What the day after the 2012 election should honor


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozpdBvB0hek&feature=relmfu]Big & Rich - 8th Of November (Video) - YouTube[/ame]
You have no honor or respect.

And how is that? Because I posted a relevant comic that very wisely depicts the insanity of war?

Here's the thing sweetheart. You can be entirely empathetic and supportive of our military and our troops while still being anti-war.

I have a coworker fighting in Afghanistan who I respect greatly and who I desperately want back soon, out of harms way. I've had a family member serve a tour in Iraq.

You have no honor or respect.
You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

No, I think that's your burden.

I have already pointed out that I have a great respect for our armed forces. You on the other hand, can't seem to tolerate anybody who doesn't toe whatever fucking line you toe.

You're just doubling down on bitch. Really, what was the fucking PROBLEM with the calvin & hobbes comic I posted? How is it disrespectful? Are you really just that fucking upset you haven't gotten any other comment in this thread in over a day?

My post wasn't at all a snide remark or jab or derailment attempt or anything. It was your whiny bitch ass who made it into a problem.
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You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

No, I think that's your burden.

I have already pointed out that I have a great respect for our armed forces. You on the other hand, can't seem to tolerate anybody who doesn't toe whatever fucking line you toe.

You're just doubling down on bitch. Really, what was the fucking PROBLEM with the calvin & hobbes comic I posted? How is it disrespectful? Are you really just that fucking upset you haven't gotten any other comment in this thread in over a day?

My post wasn't at all a snide remark or jab or derailment attempt or anything. It was your whiny bitch ass who made it into a problem.

Overlooking the obvious and unnecessary cursing at me is where your lack of respect is showing.
You have no clue what 'line I toe' or how I would have responded to your comments had you not insulted me. It's that simple.
It appears you have no idea what kinds of responses I have received in other threads I posted this video.
You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

No, I think that's your burden.

I have already pointed out that I have a great respect for our armed forces. You on the other hand, can't seem to tolerate anybody who doesn't toe whatever fucking line you toe.

You're just doubling down on bitch. Really, what was the fucking PROBLEM with the calvin & hobbes comic I posted? How is it disrespectful? Are you really just that fucking upset you haven't gotten any other comment in this thread in over a day?

My post wasn't at all a snide remark or jab or derailment attempt or anything. It was your whiny bitch ass who made it into a problem.

Overlooking the obvious and unnecessary cursing at me is where your lack of respect is showing.
You have no clue what 'line I toe' or how I would have responded to your comments had you not insulted me. It's that simple.
It appears you have no idea what kinds of responses I have received in other threads I posted this video.

Oh wait, you're surprised I was fucking OFFENDED when you said I have no honor or respect, totally unprovoked?

You're the one who started off the insults with that. I did not. I posted a thoughtful comic, and you say I have no honor or respect. You initiated the insult exchange, bitch.

Admit your fucking mistake. Or at the very least, don't outright LIE about who started this shit.
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:lol: Sure...show me where I swore or cursed at you.

The definition of a 'thoughtful cartoon' is certainly up for debate.

No, I think that's your burden.

I have already pointed out that I have a great respect for our armed forces. You on the other hand, can't seem to tolerate anybody who doesn't toe whatever fucking line you toe.

You're just doubling down on bitch. Really, what was the fucking PROBLEM with the calvin & hobbes comic I posted? How is it disrespectful? Are you really just that fucking upset you haven't gotten any other comment in this thread in over a day?

My post wasn't at all a snide remark or jab or derailment attempt or anything. It was your whiny bitch ass who made it into a problem.

Overlooking the obvious and unnecessary cursing at me is where your lack of respect is showing.
You have no clue what 'line I toe' or how I would have responded to your comments had you not insulted me. It's that simple.
It appears you have no idea what kinds of responses I have received in other threads I posted this video.

Oh wait, you're surprised I was fucking OFFENDED when you said I have no honor or respect, totally unprovoked?

You're the one who started off the insults with that. I did not. I posted a thoughtful comic, and you say I have no honor or respect. You initiated the insult exchange, bitch.

Admit your fucking mistake. Or at the very least, don't outright LIE about who started this shit.
You have no honor or respect.
You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

Would you be so kind as to tell me how not wanting U.S. troops in harms way is disrespectful?

I'm trying desperately to figure out what exactly CM posted that disrespected servicemen and women.

Are you saying that all Americans have to support any war we participate in or they do not support the troops?

I'm not so sure I agree with you.

You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

Would you be so kind as to tell me how not wanting U.S. troops in harms way is disrespectful?

I'm trying desperately to figure out what exactly CM posted that disrespected servicemen and women.

Are you saying that all Americans have to support any war we participate in or they do not support the troops?

I'm not so sure I agree with you.


This whole "I support our soldiers but I am anti-war" stuff is absolute NONSENSE.

I have never met anybody who is "pro-war", but there are times when "war" is forced upon us by our enemies.

This country has a military that is trained and paid to defend this country, no matter where in the world the threat may be.

Memo to "Cowman"............cursing and taunting does not make you "intimidating" or "funny" or "intelligent", or whatever other effect you are looking for.

Cursing and taunting makes you look like a junior high playground bully.
You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

Would you be so kind as to tell me how not wanting U.S. troops in harms way is disrespectful?

I'm trying desperately to figure out what exactly CM posted that disrespected servicemen and women.

Are you saying that all Americans have to support any war we participate in or they do not support the troops?

I'm not so sure I agree with you.


This whole "I support our soldiers but I am anti-war" stuff is absolute NONSENSE.

I have never met anybody who is "pro-war", but there are times when "war" is forced upon us by our enemies.

This country has a military that is trained and paid to defend this country, no matter where in the world the threat may be.

Memo to "Cowman"............cursing and taunting does not make you "intimidating" or "funny" or "intelligent", or whatever other effect you are looking for.

Cursing and taunting makes you look like a junior high playground bully.

First of all, despite the fact that I believe from other posts that he is anti-war, he did not say that he was in that post.

Second, being for a war that is truly forced upon us by our enemies is a hell of lot different than a war of aggression or a war initiated for selfish reasons.

Third, one need not be "anti-war" to be prayerful that our troops will be returned to our own soil soon and safely.

Would you be so kind as to tell me how not wanting U.S. troops in harms way is disrespectful?

I'm trying desperately to figure out what exactly CM posted that disrespected servicemen and women.

Are you saying that all Americans have to support any war we participate in or they do not support the troops?

I'm not so sure I agree with you.


This whole "I support our soldiers but I am anti-war" stuff is absolute NONSENSE.

I have never met anybody who is "pro-war", but there are times when "war" is forced upon us by our enemies.

This country has a military that is trained and paid to defend this country, no matter where in the world the threat may be.

Memo to "Cowman"............cursing and taunting does not make you "intimidating" or "funny" or "intelligent", or whatever other effect you are looking for.

Cursing and taunting makes you look like a junior high playground bully.

First of all, despite the fact that I believe from other posts that he is anti-war, he did not say that he was in that post.

Second, being for a war that is truly forced upon us by our enemies is a hell of lot different than a war of aggression or a war initiated for selfish reasons.

Third, one need not be "anti-war" to be prayerful that our troops will be returned to our own soil soon and safely.


So what is your point? That you are nit-picker and a left wingnut?
This whole "I support our soldiers but I am anti-war" stuff is absolute NONSENSE.

I have never met anybody who is "pro-war", but there are times when "war" is forced upon us by our enemies.

This country has a military that is trained and paid to defend this country, no matter where in the world the threat may be.

Memo to "Cowman"............cursing and taunting does not make you "intimidating" or "funny" or "intelligent", or whatever other effect you are looking for.

Cursing and taunting makes you look like a junior high playground bully.

First of all, despite the fact that I believe from other posts that he is anti-war, he did not say that he was in that post.

Second, being for a war that is truly forced upon us by our enemies is a hell of lot different than a war of aggression or a war initiated for selfish reasons.

Third, one need not be "anti-war" to be prayerful that our troops will be returned to our own soil soon and safely.


So what is your point? That you are nit-picker and a left wingnut?

Wow... why do you even participate in this thread showing your ignorance? He's not a left winger.

I support our military action in wars that I believe we actually need to be fighting. Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II. Pretty much no war since then. I did initially support Iraq but I was young back then and didn't realize that we were going to be there for an "indefinite" period of time.

People like yourself didn't seem to have a problem sending our boys back on a second and a third tour and a fourth tour in Iraq. I have a problem with it.
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You wouldn't get so lucky.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but,

your lack of respect is showing...

No, I think that's your burden.

I have already pointed out that I have a great respect for our armed forces. You on the other hand, can't seem to tolerate anybody who doesn't toe whatever fucking line you toe.

You're just doubling down on bitch. Really, what was the fucking PROBLEM with the calvin & hobbes comic I posted? How is it disrespectful? Are you really just that fucking upset you haven't gotten any other comment in this thread in over a day?

My post wasn't at all a snide remark or jab or derailment attempt or anything. It was your whiny bitch ass who made it into a problem.

You might be surprised to learn that I hate war in a way you never can or will. I spent thirteen months and seventeen days fighting one, and I can tell you without hesitation that the experience is not something I would wish on you or anyone else. If infantry combat is not hell, it is the closest equivalent man has been able to create on this planet. As for that cartoon, I fought alongside men who wrote similar sentiments on their steelpots; does "Killing for peace is like fucking for virginity" come to mind? Most of us, at some level, did our fighting with the somewhat forlorn hope that the next generation would not have to; it never seems to work out that way, and human nature being what it is, I suppose it never will.

There is, however, something you need to understand-the distinction between honoring the sacrifice of soldiers, and glorifying the war they fought, or war in general. That song Ma Belle posted is a case in point. "The Eighth of November" is of no particular significance, except to those surviving vets who were there that day; but in a larger sense, every grunt who fought in Vietnam (or any other war) has his OWN "Eighth of November", regardless of where it falls on the calendar. It may be the date of his most terrifying battle, the day his platoon was ambushed on patrol, or the day his best friend stepped on a land mine. He carries it forever, in his memories and his nightmares; not in glory, but in sorrow and pain. For him, it was the longest day, whether it was on Omaha Beach, or Okinawa, or the Ia Drang Valley or the streets of Baghdad, and even when it is long over, when something reminds him of it, it will be as fresh as if it happened yesterday.

No man walks out of combat untouched and unscathed; beneath the pride and the horror, behind the grim battlefield humor and funny stories, there are always the memories of those we lost, and the lump in the throat and the tears are never far away. We aren't heroes, just survivors; we didn't fight for glory or medals; in the end, we just fought for each other, because that was all we had. I don't expect civilians to understand, no matter what they think of our war, but it is nice when someone remembers.

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