Die, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Black Beauty, My Friend Flicka, Phar Lap, Grimm's Fairy Tales, To Kill a Mockingbird.
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Oh yeah.........

Have Spacesuit, Will Travel - Robert A. Heinlein

The Stainless Steel Rat Series - Harry Harrison

The Phantom Tollbooth - (forgot the author).

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