What We Look For In Our Leaders


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

There are many traits that we all look for and admire in our leaders. If they don't have these traits then the chances are they won't win and they'll have to go to work like the rest of us. These traits are not listed in order of importance but each one is important none the same.

1. Do you like the person?

This is usually the number one trait need to be successful in politics. Most of the voters must like you personally. If they like you they tend to overlook any faults you may have.

2. Do you trust them?

This is almost as important as the first but it seems in some people's minds it doesn't matter as much as being a winner does. Being trustworthy is important but winning tends to overrule trust in some people's minds.

3. Do they make you feel safe?

I know this is a big one but it is secondary to the other two. It really depends on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world. Do you feel that there are threats out there and if you feel it's the case does it seem like they're on the case? Are you afraid of threats outside the country or within? This will determine who you vote for.

4. Do they listen to you?

It's important to be in touch with the folks. If they give you the impression that they feel they are better then you do you think they will get your vote?

5. Are they competent leaders?

If a politician seems spineless chances are they won't get your vote....but this all depends on what you feel is spineless. Do they stick to their guns? Do they act like they know what they're doing? Do they bend with the wind or stand up to everything that's thrown at them...and take it with class?

6. Do they believe in what you believe?

This one tends to overrule many of the others. It's kind of hard to vote for someone who believes in abortion when you don't. It's also as hard to believe in a politician who likes to raise taxes when you feel you're overtaxed already.

Now ask yourself these questions. Ask them about Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or anyone else.

If most or not all of the answers are NO then chances are that person is in serious trouble come November. Some people will get only one yes and still vote for a candidate because that trait is more important then all of the others.

Anyone who wants to discuss why the politician in question gets a no or a yes....feel free.
In all honesty I truly believe that the last trait is all that matters to the left when you really get down to it.

They don't need someone they can trust nor someone who makes them feel safe. They don't even need someone who's competent...because that can be explained away.

They only care about their ideology.

Make the rich pay a price for their greed

Spread their wealth around

Be kind to everyone but Americans

Give us a good show but it doesn't really matter if it's true or not cause that's not important
Interesting. I'd like to add another;

7. Who does this person "pal around with"?

Had this been fully examined in 08 we wouldn't be such a divided country today.

People are judged by the company they keep. Or should be.

The mid terms will be interesting.
Interesting. I'd like to add another;

7. Who does this person "pal around with"?

Had this been fully examined in 08 we wouldn't be such a divided country today.

People are judged by the company they keep. Or should be.

The mid terms will be interesting.

I'm very interested in what you mean by this.
Interesting. I'd like to add another;

7. Who does this person "pal around with"?

Had this been fully examined in 08 we wouldn't be such a divided country today.

People are judged by the company they keep. Or should be.

The mid terms will be interesting.

I'm very interested in what you mean by this.

It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.
It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.


Odd, how is it you and Chanel know then but everyone else doesn't know then? Secret club with decoder rings?
It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.


Odd, how is it you and Chanel know then but everyone else doesn't know then? Secret club with decoder rings?

Nope...we've been trying to tell everyone this same shit for over 2 years and you never listened.
Nope...we've been trying to tell everyone this same shit for over 2 years and you never listened.

Really now? Since you've been posting this stuff so long, maybe you can show me where he "pals" around with Terrorists, Criminals, Racists, and Communists.
Nope...we've been trying to tell everyone this same shit for over 2 years and you never listened.

Really now? Since you've been posting this stuff so long, maybe you can show me where he "pals" around with Terrorists, Criminals, Racists, and Communists.

I'll give you a few of the names of his friends.

William Ayers - Domestic Terrorist

George Soros, Tony Rezko - Criminals A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Racist A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Obama’s Communist Mentor

And why does everything have to be overseen by a Czar?

I'll give you a few of the names of his friends.

William Ayers - Domestic Terrorist

George Soros, Tony Rezko - Criminals A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Racist A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Obama’s Communist Mentor

And why does everything have to be overseen by a Czar?


1.) The Ayers, Wright, and Soros connections have already been more than talked about. The truth of those connections are out there.

2.) Czar is just another word for Advisor.

3.) I can count least two racists on your friends list here at USMB, should you be considered to be "paling" around with racists?
I'll give you a few of the names of his friends.

William Ayers - Domestic Terrorist

George Soros, Tony Rezko - Criminals A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Racist A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Obama’s Communist Mentor

And why does everything have to be overseen by a Czar?


1.) The Ayers, Wright, and Soros connections have already been more than talked about. The truth of those connections are out there.

2.) Czar is just another word for Advisor.

3.) I can count least two racists on your friends list here at USMB, should you be considered to be "paling" around with racists?

So if you know about them does that mean nothing to you? I suppose so.

Yes...Czar is just another word for advisor...a Russian word I might add. And it actually means emperor or king.

So if there are two racists here...Obama is allowed to associate and get advice and even funding from them?
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Interesting. I'd like to add another;

7. Who does this person "pal around with"?

Had this been fully examined in 08 we wouldn't be such a divided country today.

People are judged by the company they keep. Or should be.

The mid terms will be interesting.

The President and Speaker get 6 'yes''s from me, Reid gets 5 out of 6. GW Bush gets 1 yes out of six (O.K. he seems like a fun guy to get drunk with) and Cheney gets 0 out of 6.

Any other stupid questions?
I'll give you a few of the names of his friends.

William Ayers - Domestic Terrorist

George Soros, Tony Rezko - Criminals A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Racist A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Obama’s Communist Mentor

And why does everything have to be overseen by a Czar?


1.) The Ayers, Wright, and Soros connections have already been more than talked about. The truth of those connections are out there.

2.) Czar is just another word for Advisor.

3.) I can count least two racists on your friends list here at USMB, should you be considered to be "paling" around with racists?

give it up dogshit, Ayers, Wright, and Soros,, are his bestest buds, he wouldn't be in dc if not for them.. he's a marxist through and through.
So if there are two racists here...Obama is allowed to associate and get advice and even funding from them?

You're avoiding my question. You attack Obama for supposedly palling around with racists, when you yourself seemingly do.

I don't know where you're from, but where I'm from we call that hypocrisy.

Obama is allowed to associate with whoever he wants, get advice whoever he wants, etc because Obama is in office here in America. We are not in Stalin's Russia where we eliminate the unsavory types. Racism is not justified, however, they are human beings too.

As for him "palling" around with racists, I find such claims to be false.
Interesting. I'd like to add another;

7. Who does this person "pal around with"?

Had this been fully examined in 08 we wouldn't be such a divided country today.

People are judged by the company they keep. Or should be.

The mid terms will be interesting.

I'm very interested in what you mean by this.

It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.

they were made clear, crystal, the idiots still voted for him..
I'm very interested in what you mean by this.

It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.

they were made clear, crystal, the idiots still voted for him..

Which goes back to my final point in the OP...that some people only care about the last trait.
It's easy....Obama pals around with terrorists, racists, criminals, communists, you name it.

If the truth about these associations were made clear Obama wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting elected. That is if the MSM actually did their jobs for once.

they were made clear, crystal, the idiots still voted for him..

Which goes back to my final point in the OP...that some people only care about the last trait.

you are exactly right, every one of his associations were discussed,, and any turnip could have connected the dots,, except moron turnips such as dogshit..
I'll give you a few of the names of his friends.

William Ayers - Domestic Terrorist

George Soros, Tony Rezko - Criminals A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Racist A List of Obama’s Friends and Associates Obama who ?

Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Obama’s Communist Mentor

And why does everything have to be overseen by a Czar?


1.) The Ayers, Wright, and Soros connections have already been more than talked about. The truth of those connections are out there.

2.) Czar is just another word for Advisor.

3.) I can count least two racists on your friends list here at USMB, should you be considered to be "paling" around with racists?

give it up dogshit, Ayers, Wright, and Soros,, are his bestest buds, he wouldn't be in dc if not for them.. he's a marxist through and through.

So what!?!?!

Some of my best friends have been total wingnuts.

Just because you associate with and listen to other people's opinions doesn't mean that you agree with them.

Oh sorry, I forgot, I'm talking to wingnuts, I forgot you do tend to join whatever crowd gets you stirred up a bit.

I know it's hard for you to believe, but some people actually are independant thinkers.

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