What type of government do you wish to live under?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.
No he doesn't expect a different outcome. That is what he wants.. Seems to be anyways. He wants complete control! Gov't is bad for your health!
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.

when attempting to discuss political philosophy, you might find it helpful to actually know something about political philosophy....
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.

Our government is an unconstitutional republic governed by the rule of law as interpreted by men, and our economic system is corporatism.

Obama can't change our government to "European Socialism," because socialism is an economic system not a political system. And he can't change our economy to "the Keynesian system" because we've been following Keynesian economics since before Keynes was even around.
I want a country where I can read about the billions in Forbes without reading about the crisis in the projects. We can have billionaires and a safety net.
Asked about a system of government and then went directly to economic systems that have nothing directly to do with systems of government.
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.
We don't live "under" a constitutional republic....The politicians and bureaucrats who are to serve us and protect our liberties are supposed to live under We the People.
Socialism has never worked...ever! tried a mock-up of it in H.S didn`t work then.

Did you ever take a look at the fate of any country in history that tried to live by a rigid, one-sided ideology rather than just doing what works and leaving the discussions of philosophies to academics? Flexibility is the key to longevity in political institutions. Strict adherence or condemnation of various "isms" has been the literal death of many governments.
I want to live under teabag rule and ask the government permission when for medical procedure.

And pay a higher percentage in taxes than billionaires.

Yeah, that's what I want...
I want to live under teabag rule and ask the government permission when for medical procedure.

And pay a higher percentage in taxes than billionaires.

Yeah, that's what I want...

Euh! Euh! Me too! Me too! :D
"What type of government do you wish to live under? "

Unbridled democratic capitalism nearly ruined us
and we're still in a heap of trouble because of it

and socialistic/communist anti-capitalistic china is...what?

the strongest economic force in the world?

about to own America?

could you give me that argument against socialism again....


but you asked what kind of government I would choose to live under;

laws based on reason and logic, NOT religious superstitions
one that was EASIER on small businesses to encourage their survival and success
but not afraid to regulate ALL businesses to pay their fair and patriotic share
no more tax breaks for families
flat rate tax for all
tax churches and religions
legalize prostitution and pot, regulate and tax them
no nanny state
make divorce easier to get
equal rights for ALL citizens

to encourage economic growth and stop waging war on business

we should allow gays to marry! giving a Boo$t to caterers, tux rentals, honeymoon vacations, LIMO rentals etc....

and protect free speech!

I think it is important in a free society for rational people to see and hear the terrible things that conservatives say!

Else how would we know how rotten they truely are?
and whether he means socialism or communism...

when he says "it has never worked" has he forgotten about china?

Now....I do NOT want any government anything LIKE communistic/socialistic china.....but only a deranged loon would deny that they are a success

isnt THEIR political system about to lay claim to America?

aren't we all, due to unbridled democtatic repblican capitalism, about to become chinese citizens?
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.
We don't live "under" a constitutional republic....The politicians and bureaucrats who are to serve us and protect our liberties are supposed to live under We the People.

That's the way it's suppose to be but it ain't! The politicians and bureaucrats serve Big Money and about the only time they care about "We the People" is when elections are coming up.
and whether he means socialism or communism...

when he says "it has never worked" has he forgotten about china?

Now....I do NOT want any government anything LIKE communistic/socialistic china.....but only a deranged loon would deny that they are a success

China is proof that "it" doesn't work. It wasn't until China consciously started turning away from "it" that they began to experience some growing prosperity.
isnt THEIR political system about to lay claim to America?

aren't we all, due to unbridled democtatic repblican capitalism, about to become chinese citizens?

NO. What a stupid thing to say.
Our Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Our economic system is Capitalism.

Obama is attempting to change our government to European Socialism and our economy to the Keynesian System. This type of economics has never had a long term positive effect.

France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal have employed Socialism and Keynesian Economics.
How do you think they are doing?

Why has POTUS been going forward to a failed Political and Economic system. Does he expect a different out come?

You do the research to prove me wrong.
We don't live "under" a constitutional republic....The politicians and bureaucrats who are to serve us and protect our liberties are supposed to live under We the People.

That's the way it's suppose to be but it ain't! The politicians and bureaucrats serve Big Money and about the only time they care about "We the People" is when elections are coming up.

Whoops, I never answered the question.
I'd like our government set up they way it was supposed to be, sans Big Money. That way our elected officials would actually represent "We the People". That way we'd probably have a functional government instead of a dysfunctional government. That way we probably wouldn't have gridlock and things would actually get done because Big Money wouldn't be dictating policy and basically driving our political parties' agenda.
In other words, Big Money is ruining our country and the concept of "We the People".

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