What, to you, has been Obama's biggest failure as president?

What, to you, has been Obama's biggest failure as president?

  • The economy

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • Foreign policy

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • His hyper-diplomatic approach with Repubs

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Energy Policy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The deficit

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Taxation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • National security

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 15.4%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
His over-reliance on diplomacy with Republicans has been costly for critical progress. That being said, I do think he is a good president Let me explain why I didn't choose the other options:

1) I think Obama shares the blame a little on the slow recovery of the economy, but I think there are many factors to be considered (i.e., congress)

2) I think his foreign policy has been great

3) Despite Solyndra, his energy policy has been quite successful

4) It was Bush that supercharged the defict (although some of the blame does go to Obama, too)

5) His taxation policy would have been great had it not been for what I chose out of this poll

6) National Security has undoubtedly been his best work (even Fox News can admit that).

Please explain your choice.
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1# Foreign policy-You might think it's good, but it is very, very bad. He has pretty much switched half way friendly governments in at least 3 maybe 4 nations to possibly hostile. Pakistan hates our guts now and Afighastan is threating to join with them in any war...Eypt, Lybia is now in the hands of our enemies.

China and Russia are laughing at us and threating violence.

2# Economy-9+ for 2.5 years. Worst economy since FDR.

3# debt-well say what you want, but he grown it more then 3 years than Bush did in 8. We're going towards a water fall.

4# Energy policy-total shut down of all gulf oil and anti-coal. His pipeline deal screw job hurt this country greatly.

Pretty much Obama sucks.
1# Foreign policy-You might think it's good, but it is very, very bad. He has pretty much switched half way friendly governments in at least 3 maybe 4 nations to possibly hostile. Pakistan hates our guts now and Afighastan is threating to join with them in any war...Eypt, Lybia is now in the hands of our enemies.

China and Russia are laughing at us and threating violence.

2# Economy-9+ for 2.5 years. Worst economy since FDR.

3# debt-well say what you want, but he grown it more then 3 years than Bush did in 8. We're going towards a water fall.

4# Energy policy-total shut down of all gulf oil and anti-coal. His pipeline deal screw job hurt this country greatly.

Pretty much Obama sucks.

#1 Pakistan has always hated us. What, so, we shouldn't have gone after bin Laden? And in case you didn't know, it was Obama that enforced the condition of Pakistani aide be upon terrorist intelligence.

#2 Unless you are some master economist, and you know something no else does, it is unfair to blame Obama completely for the economic woes. Not even by 50%.

#3 It was Bush's policies that supercharged the deficit. He is responsible for about 8 trillion of the debt. Just because it didn't happen all at once, it doesn't mean it wasn't Bush's policies

#4 http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/subjects/energy/
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?


I encourage you to explore all of the content related to Obama on that site. Nothing could be more objective.
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Allowing Republicans in the House to become the party of no, to let them place riders on important legislation, reaching out to them too much as if they have anything of value to offer.
Allowing Republicans in the House to become the party of no, to let them place riders on important legislation, reaching out to them too much as if they have anything of value to offer.

lol and yet you didn't choose that option out of the poll. Or maybe you did, but it was at the current number well before you posted here.
His over-reliance on diplomacy with Republicans has been costly for critical progress. That being said, I do think he is a good president Let me explain why I didn't choose the other options:

1) I think Obama shares the blame a little on the slow recovery of the economy, but I think there are many factors to be considered (i.e., congress)

2) I think his foreign policy has been great

3) Despite Solyndra, his energy policy has been quite successful

4) It was Bush that supercharged the defict (although some of the blame does go to Obama, too)

5) His taxation policy would have been great had it not been for what I chose out of this poll

6) National Security has undoubtedly been his best work (even Fox News can admit that).

Please explain your choice.

His foreign policy has been abysmal.

Today, thanks to Obama, we're leaving Iraq in shame. The troops are just glad to be leaving, but everyone knows Obama intentionally screwed the pooch there.

Nobody likes us. At one time everyone thought that Bush was hated, but Obama has taken hatred of America to a new level.

It's time we got this childish OWS out of the White House and put somebody responsible back at the helm.
His over-reliance on diplomacy with Republicans has been costly for critical progress. That being said, I do think he is a good president Let me explain why I didn't choose the other options:

1) I think Obama shares the blame a little on the slow recovery of the economy, but I think there are many factors to be considered (i.e., congress)

2) I think his foreign policy has been great

3) Despite Solyndra, his energy policy has been quite successful

4) It was Bush that supercharged the defict (although some of the blame does go to Obama, too)

5) His taxation policy would have been great had it not been for what I chose out of this poll

6) National Security has undoubtedly been his best work (even Fox News can admit that).

Please explain your choice.

His foreign policy has been abysmal.

Today, thanks to Obama, we're leaving Iraq in shame. The troops are just glad to be leaving, but everyone knows Obama intentionally screwed the pooch there.

Nobody likes us. At one time everyone thought that Bush was hated, but Obama has taken hatred of America to a new level.

It's time we got this childish OWS out of the White House and put somebody responsible back at the helm.

You have absolutely no perspective whatsoever. For one thing, polls show most Americans (including most Republicans) agree that ending the war in Iraq was a good idea.

No he hasnt.

He has never publically supported the OWS.
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Energy

I encourage you to explore all of the content related to Obama on that site. Nothing could be more objective.

My opinions on his kepted promises with energy...

Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
"As president, Barack Obama will establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas. This partnership will increase research and development in clean coal technology, the next generation of sustainable biofuels and in wind, solar and nuclear energy. The partnership will also look for ways for nations to coordinate to transport green energy across national borders. It will help Latin American and Caribbean nations become more energy independent and promote sustainable growth for the region. The partnership also will create additional markets for American biofuels and American-made green energy technology."

sounds like the spp is still around.:eusa_whistle:

Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient"Will encourage the use of methane digesters that are being used to produce power from animal waste; and will expand USDA projects that focus on energy efficiency and conservation."

wow, is this a good way to make energy?

Establish program to convert manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders

Will "establish a federal investment program to help manufacturing centers modernize and help Americans learn new skills to produce green products. This federal grant program will allocate money to the states to identify and support local manufacturers with the most compelling plans for modernizing existing or closed manufacturing facilities to produce new advanced clean technologies. This investment will help provide the critical up-front capital needed by small and mid-size manufacturers to produce these innovative new technologies. Along with an increased federal investment in the research, development and deployment of advanced technologies, this $1 billion per year investment will help spur sustainable economic growth in communities across the country."

why does his energy policy focus around "green policy"? I'm not against clean water and air, but clean coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear are much more dependable. Sure, we can have some of the wind and solar as side energy.

Require 10 percent renewable energy by 2012

Will "require 10 Percent of electricity to come from renewable sources by 2012. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will establish a 10 percent federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to require that 10 percent of electricity consumed in the U.S. is derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind and geothermal by 2012."

Not like I'm against the three, but they're very costly, so I'd think building more coal fire plants and the like would be better. Again, I'm not against it, but we don't want to raise the electric bills on people.

Release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

"Will swap oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to cut prices . . . a limited, responsible swap of light oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for heavy crude oil to help bring down prices at the pump."

Only short term and isn't a good idea as we may use it if we get into a large scale war.

Raise fuel economy standards
"Will increase fuel economy standards 4 percent per year ... ."

Not that I don't support raising the standards of how many miles one gallon of gas can get you, but are we trading safity to do it?

Invest in all types of alternative energy
"We'll invest in research and development of every form of alternative energy - solar, wind, biofuels."

again, why so heavy on this area?

Enact tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars
"We will leverage private sector funding to bring these cars directly to American consumers. We'll give consumers a $7,000 tax credit to buy these vehicles."

well, you have to think how much power and strain this puts on the grid. We don't have anywhere near the kind of grid you'd need to seriously start going over to electric power on the large scale. Some states have black outs as it is. Also, electric cars have other problems like you'd need to build fueling stations for long term trips, but if it takes 12 plus hours it isn't economic.

Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity
"Will call on businesses, government and the American people to meet the goal of reducing our demand for electricity 15 percent by the end of the next decade."

Well, good luck with that as our population is growing at the same time and you're asking our transportation system to go over to electric. Not going to happen!

Require more energy-efficient appliances

"The current Department of Energy has missed 34 deadlines for setting updated appliance efficiency standards, which has cost American consumers millions of dollars in unrealized energy savings. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will overhaul this process for appliances and provide more resources to his Department of Energy so it implements regular updates for efficiency standards. They will also work with Congress to ensure that it continues to play a key role in improving our national efficiency codes."

well, john t crapper isn't as good as it used to be after the last time you tried to fix "efficiency". This goes for many things including washers, water heaters, ect. Kind of stupid if you don't have the tech to do it. Why lower energy needs anyways?

Create a 'Green Vet Initiative' to promote environmental jobs for veterans

"Will ensure that more of our veterans can enter the new energy economy. They will create a new 'Green Vet Initiative' that will have two missions: first it will offer counseling and job placement to help veterans gain the skills to enter this rapidly growing field; second, it will work with industry partners to create career pathways and educational programs."

Why is green so important, but it is nice that he wants to help our vets.

Require states to provide incentives for utilities to reduce energy consumption"Will 'flip' incentives to utility companies by: requiring states to conduct proceedings to implement incentive changes; and offering them targeted technical assistance. These measures will benefit utilities for improving energy efficiency, rather than just from supporting higher energy consumption. This 'regulatory equity' starts with the decoupling of profits from increased energy usage, which will incentivize utilities to partner with consumers and the federal and state governments to reduce monthly energy bills for families and businesses. The federal government under an Obama administration will play an important and positive role in flipping the profit model for the utility sector so that shareholder profit is based on reliability and performance as opposed to total production."

central planning?

Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
Will "double science and research funding for clean energy projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind resources."

No problem with research, but why not nuclear, coal, oil, ect?

Provide grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes
"Will create a competitive grant program to award those states and localities that take the first steps in implementing new building codes that prioritize energy efficiency, and provide a federal match for those states with leading-edge public benefits funds that support energy efficiency retrofits of existing buildings."

It is good to have efficency, but should the federal government be doing it?
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Energy

I encourage you to explore all of the content related to Obama on that site. Nothing could be more objective.

That site is FAR from objective and has been shown to be so many times but that is not the point as the content is the question not the character of the deliverer.

I asked YOU why you thought his energy policy was a success not what promises he has kept or not. Most of those policies are terrible energy policy or have little to do with an actual energy policy. Tell me what YOU think is such a good accomplishment on that list and why.
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Energy

I encourage you to explore all of the content related to Obama on that site. Nothing could be more objective.

My opinions on his kepted promises with energy...

Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
"As president, Barack Obama will establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas. This partnership will increase research and development in clean coal technology, the next generation of sustainable biofuels and in wind, solar and nuclear energy. The partnership will also look for ways for nations to coordinate to transport green energy across national borders. It will help Latin American and Caribbean nations become more energy independent and promote sustainable growth for the region. The partnership also will create additional markets for American biofuels and American-made green energy technology."

sounds like the spp is still around.:eusa_whistle:

Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient"Will encourage the use of methane digesters that are being used to produce power from animal waste; and will expand USDA projects that focus on energy efficiency and conservation."

wow, is this a good way to make energy?

Establish program to convert manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders

Will "establish a federal investment program to help manufacturing centers modernize and help Americans learn new skills to produce green products. This federal grant program will allocate money to the states to identify and support local manufacturers with the most compelling plans for modernizing existing or closed manufacturing facilities to produce new advanced clean technologies. This investment will help provide the critical up-front capital needed by small and mid-size manufacturers to produce these innovative new technologies. Along with an increased federal investment in the research, development and deployment of advanced technologies, this $1 billion per year investment will help spur sustainable economic growth in communities across the country."

why does his energy policy focus around "green policy"? I'm not against clean water and air, but clean coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear are much more dependable. Sure, we can have some of the wind and solar as side energy.

Require 10 percent renewable energy by 2012

Will "require 10 Percent of electricity to come from renewable sources by 2012. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will establish a 10 percent federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to require that 10 percent of electricity consumed in the U.S. is derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind and geothermal by 2012."

Not like I'm against the three, but they're very costly, so I'd think building more coal fire plants and the like would be better. Again, I'm not against it, but we don't want to raise the electric bills on people.

Release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

"Will swap oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to cut prices . . . a limited, responsible swap of light oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for heavy crude oil to help bring down prices at the pump."

Only short term and isn't a good idea as we may use it if we get into a large scale war.

Raise fuel economy standards
"Will increase fuel economy standards 4 percent per year ... ."

Not that I don't support raising the standards of how many miles one gallon of gas can get you, but are we trading safity to do it?

Invest in all types of alternative energy
"We'll invest in research and development of every form of alternative energy - solar, wind, biofuels."

again, why so heavy on this area?

Enact tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars
"We will leverage private sector funding to bring these cars directly to American consumers. We'll give consumers a $7,000 tax credit to buy these vehicles."

well, you have to think how much power and strain this puts on the grid. We don't have anywhere near the kind of grid you'd need to seriously start going over to electric power on the large scale. Some states have black outs as it is. Also, electric cars have other problems like you'd need to build fueling stations for long term trips, but if it takes 12 plus hours it isn't economic.

Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity
"Will call on businesses, government and the American people to meet the goal of reducing our demand for electricity 15 percent by the end of the next decade."

Well, good luck with that as our population is growing at the same time and you're asking our transportation system to go over to electric. Not going to happen!

Require more energy-efficient appliances

"The current Department of Energy has missed 34 deadlines for setting updated appliance efficiency standards, which has cost American consumers millions of dollars in unrealized energy savings. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will overhaul this process for appliances and provide more resources to his Department of Energy so it implements regular updates for efficiency standards. They will also work with Congress to ensure that it continues to play a key role in improving our national efficiency codes."

well, john t crapper isn't as good as it used to be after the last time you tried to fix "efficiency". This goes for many things including washers, water heaters, ect. Kind of stupid if you don't have the tech to do it. Why lower energy needs anyways?

Create a 'Green Vet Initiative' to promote environmental jobs for veterans

"Will ensure that more of our veterans can enter the new energy economy. They will create a new 'Green Vet Initiative' that will have two missions: first it will offer counseling and job placement to help veterans gain the skills to enter this rapidly growing field; second, it will work with industry partners to create career pathways and educational programs."

Why is green so important, but it is nice that he wants to help our vets.

Require states to provide incentives for utilities to reduce energy consumption"Will 'flip' incentives to utility companies by: requiring states to conduct proceedings to implement incentive changes; and offering them targeted technical assistance. These measures will benefit utilities for improving energy efficiency, rather than just from supporting higher energy consumption. This 'regulatory equity' starts with the decoupling of profits from increased energy usage, which will incentivize utilities to partner with consumers and the federal and state governments to reduce monthly energy bills for families and businesses. The federal government under an Obama administration will play an important and positive role in flipping the profit model for the utility sector so that shareholder profit is based on reliability and performance as opposed to total production."

central planning?

Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
Will "double science and research funding for clean energy projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind resources."

No problem with research, but why not nuclear, coal, oil, ect?

Provide grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes
"Will create a competitive grant program to award those states and localities that take the first steps in implementing new building codes that prioritize energy efficiency, and provide a federal match for those states with leading-edge public benefits funds that support energy efficiency retrofits of existing buildings."

It is good to have efficency, but should the federal government be doing it?

I'm really not convinced you have an informed opinion on energy policy.
Obama's main problem is in trying to be inclusive of Republicans.

Big mistake.

The exact opposite should have happened. There should have been many investigations into the run up to war..and the financial crisis.
The only thing I will credit Obama is his foreign policy. He has done well in that department. Other than that he has presided over ever increasing expenditures, government overreaching its powers and a disastrous domestic policy. I have to ask though, what do you think his energy policy is accomplishing that makes it a success other than Solyndra?

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Energy

I encourage you to explore all of the content related to Obama on that site. Nothing could be more objective.

That site is FAR from objective and has been shown to be so many times but that is not the point as the content is the question not the character of the deliverer.

I asked YOU why you thought his energy policy was a success not what promises he has kept or not. Most of those policies are terrible energy policy or have little to do with an actual energy policy. Tell me what YOU think is such a good accomplishment on that list and why.

Who says it isn't objective? You are simply making that up. What I like:

He established an energy relationship with Brazil and other S. American countries

In the process of creating 5 million green jobs. (has created a little under a million so far).

His investment in alternate forms of energy.

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