What the Quran really says


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
What the Quran really says:

The Quran says the earth was created before the heavens (sura 2.29)
The Quran says the earth is flat
The Quran says the sun orbits the earth (sura 21.33)
The Quran says the sun rests and is reset every dawn (sura 36.38)
The Quran says the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years

Muslim Imams will say differently, but they are liars who must know this is what the Quran really says, however there would be no money in the mosques coffers, and the 50 or more Muslim countrys would collapse.
Because to admit the above is what the quran really says would be to admit it is not the words of God.

So Muslim Imams conspire to decieve the population with carefully crafted lies, that attempt to give deeper meaning to the Quranic verses.
What the Quran really says:

The Quran says the earth was created before the heavens (sura 2.29)
The Quran says the earth is flat
The Quran says the sun orbits the earth (sura 21.33)
The Quran says the sun rests and is reset every dawn (sura 36.38)
The Quran says the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years

Muslim Imams will say differently, but they are liars who must know this is what the Quran really says, however there would be no money in the mosques coffers, and the 50 or more Muslim countrys would collapse.
Because to admit the above is what the quran really says would be to admit it is not the words of God.

So Muslim Imams conspire to decieve the population with carefully crafted lies, that attempt to give deeper meaning to the Quranic verses.

Sounds like RELIGION
"So Muslim Imams conspire to decieve the population with carefully crafted lies, that attempt to give deeper meaning to the Quranic verses".

as well, rather than a progression to find the truth, with Gods help most people simply prefer a Clergy that tells them what they want to hear ... both working together for an artificial but safe way to live.

that for some reason (the artificial) always ends up a repressive way of life.
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The Bible says you can find the ends of the earth, and also implies that the earth is only 6000 years old.

Obviously neither are to be taken literally.
The Bible says you can find the ends of the earth ...

"The Bible says"

in some cases what is written in the "Bible" actually may be / is of a Divine source.

maybe not taken literally but I can believe Finding the Ends of the Earth may have real meaning.

certainly, all paths come to an end.
Where is the end of the earth, then?

It doesn't have one. A ball doesn't have an ending, does it?
What the Quran really says:

The Quran says the earth was created before the heavens (sura 2.29)
The Quran says the earth is flat
The Quran says the sun orbits the earth (sura 21.33)
The Quran says the sun rests and is reset every dawn (sura 36.38)
The Quran says the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years

Muslim Imams will say differently, but they are liars who must know this is what the Quran really says, however there would be no money in the mosques coffers, and the 50 or more Muslim countrys would collapse.
Because to admit the above is what the quran really says would be to admit it is not the words of God.

So Muslim Imams conspire to decieve the population with carefully crafted lies, that attempt to give deeper meaning to the Quranic verses.

Sounds like RELIGION

Very true. And "religion" is manmade rather then God reveled.
maybe not taken literally ...

where there is a beginning there is an end ... the same with Earth.

perhaps reaching the Ends of the Earth is the same as attaining Remission - to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.
What the Quran really says:

The Quran says the earth was created before the heavens (sura 2.29)
The Quran says the earth is flat
The Quran says the sun orbits the earth (sura 21.33)
The Quran says the sun rests and is reset every dawn (sura 36.38)
The Quran says the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years
I notice that you don't provide a surah (verse) to back up your claim that the Qur'an says the earth is 6 thousand years old.

Actually, that's because the Qur'an makes no such claim.

But keep spreading your lies and nonsense........... :cool:
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Doesn't matter if it is the Quran, Bible or Torah they are all part of Revealed Religions.

Revealed Religion is Defined as an organized system of belief in and worship of God based on the belief that God communicated/communicates with certain individual founders/members of the particular revealed religion. By believing in any of the revealed religions a believer is not putting their trust in God, but in the person/people making the claim of receiving the divine revelation.
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Doesn't matter if it is the Quran, Bible or Torah they are all part of Revealed Religions.

Revealed Religion Defined: An organized system of belief in and worship of God based on the belief that God communicated/communicates with certain individual founders/members of the particular revealed religion. By believing in any of the revealed religions a believer is not putting their trust in God, but in the person/people making the claim of receiving the divine revelation.
^^^^^ Thanks for the unsolicited clarification........ :cool:
The Quran foretold the coming of a man of color that will one day lead a western power out of despair and he will have a very thin skin and will need the adoration and daily praise from his followers.

This leader will decree when challenged when things are not going well that he is not responsible and will blame his predecessor. And the scribes will defend him to the death.

This leader will take credit for ending the suffering of the laborers even though it is widely held that no change has occurred...The same amount of the working class exists throughout his rule.

But his followers praise their leader as having achieved tremendous accomplishments...

At least that's what I got from this book...
But I could be wrong.
The Bible says you can find the ends of the earth, and also implies that the earth is only 6000 years old.

Obviously neither are to be taken literally.

The earth is only approximately 6000 years old and the North Pole and South Pole are the ends of the earth and they have both been found.
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The Bible says you can find the ends of the earth, and also implies that the earth is only 6000 years old.

Obviously neither are to be taken literally.

The earth is only approximately 6000 years old and the North Pole and South Pole are the ends of the earth and they have both been found.

when you gave references ,wow ,,,it is for those who don't know what Quran looks like , that this piece of information is right ( or applicable ) to be searched

BUT 4 me as a Muslim who know quran pretty good ,, you are just liar and people like you does not help in this matter...so back off
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I want to add smth,, we as Muslims never tried to deform others' scriptures. But when I search google ,i found many mistaken info allegedly taken from Muslim book or Quran ,so by validating them ,I found all of them taken form other websites and base on deformed copies of Quran may edited and published by Islamophobians

I want to add smth,, we as Muslims never tried to deform others' scriptures. But when I search google ,i found many mistaken info allegedly taken from Muslim book or Quran ,so by validating them ,I found all of them taken form other websites and base on deformed copies of Quran may edited and published by Islamophobians


Tell me, how is a Muslim saved? What must a Muslim do to go to heaven at death according to your Quran?
I notice that you don't provide a surah (verse) to back up your claim that the Qur'an says the earth is 6 thousand years old.

Actually, that's because the Qur'an makes no such claim.

But keep spreading your lies and nonsense........... :cool:

Quran, sura 7.54 Lo! your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days.

Also at sura 10.3 and 11.7 and 25.59 and 50.38 and 57.4

The Quran then goes on to say one of Gods days is as a thousand years to us.

Quran, sura 22.47 A day in the sight of the Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.

These verses imply the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years.
What is more they are directly stolen from the bible. Proving that the source of much of the quran is the bible, and the quran is not from God.

Bible, Genesis 1.31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Bible 2Peter 3.8 But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is as with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
These verses imply the heaven and earth were created in six thousand years.
It was an arabic literary device used to show the formation of the earth took place over a very long time period.

To the people of that era; a thousand years was an unimaginable number.

Much like a billion or a trillion is to us today. :cool:
Tell me, how is a Muslim saved? What must a Muslim do to go to heaven at death according to your Quran?
Since we do not believe in the christian concept of "original sin".

Thus, there is nothing to be "saved" from.

To enter heaven; first of all; you must be a muslim.

And your good deeds must out number your bad deeds. :cool:

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