What was The Turning Point that propelled


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Obama to the presidecy in 2008.

Didn'thave any great quotes like "Here you go again" (Reagan) or speeches or anything like that.

Dindt stand out in any of the Democrat debates.

Mrs Clinton was the odds-on favorite.

Then he just seemed to get the nomination.
The unproven rumors about Obama's membership in a special Chicago area men's club.

The fact that Mrs Obama watches Mr Obama like the farmer watches the henhouse when the fox is visiting whenever Mr is either addressing or hobnobbing with a group of perverts.

If true, he was really, really, really one of them (the media illuminati).

"Let it be known that today was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal" from the faux Greek temple in Denver.

"Its not God bless America! Its God d@mn America!" Pastor, friend, confidante, and mentor Jeremiah Wright's sermon, once a week, every week for twenty years.

"We didn't bomb them (America) enough" William Ayers, friend, mentor, confidante, Weather Underground terrorist, bank robber, and murderer.
Hes one of those no-names that snuck up on people ie Carter, Clinton that got lucky andgot elected - despite not havingpaid thei dues
Turning point? GWB of course.

Exactly, anyone could've ran with a D by their name and won.

GWB being as bad as he was made the people want to elect his exact opposite, little did they know they were electing his political replica. The only major differences were in appearrance, sound of voice, etc.
The turning point where it became seen as more likely that Obama would capture the nomination than that Clinton would came shortly after the Iowa caucuses (IEM 2008 US Democratic National Convention Market Price Graph). In the caucuses, Obama edged out a narrow victory and Clinton finished a close third behind Edwards.

Obama's victory in Iowa came more from superior strategy than from his inherent appeal as a candidate. His campaign prioritized caucus states and independents because they knew that it was their only path to victory with Clinton having a large part of the Democratic base locked up. The Clinton campaign, in comparison, was somewhat complacent, dysfunctional, and unlucky.

That's not to say that Obama lacked appeal to voters, but his appeal was apparent before Iowa. It wasn't until Iowa that he was seen widely as a serious, plausible candidate, which was what led to his victory.
I for one thought Hillary was a shoe in for the nom. Was rather surprised when Barry got the nod. Was very surprised in fact.

I thought it was Hillary's year for sure. Of course Barry is half black and I think that was a big factor. What liberal could resist that combo. Black and Dem and looking to be POTUS??

Of course by then most folks were sick and tired of Bush and the Reps and swept them right on down the road in favor of Barry's Hope and Change bs. We now see just how much bs that truly was.

If Hillary had won the nom then I think she would have become POTUS.

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