What the Bible says about Anger

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
How many people out there struggle with anger issues? I read a story today about a small child who threw a temper tantrum at the White House in front of her parents and the President and others that were present. There she was sprawled out on the floor with her faced buried in the carpet. Small children sometimes have tantrums because they haven't gained control of their emotions yet.

But what happens when you are a grown adult and you cannot control your anger? This young Pastor has some interesting revelations about anger from his own personal experience with it. It's a great story with a message of hope for those who will listen to what he has to say.

How many people out there struggle with anger issues? I read a story today about a small child who threw a temper tantrum at the White House in front of her parents and the President and others that were present. There she was sprawled out on the floor with her faced buried in the carpet. Small children sometimes have tantrums because they haven't gained control of their emotions yet.

But what happens when you are a grown adult and you cannot control your anger? This young Pastor has some interesting revelations about anger from his own personal experience with it. It's a great story with a message of hope for those who will listen to what he has to say.

Many people struggle with anger. I personally am extremely slow to anger. Sometimes it's a good think, sometimes I feel like I should get angry easier. People typically look stupid when they get angry though.
I think Id rather deal with an angry person than a passive aggressive one. At least you can confront it, work through it ( maybe lol) and move on.
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
Psalm 37:8

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, he who rules his [own] spirit than he who takes a city.
Proverbs 16:32

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
Ephesians 4:31

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29
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Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?

No because the Word of God tells me differently. When people read the Word it does have an effect on them.

it is written:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosperin the thing whereto I sent it.
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?

No because the Word of God tells me differently. When people read the Word it does have an effect on them.

it is written:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosperin the thing whereto I sent it.
It's not me. Fools will mock you.
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?

No because the Word of God tells me differently. When people read the Word it does have an effect on them.

it is written:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosperin the thing whereto I sent it.
What do the Roman Catholics say about such matters? It's important to get the opinions from the true Christians.
We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?

No because the Word of God tells me differently. When people read the Word it does have an effect on them.

it is written:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosperin the thing whereto I sent it.
It's not me. Fools will mock you.

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?
We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

We're talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the answer. If we listen to the Word of God and apply it to our lives we are going to see a real and lasting change. A positive change.
You know talking about scripture on here is like speaking to deaf people right?

No because the Word of God tells me differently. When people read the Word it does have an effect on them.

it is written:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosperin the thing whereto I sent it.
What do the Roman Catholics say about such matters? It's important to get the opinions from the true Christians.

Invite a Catholic to join in the discussion.
Give 'em a little weed. That'll calm them down. :thup:

We're talking about a solution, not a cop out. The answer is in Christ. This is a Scriptural teaching that this Pastor offers to deal with the problem of anger.
Organized religion is the ultimate cop-out.

Ignoring your negative spin...its definitely not a cop out
Sure it is, letting someone else supply you with simplistic moral judgements rather than making up your own mind is to hide from many of life's ethical enigmas that ironically result in spiritual growth.

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