What Should We Do About Jessie Liu?? -- Should Federal Prosecutors Be Go To Jail For This??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
White House withdraws nomination of ex-U.S. attorney Jessie Liu to Treasury post

About 20 yrs or so ago, a little town in Texas made national news...that town was called Tulia, Tx...in a town like Tulia, the police there many times have as much power to convict as the prosecutor -- this was especially true for Tom Coleman, the rogue police officer whose uncorroborated testimony led to the arrest of 46 people -- all of those people were convicted and sent to prison (a combined 434 yrs in prison sentences) -- luckily, those convictions were overturned when it was proven that the prosecutors and corrupt cop Tom Coleman framed these people....did any of these prosecutors and law enforcement go to prison for what happened?? Nope...

"The White House has withdrawn the nomination of former U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu for a top post at the Treasury Department, CBS News has confirmed. Liu was previously the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, where she oversaw the prosecutions of Trump associate Roger Stone, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort...[Chuck Grassley's office lobbied Trump to not nominate Liu because of unhappiness with Flynn prosecution, Trump ignored them...but changed his mind once he found out about Stone's sentencing]"

So now that we have another case of prosecutors framing an innocent man -- what should we do about these prosecutors who framed this man?? Now some of these prosecutors resigned once Trump foiled their evil plot -- but more needs to be done...they need to be put in prison for their role in framing Roger Stone -- if these prosecutors aren't sent to jail, it sends a message to other prosecutors that they too can frame innocent people and suffer no consequences. So what should we do about Jessie Liu? How many years in prison should she and the others who prosecuted Stone get?? And why stop at just them -- the prosecutors in the Manafort case, the prosecutors in the Flynn case, Maria Butina, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, Michael Cohen -- all of these prosecutors in these cases should be put in prison --- well, except for Lev and Cohen, they need to be in prison for not being loyal to Trump....

Moving forward, there should at least be a law that all federal prosecutors need to seek prior approval from the president -- before they seek to bring any charges against someone they know is close to the president...for freedom..
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Moving forward, there should be at least be a law that all federal prosecutors need to seek prior approval from the president -- before they seek to bring any charges against someone they know is close to the president...
I agree. ... :cool:

We elected our wonderful Pres.Trump to rule over us.

So we need to obey him and jail those who disagree.
Yes people should go to prison for violating people's civil rights to this extent. There are certain people in this country that are unfortunately rarely if ever held accountable for their crimes.
Moving forward, there should be at least be a law that all federal prosecutors need to seek prior approval from the president -- before they seek to bring any charges against someone they know is close to the president...
I agree. ... :cool:

We elected our wonderful Pres.Trump to rule over us.

So we need to obey him and jail those who disagree.

Don't you mean King Trump.
I decided to mention the name Jessie Liu because Trumpers are usually behind the curve on who they are supposed to hate next.....

Remember her name.....because she will be one of the next people Trumpers are trained to hate....even tho as I pointed out in this OP -- Trump appointed her himself....
White House withdraws nomination of ex-U.S. attorney Jessie Liu to Treasury post

About 20 yrs or so ago, a little town in Texas made national news...that town was called Tulia, Tx...in a town like Tulia, the police there many times have as much power to convict as the prosecutor -- this was especially true for Tom Coleman, the rogue police officer whose uncorroborated testimony led to the arrest of 46 people -- all of those people were convicted and sent to prison (a combined 434 yrs in prison sentences) -- luckily, those convictions were overturned when it was proven that the prosecutors and corrupt cop Tom Coleman framed these people....did any of these prosecutors and law enforcement go to prison for what happened?? Nope...

"The White House has withdrawn the nomination of former U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu for a top post at the Treasury Department, CBS News has confirmed. Liu was previously the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, where she oversaw the prosecutions of Trump associate Roger Stone, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort...[Chuck Grassley's office lobbied Trump to not nominate Liu because of unhappiness with Flynn prosecution, Trump ignored them...but changed his mind once he found out about Stone's sentencing]"

So now that we have another case of prosecutors framing an innocent man -- what should we do about these prosecutors who framed this man?? Now some of these prosecutors resigned once Trump foiled their evil plot -- but more needs to be done...they need to be put in prison for their role in framing Roger Stone -- if these prosecutors aren't sent to jail, it sends a message to other prosecutors that they too can frame innocent people and suffer no consequences. So what should we do about Jessie Liu? How many years in prison should she and the others who prosecuted Stone get?? And why stop at just them -- the prosecutors in the Manafort case, the prosecutors in the Flynn case, Maria Butina, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, Michael Cohen -- all of these prosecutors in these cases should be put in prison --- well, except for Lev and Cohen, they need to be in prison for not being loyal to Trump....

Moving forward, there should at least be a law that all federal prosecutors need to seek prior approval from the president -- before they seek to bring any charges against someone they know is close to the president...for freedom..

Clearly anyone who prosecutes anyone Trump knows but is not yet on his enemies list should go to jail.
White House withdraws nomination of ex-U.S. attorney Jessie Liu to Treasury post

About 20 yrs or so ago, a little town in Texas made national news...that town was called Tulia, Tx...in a town like Tulia, the police there many times have as much power to convict as the prosecutor -- this was especially true for Tom Coleman, the rogue police officer whose uncorroborated testimony led to the arrest of 46 people -- all of those people were convicted and sent to prison (a combined 434 yrs in prison sentences) -- luckily, those convictions were overturned when it was proven that the prosecutors and corrupt cop Tom Coleman framed these people....did any of these prosecutors and law enforcement go to prison for what happened?? Nope...

"The White House has withdrawn the nomination of former U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu for a top post at the Treasury Department, CBS News has confirmed. Liu was previously the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, where she oversaw the prosecutions of Trump associate Roger Stone, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort...[Chuck Grassley's office lobbied Trump to not nominate Liu because of unhappiness with Flynn prosecution, Trump ignored them...but changed his mind once he found out about Stone's sentencing]"

So now that we have another case of prosecutors framing an innocent man -- what should we do about these prosecutors who framed this man?? Now some of these prosecutors resigned once Trump foiled their evil plot -- but more needs to be done...they need to be put in prison for their role in framing Roger Stone -- if these prosecutors aren't sent to jail, it sends a message to other prosecutors that they too can frame innocent people and suffer no consequences. So what should we do about Jessie Liu? How many years in prison should she and the others who prosecuted Stone get?? And why stop at just them -- the prosecutors in the Manafort case, the prosecutors in the Flynn case, Maria Butina, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, Michael Cohen -- all of these prosecutors in these cases should be put in prison --- well, except for Lev and Cohen, they need to be in prison for not being loyal to Trump....

Moving forward, there should at least be a law that all federal prosecutors need to seek prior approval from the president -- before they seek to bring any charges against someone they know is close to the president...for freedom..
President Trump Starts to Drain the Swamp, Yanks Liu.

Trump has now learned the details of what is going on inside one Justice Department office, the D.C. United States Attorney’s office. He also learned details about people who accepted appointments in his administration and took their jobs while holding their noses.

This was the week that Trump got his sea-legs. He campaigned on draining the swamp, and he has learned how subtle and how sophisticated the swamp is.


Though Trump was most aggravated with Liu not clamping down on the outrageous sentencing recommendations of her staff in the Roger Stone case, there was a long list of other concerns that made it clear to the President the extent of ideological weaponization across the Justice Department.

Let’s start with Roger Stone for now.

Liu’s so-called “career prosecutors” devised a sentencing recommendation of nine years in prison for behavior that became commonplace anytime former Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before Congress under oath.

Lest we forget, Holder was found in criminal contempt of Congress in a bipartisan 255-67 vote. Back then, most House Democrats didn’t find contempt of Congress to be an impeachable offense. Don't forget, House Democrats marched off the floor during the Holder contempt vote.

This nicely illustrates the central theme that has animated Trump’s impeachment, Justice Department investigations of Trump, Liu’s yank, and the entire political saga of the last three years.

Jessie Liu. (U.S. Justice Department photo).​

Justice is no longer blind. Investigations, charges, and even prison terms depend on the ideological views of the targets.

If you are a friend of the President, the Justice Department “career lawyers” will do all they can to find venue in the District of Columbia where they know a rabid population of Democrat jurors will do all they can to send you to Big Sandy.

If you doubt me, you haven’t heard of Tomeka Hart, the nasty partisan jury foreman in Stone’s trial who should have never been on the jury in the first place.

The Scales of Justice come in two versions, one for Democrats and one for Trump.

Let's examine those Justice Department “career lawyers.”

It is now plain that “career lawyer” isn’t a euphemism for unbiased and impartial. It’s exactly the opposite. It usually means Democrat, leftist, elitist, culturally hostile to middle America and feverishly anti-Trump.

Justice Department “career lawyers” are highly skilled at finding reasons to kill cases against cabinet officials who disclose top secret information, put State Department emails on private servers or who lie on FISA warrant applications. The lessons learned in Ivy League law schools are put to good use in developing plausible excuses to avoid any grand jury presentations - at least plausible excuses to the Washington Post and now bankrupt McClatchy.

After all, did any of the "career lawyers" bring the Holder criminal contempt findings to a grand jury? Did former US Attorney Jessie Liu agree or disagree with their inactivity?

These are some of the unanswered questions that lead to a President yanking a nomination.

When the target is Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, or dozens of Trump campaign officials who were served with grand jury subpoenas, by golly have the “career lawyers” got an argument in favor of action.

This is what the President began to realize was happening at the United States Attorney office in the District of Columbia – biased justice.

It wasn’t just the Trump campaign being targeted for unequal justice by the US Attorney’s office.

It was the sweetheart deal for the Awan brothers, the dynamic duo who worked for Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who may have been involved in foreign espionage when they stole data from House email servers.

It was the manipulated outcome in another national security matter involving Democrat senate intelligence staffer James Wolfe who leaked secret data to his girlfriend. Liu actually signed off of that plea personally, joined by “career attorneys” Jocelyn Ballantine and Tejpal Chawla. For lying to the FBI, Wolfe got 2 months. For the same behavior, Liu’s “career prosecutors” recommended 9 years.

It was the non-prosecution for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for lying to investigators about his media leaks.

It was the collusion with Mueller’s special prosecutors in allowing them to punt the Ukraine-related prosecution of Obama lawyer Greg Craig to Liu’s shop. Mueller and his team avoided an embarrassing prosecution of an Obama pal and Liu’s “career lawyers” prosecuted the case in D.C. Not surprisingly a D.C. jury acquitted Craig.

It was failing to aggressively prosecute the radical #resist leftists who sought to disrupt the inauguration even though James O’Keefe successfully recorded them plotting the violence.

And most notably, it was a 9-year sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone by four “career lawyers” in Liu’s office.

All of it, all of the biased Justice, led to Trump yanking her nomination.

Meanwhile, institutionalists, including some Republicans too cowardly to be quoted by name, have gone on record as clutching their pearls at Trump’s actions. They want the bureaucrats to be unmoored to the executive branch.

The “career lawyers” at the Justice Department did not stand for election and win. The entire Department should take note. There is a unitary executive. Elections matter. The President ran against the elites who are dispensing biased, sanctimonious unequal justice in Washington D.C.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that he is keeping his promises.


Everyone knew Trump would keep his promises.

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