What, to you, is the stereotypical liberal and the stereotypical conservative?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...
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stereotypical conservative
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViGfdZG47Vo]shooting trees in half - YouTube[/ame]

stereotypical liberal

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VThQr8fDiLA]Hippies Crying because of Dead Tree - YouTube[/ame]
Liberal -Big Government, no choice, no freedom

Conservative - small Government, many choices and freedom

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

Well you are stereotypically ASSUMING Politifact.org is "unbiased"!
I subscribe to the St. Pete Times which OWNS politifact.org and the Times is locally known as Pravda West!
This extremely liberal paper and especially politifact.org are totally up Obama's leg!

I've asked politifact.org for a ruling on this outrageously stupid Obama comment..

"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

First Obama confused "deficit" with "debt"! Why this is the smartest President?

He either doesn't know that health care costs in 2010 was $2.5 trillion
He evidently doesn't know what 1/10th of 1% is : $2.5 billion.
And he evidently didn't know when dividing $2.5 trillion by $2.5 billion..
THAT's certainly a long term.. can we say 1,600 years???

Will politifact.org call this a "pants on fire"? NOPE!
Will they even make a ruling? NOPE!


For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

Well you are stereotypically ASSUMING Politifact.org is "unbiased"!
I subscribe to the St. Pete Times which OWNS politifact.org and the Times is locally known as Pravda West!
This extremely liberal paper and especially politifact.org are totally up Obama's leg!

I've asked politifact.org for a ruling on this outrageously stupid Obama comment..

"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

First Obama confused "deficit" with "debt"! Why this is the smartest President?

He either doesn't know that health care costs in 2010 was $2.5 trillion
He evidently doesn't know what 1/10th of 1% is : $2.5 billion.
And he evidently didn't know when dividing $2.5 trillion by $2.5 billion..
THAT's certainly a long term.. can we say 1,600 years???

Will politifact.org call this a "pants on fire"? NOPE!
Will they even make a ruling? NOPE!


I am not sure you know what the word stereotype means...
Liberal; The main stream media is not biased.
FOX lies!!

Conservative; The main stream media in completely biased for dems and liberals.
Only FOX is balanced, and we have the research done by Harvard and UCLA to prove both stated facts.

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

Well you are stereotypically ASSUMING Politifact.org is "unbiased"!
I subscribe to the St. Pete Times which OWNS politifact.org and the Times is locally known as Pravda West!
This extremely liberal paper and especially politifact.org are totally up Obama's leg!

I've asked politifact.org for a ruling on this outrageously stupid Obama comment..

"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

First Obama confused "deficit" with "debt"! Why this is the smartest President?

He either doesn't know that health care costs in 2010 was $2.5 trillion
He evidently doesn't know what 1/10th of 1% is : $2.5 billion.
And he evidently didn't know when dividing $2.5 trillion by $2.5 billion..
THAT's certainly a long term.. can we say 1,600 years???

Will politifact.org call this a "pants on fire"? NOPE!
Will they even make a ruling? NOPE!


I am not sure you know what the word stereotype means...

I think in the terms of your question, #4 is the definition you seek which is both useless and misleading in finding anything worthwhile.

stereotype (ˈstɛrɪəˌtaɪp, ˈstɪər-)

— n
1. a. a method of producing cast-metal printing plates from a mould made from a forme of type matter in papier-mâché or some other material
b. the plate so made
2. another word for stereotypy
3. an idea, trait, convention, etc, that has grown stale through fixed usage
4. sociol a set of inaccurate, simplistic generalizations about a group that allows others to categorize them and treat them accordingly
the average run of the mill white liberals are week chinned, slump, shouldered ,cowardly,cry baby's that covet other peoples money and success !!!they use the brainwashed blacks as their shock troops !!! the leaders of these vile disgusting idiots are elitist who think that they know better than the average American and business owners when it comes to their money and the economy !!! libbs will file a frivolous law suit at the drop of a dime ,and run when the going gets tough !!! they will attack Christianity and defend the rights of muslims to build a mosque near the 911 site in the same breath !!!they will protest the execution of a known convicted killer[especially if it's one of there brain washed shock troops ] but defend the practice of partial birth abortion !!! they view patriotism and love of God and country as a sign of ignorance and view shitting on or burning the American flag as a brave intelligent act of protest !!! liberals are the walking talking disease spreading embodiment of hypocrisy !!!

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

Stereotypes are not about the extremists viewpoints. Or at least it shouldn't be.

I heard a news report one time where this female grocer had a small market in California and the State inspector came in and inspected the place where her meat is carved. High marks all the way around. The place was immaculate. Until the inspector got to the type of Styrofoam that the grocer was using to shelve the ground beef, pork, etc... It had the wrong chemical combination so she couldn't serve the processed meat products until she got a different type of container for them to sit in on her shelf.

That is the stereotypical liberal nonsense that comes to my mind when I think about the very valid point some Conservatives have about over-regulation.

As for a stereotypical conservative....that jughead in Texas who didn't want to certify anybody for a CHL if they voted for Obama.

Conservatives are getting to be more and more like stereotypical homosexuals in their viewpoints. You can't meet a gay man or lesbian in some cases and end the conversation without knowing their preferences. Wingnuts are the same way...they have to tell you who they hate; not who they love though.

Neither is especially appealing.

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but i believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, socialists, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

stereotypes are not about the extremists viewpoints. Or at least it shouldn't be.

I heard a news report one time where this female grocer had a small market in california and the state inspector came in and inspected the place where her meat is carved. High marks all the way around. The place was immaculate. Until the inspector got to the type of styrofoam that the grocer was using to shelve the ground beef, pork, etc... It had the wrong chemical combination so she couldn't serve the processed meat products until she got a different type of container for them to sit in on her shelf.

That is the stereotypical liberal nonsense that comes to my mind when i think about the very valid point some conservatives have about over-regulation.

As for a stereotypical conservative....that jughead in texas who didn't want to certify anybody for a chl if they voted for obama.

Conservatives are getting to be more and more like stereotypical homosexuals in their viewpoints. You can't meet a gay man or lesbian in some cases and end the conversation without knowing their preferences. Wingnuts are the same way...they have to tell you who they hate; not who they love though.

Neither is especially appealing.
we love america !!

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but I believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, SOCIALISTS, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

We can see you havent gotten any smarter in the past few days.

When we need your opinion we can get it word for word from the DU

For me, some stereotypes do not fit into one person, but i believe the descriptors below can be used to describe different kinds of liberals and conservatives.

Liberals: Lazy, hippies, against war of any kind, against guns of any kind for any reason, socialists, baby killers....

Conservatives: Dumb, gun-toting crazies, racist, homophobic, selfish, religious fanatics...

stereotypes are not about the extremists viewpoints. Or at least it shouldn't be.

I heard a news report one time where this female grocer had a small market in california and the state inspector came in and inspected the place where her meat is carved. High marks all the way around. The place was immaculate. Until the inspector got to the type of styrofoam that the grocer was using to shelve the ground beef, pork, etc... It had the wrong chemical combination so she couldn't serve the processed meat products until she got a different type of container for them to sit in on her shelf.

That is the stereotypical liberal nonsense that comes to my mind when i think about the very valid point some conservatives have about over-regulation.

As for a stereotypical conservative....that jughead in texas who didn't want to certify anybody for a chl if they voted for obama.

Conservatives are getting to be more and more like stereotypical homosexuals in their viewpoints. You can't meet a gay man or lesbian in some cases and end the conversation without knowing their preferences. Wingnuts are the same way...they have to tell you who they hate; not who they love though.

Neither is especially appealing.
we love america !!

Most often that is not the case. Conservatives love a version of America that disappeared and/or is disappearing for good reason.

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